posted on Dec, 21 2011 @ 12:44 AM
When I heard about this it reminded me of the American accusations of Australian racism over some TV ads or celebrity comments. Thing is the
accusations were based on American stereotypes being perceived within said ads or comments and the racism DID NOT EXIST. We Australians were
laughing hard at America's sensitivities.
This is sort of the same thing. You guys have to get it into your heads, the whole world is NOT constantly thinking about America and looking towards
you for inspiration or ideas. Honestly at this point it would be quite the opposite and if anyone but Ron Paul gets into office in 2012, America
should be thoroughly ignored. Otherwise I wish the American people all the best in getting their country back on track once you elect Senator Paul.
So no, the building does not remind me of 9/11, I don't think about 9/11 unless an American brings it up.