posted on Dec, 10 2011 @ 10:49 AM
reply to post by baddmove
He's our former govenor of Louisiana.
He's useless. To be honest with you, I'll put it this way...
You ever lived in a state for 8 years and hear absolutly nothing about your govenor and what's being done for your state?
now... Enter Buddy Roemer... Ta Da! He's all talk and no work. He was probably one of the most Bass Achkwards gov's we've had.. oh wait.. we
had one worse! Kathrin... Our last former gov. She shoulda got sucked up and out to sea durring katrina... Money hungry, food stealing, lieing,
puppeteering, nieve, idot, ignorant hag of a woman who did nothing short to us hurricane victims than what Bill Clinton did to Monica with a Cigar!
The best Govenor we've had here was Edwin Edwards... and he was a crook! lol But he was a caring crook! He actually HELPED Louisianians.
Look, I dont pretend that Louisiana isnt a racist lot when it comes down to it.. racist but not outwardly and not hurtfull, least not in our little
part of La. Each side is racist, yet there is an understanding of one another in some part. Sorry folks, I didnt make it that way, it just IS that
YET, we got so tired of our govenors, that we actually voted in a guy who looks like he just flew in from India. Go figure... And he's actually
doing something for Louisiana! It took all those years, all those govenors to get to one guy who's not even considered "ok" in racial terms... And
we vote him over our own "supposed cajun" blooded people for govenor... and we like him!
Just a lil insight to my native state.