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Are dogs the new weapon of choice for young people?

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posted on Dec, 7 2011 @ 09:59 PM

Are dogs the new weapon of choice for young people?

The number of dangerous dogs being seized by the police has soared as young people increasingly use them as 'weapons', rather than carrying knives.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Dec, 7 2011 @ 09:59 PM
This is a moral dilemma on both sides of the Atlantic and everywhere else, the use of dogs as protection in everyday life and breeding to fight and sell on the underground market

Reply from a DM post,

I recently had a few hours in the pub with a dog-handler from an urban police force.

He told me that the situation is definitely worsening - people keep these dogs for status and also for breeding for fighting (linked to gambling). Very often they use these dogs to 'big themselves up' and situations get out of hand.

Young scum-bags (of all races, ) think nothing of getting their dog to shred peoples' pet dogs for kicks - and film it whilst it happens.

He reckons his German Shepherd would last about 5 minutes against an American Pit Bull and about 10 mins against a Staffordshire terrier trained to fight. He also said that the poor little lass killed in Liverpool a couple of years ago had her head bitten off in less than 2 minutes.

He reckons the only thing to stop a dog like that once it gets going is a metal bar or a big knife.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Dec, 7 2011 @ 10:01 PM
This seems to be a reaction to the state control of other weapons.

People feel they need protection, and they take whatever legal avenues they can.

I have a dog. He's a sweetheart, and wouldn't hurt a soul when I take him out.

But if someone broke into my house...

It's all about how you train your animal.

I have no problem with people using dogs as defensive tools, but they should make sure they nurture and train them well. Teaching a dog to kill is never ok.

posted on Dec, 7 2011 @ 10:03 PM
reply to post by Droidinvoid

A metal bar will not stop a staffy let alone a pitbull. You can crack a metal bar over the head of a staffy and all you will do is piss it off on epic proportions. So that dog-handler from an urban police force doesn't really know what he's talking about. Even with a knife the chances of the dog latching onto your arm are extremely high and they won't just latch on they will tear it off or into pieces. You'll be better of with a sword or a gun, but you'll need enough ammo and a good shot with a gun. Many pitbulls have been shot numerous times and can still fight like lions, i even remember seeing a video of a pitbull taking on a full sized bull and im not talking about a dog. Easy to see why youths are attracted to them.

For the record I love all dogs especially staffs and pitbulls and even owned one in the past, loved that dog like my own son, they are great dogs and so loyal, great companions. I do feel truly sad for the dogs who are mistreated and bread to fight although it's not limited to staffs or pits, ive seen rockies and all sorts.

edit on 7/12/11 by Unrivaled1 because: (no reason given)

edit on 7/12/11 by Unrivaled1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 7 2011 @ 10:24 PM
when i walk my pitbull around the block children run into their homes screaming

posted on Dec, 7 2011 @ 10:25 PM

Originally posted by Unrivaled1
reply to post by Droidinvoid

A metal bar will not stop a staffy let alone a pitbull. You can crack a metal bar over the head of a staffy and all you will do is piss it off on epic proportions. So that dog-handler from an urban police force doesn't really know what he's talking about. Even with a knife the chances of the dog latching onto your arm are extremely high and they won't just latch on they will tear it off or into pieces. You'll be better of with a sword or a gun, but you'll need enough ammo and a good shot with a gun. Many pitbulls have been shot numerous times and can still fight like lions, i even remember seeing a video of a pitbull taking on a full sized bull and im not talking about a dog. Easy to see why youths are attracted to them.

For the record I love all dogs especially staffs and pitbulls and even owned one in the past, loved that dog like my own son, they are great dogs and so loyal, great companions. I do feel truly sad for the dogs who are mistreated and bread to fight although it's not limited to staffs or pits, ive seen rockies and all sorts.

edit on 7/12/11 by Unrivaled1 because: (no reason given)

edit on 7/12/11 by Unrivaled1 because: (no reason given)

There are many cases of people defeating dogs with less. Once you understand how joints and muscles work and how to tweak them by multiplying leverage alot can be accomplished. And the bar would have been used in such a manner otherwise he would have said to use a club.

Here are some pics of what they use in Africa. This would definitely need more than a metal bar or knife

P.s. sorry that is the only link I could find to the pics.

edit on 7-12-2011 by scoobdude because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 7 2011 @ 10:38 PM
The only reason this article was made was to make you fear, FEAR FEAR FEAR, fear your mail it could have poison in it, fear your neighbor they could be terrorist, fear teens walking their pets they could attack you.

posted on Dec, 7 2011 @ 10:38 PM
I am a dog lover. I find the "training" if you would call it that of dogs to be "killers" repulsive, and immoral. we should rehabilitate the dog, and euthanize the owner. There are no bad dogs only bad owners. A "killer" dog is a poorly socialized, mal-adjusted, unhappy creature. It is the product if mistreatment, abuse, and neglect, not "training."

Great Danes are my heart breed. Not because they are intimidating, or mean, or good fighters, etc... They are loving, gentle, loyal to the death, and trusting when properly socialized, and trained. There is no need to "make" a dog mean intentionally. Nature tells them to protect their pack. Love them, and you will be their pack, no "training" needed. A bully was picking on one of my boys in the park one day, and my Dane "Ismo" just gave him a look that would melt steel, and the kid took off. No violence needed, just an evil eye from a 160lb Dane. If you threatened him, or his pack(my family) yes he would, and could hurt you, and bad, but it is not his primary nature. He's a fighter only because he's a lover first. He is also predictable, and controllable, unlike these so called "trained" killer dogs. If he over-reacts, a mild correction from his handler is all that is needed, and he settles down. I have owned rotties, german shepherds, and malamutes also, all wonderful dogs, not a mean bone one as long as your intentions were good. If your intentions were not so good I have never seen any of them back down when aggression was appropriate, no "training" needed.

posted on Dec, 7 2011 @ 11:02 PM

Originally posted by biggmoneyme
when i walk my pitbull around the block children run into their homes screaming

When I walk my staffy kids come up to me and ask if they can pet him. Old ladies often smile when we walk by. These people are not ruined by the MSM stereotypes, they see my dog for what he really is - a tail wagging happy go lucky kind of fellow.

posted on Dec, 7 2011 @ 11:27 PM
I would prefer to carry a firearm, but I guess if I was an underaged thug who needed protection, I'd go with a knife.

posted on Dec, 7 2011 @ 11:35 PM
this is simply a hit piece. this has been going on for a long LONG time where do you think the name PITT BULL comes from. fighting bulls ... I don't understand the reasoning behind it other than the police are afraid of them and want to make it illegal to own any large breed ... I have seen German shepherds take on rotties pitts and whoop them shepherds are smart dogs they don't mess around.

just and FYI if you find yourself in a situation where a dog any dog is attacking you shove your hand down its throat I have done this personally and it will work every time...

punish the owners and not the dogs...

posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 12:31 AM
I've said once, if not a thousand times "when another dog mauls a dog of mine, I'm dissecting the owner." My neighbors take me seriously, and that's what matters.

posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 12:51 AM

Originally posted by cripmeister

Originally posted by biggmoneyme
when i walk my pitbull around the block children run into their homes screaming

When I walk my staffy kids come up to me and ask if they can pet him. Old ladies often smile when we walk by. These people are not ruined by the MSM stereotypes, they see my dog for what he really is - a tail wagging happy go lucky kind of fellow.

my dog is just like any other dog. he's friendly and when he mets someone new he gets on his belly and crawls towards them like a puppy. he just looks intimidating and he's really powerful. i wouldn't leave him alone with a small child.

posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 02:40 AM
reply to post by TupacShakur

I would prefer not to carry my dog too. He's massive. A dog is not a bad idea for defense. They afford a large psychological advantage, and they are legal in to have in the open in public in all 50 states. A large predator speaks deeper to the psyche than a tool does. Tools are fairly recent in human evolution, and our higher brain tells us to be scared of them. Our primitive, or reptilian brain tell us to be scared of large predators. Fangs, claws, and a gut wrenching growl says "back off" very effectively. The wracking of a round in the chamber of a firearm does too, but it takes more observation on the intruder's part to put 2&2 together. Plus a dog would give your attacker some distraction while you were lining up your shot.


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