posted on Sep, 6 2004 @ 11:39 PM
Ok, so I'm driving to work and I'm listening to Sean Hannity, the conservative talk radio host...I hear something sad. Before I tell you, I want to
make it clear that this isn't a Kerry bashing thread...maybe some of his less intelligent supporters..but more of a PEOPLE bashing thread.
Sean had a correspondant (sp?) in Time Square who was RANDOMLY getting people to talk with Sean... Anyway, he would ask them questions about who they
were voting for. These people were generally between you'd think they wouldn't be stupid. YOU'D THINK.
First off, Sean was able to convince the first man that the person running against Bush's name was "John Kerney" with his running mate "Stew Ped"
(gotta love hannity...unless you're liberal
). Anyway, after convincing him (Well, it didn't take much convincing...all he said was "You mean
John Kerny?) he asked who the man was voting for. The man says, "John Kerney". Hannity asks "And name one thing that he stands for that you
support". The man has no idea. He just stands there " I dunno!". Then he (The man) said "You know Bush was havin' dinner the night of
9/11 with bin-ladens brother." Hannity: "Oh really? He was having dinner with Bin-laden!?" The man: "Yeah man...." Hannity: "Where did you
hear this" The man: "I's on the internet and stuff man..." Hannity: "Well, you got me..I'm changing my vote!" (He was joking, of
Anyway, he goes on interviewing more people saying "And what do you think of Kerney's running mate "Stew Ped"? ...One person caught that.. ONE
PERSON. He would ask them what our vice presidents name was...I think one person knew that as well. They were all voting for kerry (Except the
police men he talked to who knew all the names and answers to his questions), and each one, when asked why they're voting for "Kerny", did not
know! THEY DID NOT KNOW! One person knew why..barely. He said "His environmental policies". When asked WHICH policies...they guy didn't know.
This is seriously sad. These people didn't even KNOW why they were voting for him! What are we coming to?
[Edited on 6-9-2004 by Herman]