posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 08:46 PM
I am a long time lurker and I just created an account this evening. This is my first post as well! There is a plethora of impressive intellectual
discussions here. I am most interested in Illuminati/NWO.
I'm not sure if this should be directed to the ATS mods....while I was creating my reply, directions came up titled "Before You Reply, make every
post matter" the sentence following the heading "Respect:" currently reads: "Give credit where credit is due, please do not paste entire pieces
content from other sites, privide a short salient snippet and link to the source." I believe the word "of" should come after "entire" and
provide (privide) is spelled incorrectly.
I was not pointing this out to be disrespectful in any way....I have personal issues with grammar, spelling and sentence structure....anyone feel free
to correct
Thank you in advance for welcoming me to the site!