You are 100%. I have a thread here - Can your TV be used as a camera to Watch you?
where we have lots of good information on all the ways tracking is possible. Its amazing how easy and how overlooked this tracking ability is. And
most are 'OK' with it. But as your OP states: the only thing to really do about it is to not have it!
Anything on a network, anything plugged in even. There are no secrets anymore.
So many people are obsessed with i phones. I hate them and would never get one. I hate even having a mobile, i only have one at the moment for work
purposes,its an old school Nokia, but i never have it with me and as soon as i dont need it i will be glad to see the back of it!!
I should say having posted this that both my wife and I have iPhones, Gmail Accounts, and Facebook. I also Beta test for both Apple and Google. I
personally have nothing to hide, but it is still disturbing.
edit on 5-12-2011 by FreeThePeople because: (no reason given)
For every security firm, there's an ex disgruntled security employee.
RF Chips have already been decoded. The RF Chip Manufacturer has alrerady been told to scrap the first 500 million chips. They're going in animals
to save the investment. No ones going to worry about animal implants.
Humans? Well Yeah...........
Game on.
I'm not one of the guys involved either. I just read a lot.