The Magical State of New Jersey [WTB]
A short story about what is my beef!
I grew up in the state of New Jersey, a steaming pile of corruption and filth the likes you have never seen before. This state was never anything but
a headache and more for me. There is not a single memory in that place that is either pleasant or happy. There is no soul in New Jersey. If it was a
person, it would be one of those CEO’S of Enron or AIG. This state is the foulest state that exists in the entire Union, and considering that
Washington, DC and California are a part of this Union, well that is saying something! The only state that may be worse, MAY be, is California, I
don’t know since I have never lived there, but I lived other places and New Jersey is by far the worse. Now growing up I didn’t know all this. To
me, it was my home. It was all I had known except the occasional visit to my Grandparent’s home in Philadelphia. Though, even then I was glad to be
leaving the state of New Jersey to go to an exciting city. It was more about the “different” then a statement about the state of New Jersey
because I didn’t know all the aforementioned downsides to my home state. All I can say is that after all these years I am convinced that New Jersey
is a vortex of negativity that will permeate every inch of anything good and turn it rotten and sour, and like myself, bitter. As bitter and cold as
New Jersey in the midst of January.
This isn’t to say that all of the people are corrupt or evil, only those who hold office, work for the state, or work on the police force fall into
that category. It certainly didn’t surprise me that the current Governor of New Jersey was going to run for President. Given the track record of the
Presidents and the absolute corruption of the Governor’s office in said state, it should be a given! The rest of the population is just normal
people trying to make a living against all the odds, which are severely stacked against the normal populace. And a majority of them are nice and
congenial enough; after all, I have friends and family still there. But, the power structure of that state is just corrupt to the core, and greedy as
all get out. The cost of living in New Jersey, you ask? Well, that is another issue altogether. Let’s just let it be known that if you don’t make
a six figure salary, you probably would be on the street, well unless you know how to manipulate the welfare system. Oh yeah we got a lot of main
streeters there who are quite well-versed in fooling the welfare system, but not nearly as many as you’d imagine. Most of the people are hard
working and very ethical. Yet New Jersey would strip them of their assets to provide for a few lazy slobs on welfare even though actually the
government has cut those funds. Yes, our taxes go up, while funds are cut for these programs, oh but not for the queens of welfare, no, when they cut,
it only involves those who are just trying to get a hand up. Those other types, well their stuff never gets cut, no they have to cut the applications
taken or approvals. It’s a giant criminal enterprise abusing the taxpayer, because when a real worker needs the help, they are denied, but they
never stop drawing their revenues off our checks. Oh and then they go and give it to that horrendous show Jersey Shore! WHAT??? Ugh they are smoking
crack up there! I am so glad that took place well after I left!
What’s worse, these stupid Hollywood films that make New Jersey out to be some kind of Magical Kingdom like Disneyland or some other such horse
pucky. You don’t know what I am talking about? Well for example how about “13 going on 30”? (IMDB, 2004) And how about “The Family Man”?
(IMDB, 2000) I blame these dumb movies for attracting more of the dregs of society to an already hostile state. And the list goes on and on! These are
just two examples! Just check it out:
Mainly they attracted the Rap singers. Well you can guess what kind of following came after those. Heck, even Whitney Houston turned into a crack head
once she moved her and her crack dealing rap star into New Jersey. Deplorable. All those rap songs glorifying sex and hoes; guns and drugs, well like
I said most of the main street folk were normal, now-a- days, well not so much anymore. I hate the thought of even visiting there. My life was a
veritable horror story, a literal purgatory when I lived there. Maybe even felt like a death sentence, I certainly know enough people living there
still that feel this way. I am so glad to have left that state, apparently at exactly the right time, too, as it was not half as bad then as it is
now. To those still there, My deepest sympathy to you guys, I will pray for your souls to be released!
IMDB. (2004, April 23). 13 Going On 30. Retrieved December 7, 2011, from IMDB:
IMDB. (2000, December 22). The Family Man. Retrieved December 7, 2011, from IMDB: