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The one Paragraph story. Edited Rules

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posted on Oct, 8 2004 @ 02:13 AM
"We must take John back to the field office to see if we can 'coax' any information out of him. Maybe the threat of his family will be sufficient to break any memory barriers he may have for us." States one of the agents.

posted on Jan, 17 2005 @ 12:46 PM
"Maybe..." The men walk into a resturaunt just across the street. "Smith, find out who this man's family is, and where they are presently living." The agents order decaf coffee, black, and continue to discuss their plans. "This man must be dealt with immediately in order to prevent the worst."

[edit on 1/17/2005 by diehard_democrat]

posted on Jan, 17 2005 @ 09:53 PM
Smith retuned to the restaurant, and ordered milk from the red head behind the counter his ulcers had been acting up again. He was hopping this to be his last assignment; his health had been deteriorating since the South American project. Yeap he thought to him self as he sat down at the table, this is my last one as he slide the dossier across to his partners.

I hope this is in line, being a rookie to this forum

posted on Jan, 18 2005 @ 08:46 PM
The agents order their coffe and proceed to casually (or what seems so) look at the dossier. As they are formulating a plan of assult on Johns mind, John himself is now being transferred to a secure location by another team of agents.

In the monitoring station, a rustle of equipment can be heard in the dimly lit room of computer consoles. A Shoghi GSM Interceptor is among the equipment. Upon lifting this device a shadowy face grins slightly and mumbles "This ain't like 'Bourne Supremacy', this is the real gear.

posted on Jan, 19 2005 @ 03:23 PM
I don't mean to be picky (ok, maybe just a little) but isn't that two paragraphs?

posted on Jan, 24 2005 @ 02:50 AM
Well, technically it was... but whos gonna arrest me?

Come on guys - this needs you're support!

posted on Feb, 21 2005 @ 06:52 PM
Ed Nickols sat listening to the message left on his machine. John Knew. but how much he wasn't sure. He lifted the receiver on his phone and hit the speed dial. Without waiting for the person on the other end to speak he said, "I don't care how you do it, take his skin off in strips for all I care, but find out what he knows." Then he placed the phone back in its cradle.

posted on Jun, 16 2005 @ 09:20 PM
I seems that this died quickly, although we have over 1000 views and only 26 replies. I feel a bump coming along....

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