posted on Dec, 10 2011 @ 01:24 PM
Aloha ATS
Long time lurker here and I figured it was about time I jumped on-board ATS, so here is my little introduction. I'm pretty much a UFO conspiracy /
general conspiracy freak (in a good way).
I'm also very interested in topics on science and alternative energy!
I'm a producer, musician, web designer, and multimedia production is one of my biggest passions. Besides health, my main goal in life is producing
conscious solution based productions and doing my part in helping the world out in anyway I can.
It seems more people are finally waking up and are aware of the critical time in history we are in. I would just like to say no matter how hopeless
things seem and regardless of the challenges we all got to keep trying our butts to be apart of the solution and not the problem.
I am well aware that this is easier said then done!
I truly believe we can find the solution's.
I would like to thank ATS and all its members and for creating this amazing platform and giving me countless hundreds of hours of thought provoking
discussions which I have enjoyed immensely!
I got some projects I'm apart of that I cant wait to share with ATS and they are coming as soon as I do 19 more post
Looking forward chatting with everyone!
Seti Orion
edit on 10-12-2011 by setiorion because: grammer