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France Tells Monsanto to Get Lost

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posted on Dec, 6 2011 @ 07:01 AM

Originally posted by Skewed
Why don't people start burning these crops right after they are planted.
Actually wait until the crops are 2-3 months old so it would be too late to start another crop.

Or if burning their fields is a little to over the top for some, how about turning their fields into one big crop circle.

edit on 5-12-2011 by Skewed because: (no reason given)

Maybe because people's livelihoods are at stake? It's easy for you to say burn the crops but if you're the farmer and it's your source of income for the year I doubt you'd be so cavalier about it.

posted on Dec, 6 2011 @ 07:37 AM

Originally posted by TheComte

Originally posted by Skewed
Why don't people start burning these crops right after they are planted.
Actually wait until the crops are 2-3 months old so it would be too late to start another crop.

Or if burning their fields is a little to over the top for some, how about turning their fields into one big crop circle.

edit on 5-12-2011 by Skewed because: (no reason given)

Maybe because people's livelihoods are at stake? It's easy for you to say burn the crops but if you're the farmer and it's your source of income for the year I doubt you'd be so cavalier about it.

I think burning the crops is the best option, they won't plant these seeds if they risk the crops being burnt down.
edit on 6-12-2011 by L00kingGlass because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 6 2011 @ 07:54 AM
This is great news! Hopefully, others will also tell the seed monsters just what they can do! I've always heard people say that the face of the beast shall always become known. Though I believe the origin is biblical, I'm not promoting any religious belief, I'm just saying.

And Monsanto has, along with others, has presented itself to be a monster of all monsters.

posted on Dec, 6 2011 @ 08:16 AM
reply to post by TheComte

Sometimes you have to break a few eggs.

I wish people would realize that in order to fix this mess, some people will be inconvenienced, some will lose money, there is a whole list of things that the "innocent bystander" may find coming their way. It does suck, it truly does, but in order make things happen some people will be a causality. If the greater good dictates that something be done, then do it, even if it means a little inconvenience to a small group of people. I know I am willing to be the casualty, if at the end of the day it makes things better all around. Knowledge is power and as long as I know what is going on, I can adapt to any situation to nullify any affects as much as possible.

This garbage is how they are winning, they create situations so that no matter what the solution would be, someone will get hurt. That is their plan to keep us doing nothing at all out of fear of hurting our neighbors in the process.

People need to start looking at the bigger picture and focus on that rather than a few inconveniences. This is war and as soon as people start realizing that, the better.

Also, if it were those poor poor farmers only trying to make a buck then they get what they get. If they are using monsanto seeds, regardless of who owns it, it deserves to be burnt. Whether Monsanto grows it himself or some other farmer plants his seeds, it is still Monsanto and needs to be destroyed. Just because my neighbor farmer grows it does not make it any better and justify giving them a break. At the end of the day it is still Monsanto.

Personally I could not give a rats ass about someones lively hood that deals out poison, let them go broke. Although sometimes well placed, this bleeding heart crap is getting old.

edit on 6-12-2011 by Skewed because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 6 2011 @ 08:39 AM
Monsanto is just a gun in the hands of the elitists who are planning on thinning and controlling the world population through famine.

posted on Dec, 6 2011 @ 08:44 AM

Originally posted by RealAmericanPatriot
Monsanto is just a gun in the hands of the elitists who are planning on thinning and controlling the world population through famine.

And as I see it, Monsanto is one that we the people can have a direct impact on. His presence is a little harder to hide and his product is right under our noses and within our reach in our daily lives. We probably drive by a field of his garbage on a daily basis. As long as the American people do not mind being called a terrorist, rebel or insurgent, Monsanto is a very easy obstacle to remove.

posted on Dec, 6 2011 @ 11:59 AM
Monsanto is quickly becoming a force of nature.

Europe, and the US, and well....pretty much the whole world is about to go up in flames financially speaking.

Monsanto can buy and sell France in their sleep. Good luck frenchies, unless you can resurrect Napoleon to get the masses to take Monsanto by force, they will have their way with France.

"God sides on the side with the best artillery" - Napoleon Bonaparte

Right now, I'd say Monsanto has pretty damn good artillery.

posted on Dec, 6 2011 @ 12:16 PM
For a small cheer up, ever heard of the Volunteer Reapers ? They call for civil desobedience and destroy Monsanto's test fields. It's an offense of course. They usually get caught and they look for it as it is a way to give media coverage to the issue.

Sometimes they even beat Monsanto at the legal game : GM crop saboteurs go free in France

posted on Dec, 6 2011 @ 02:24 PM
reply to post by Corruption Exposed

The French get a bad rap in America and I have never truly understood why. They stick to there guns in the modern era and I am glad that they took the proper measures. It seems that Europe is more awake at the steering wheel than North America right now on some of these concerns and issues.

posted on Dec, 6 2011 @ 02:41 PM

Originally posted by alfa1

Originally posted by Corruption Exposed
You must have missed the WHOLE first paragraph:
I hope that helped clear things up for you Turbo

Oh I read it allright, I even took the time to read some other articles on the topic before posting.
You're speaking of possible maybe's relating to promises of politicians.
I'm talking about actual facts that have actually happened, as by law.

I'll see your politician talk, and raise you a Fait Accompli.

Monsanto had a big win this week, and thats a fact.

Edit - just to be clear here, Sarkozy has NO authority under Euro law to ban GM food, no matter what he says.

edit on 5-12-2011 by alfa1 because: (no reason given)

Just letting everyone know who doesn't bother reading the first page of replies about how twisted and incorrect the OP was.

Monsanto had a big win this week, and thats a fact.

posted on Dec, 6 2011 @ 03:44 PM
Nice job my french friends , gotta keep that poison out of peoples' bodies .
Organic , naturally homegrown food is so much better for you in my opinion ...

posted on Dec, 6 2011 @ 04:14 PM
reply to post by balon0

It's funny you say that, while you managed to miss most the posts on the first page.

link you obviously missed from the first page, not counting the OP you obviously didn't read

you come in here talking about people not reading the first page when you obviously didn't bother.

Please explain to me how that is not a victory for the people? Once you actually take the time to read it of course

edit on 6-12-2011 by Corruption Exposed because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 6 2011 @ 07:42 PM

Originally posted by Ironclad

Originally posted by JustSlowlyBackAway

Originally posted by chiefsmom
Thanks for posting this.
The more countries I read about stopping them, the more hope I have that our own country may wake up and stand up.

Americans would wake up if they had the information. But as of now, labeling of produce or products that contain GMOs is prohibited. Yes. Against the law.

Monsanto feels, rightly, that labeling this crap would be like putting a skull and crossbones on it. Their quote.

So, we are forced by our crooked lawmakers in bed with agrobusiness to be kept in the dark and eat their poison.

Isn't that special?

It's illegal to make a company reveal it is using GMO on food packaging....

However, I do believe there's a loophole that states it isn't illegal to lable produce as having "no" GMO...

One way to beat them I

No, it's illegal. Find one. You will not be able to. The best you can do is download a non-GMO shopping guide or buy organic because by definition organic cannot be GMO.

There is a referendum going to be put on the ballot in California to force labeling, but it will be a fight. And it would only be in that state. For now.

When polled, 90 some % of people responded that they WOULD like that information to be available. Anyone have a guess why it is not? Right.

The insidious inclusion of GMOs is overwhelming. Over 93% of all soy, more than 90% of corn, canola (rapeseed), sugar beets, and various zucchini and summer squashes and acorn squash are already GM. Think of the factory foods that now include them.

I think it's deplorable that people have to do research in order to avoid them, or to know why they NEED to avoid them.

And it they get the GM alfalfa through, we're doomed. It will spread like wildfire and organic farmers who raise grass fed beef will no longer be able to keep contaminated feeds from their livestock. This is a chilling possibility that could end farmers' ability to raise organically raised animals of the feed is contaminated with GM.

This is a crisis.

posted on Dec, 6 2011 @ 10:17 PM
I recently told a hippie college girl that we should not tolerate genetically modified food. She laughed away, saying that nature improves things so why shouldn't man. The tricky thing is that Nature does improve things; but man usually falls short when it plays god.

Monsanto's GMO engineering has nothing to do with improving anything for the long-term, other than its own profits and power.

A lot of their patented seeds are engineered to kill off the soil so that only the patented seeds can grow in it... and likewise with the patented salmon they just released in the wild with killing of natural wild salmon.

GMOs could be the death of us... and that's without going into how GMOs tend to be carcinogenic.

posted on Dec, 7 2011 @ 01:08 AM
I was just on the thread about the arrogance and short sightedness of the Japanese in their determination to hunt endangered whales, but I guess I'd better address the American side of my heritage as well and say I am appalled and ashamed that such an evil entity from my country as Monsanto is arrogantly invading the world with its vile GMO products. I hope France and other untainted nations put up a hard fight. It's sad enough we here in the US are force fed this crap. It's a cancer within our country and a blight on our once beautiful farming heritage. I hate to see this blight spread to the rest of the world. I hope the French pride in their way of life and their beautiful farm country sees them past this evil invasion.

posted on Dec, 7 2011 @ 02:06 AM

Originally posted by Ironclad

It's illegal to make a company reveal it is using GMO on food packaging....

However, I do believe there's a loophole that states it isn't illegal to lable produce as having "no" GMO...

In France it is not illegal, it is obligatory to label foods containing or produced by OGM.
That applies to both foods destined for human or animal consumption.
The loophole here is that it doesn't cover foods produced through aid of OGMs- for example a chicken that has been fed OGM's does not have to be labelled so.
(law n°1829/2003/CE)
The french are very much into transparence, and value the rights of the people way over that of the corporations, in general.

From where I sit, it seems to me that the majority of the french are very much against OGM's, but I live in a rural area- much of the voice for it comes from the scientific community.

A majority of the communities in France have instilled local laws prohibiting culture of OGMs on their territory (16 out of 22). Most of them were judged invalid or annulled by prefects of the national government, proclaiming the mayors of communities do not have the right to prohibit the production of OGM's in their area (particularly do not have the right to use the police force in enforcing it).

So they lost their effort there, but it still illustrates how much of the population are against it. The war over this will most likely take place on the ground, locally, no matter what the politicians do and make lawful or not. The french don't hesitate to take action near them, and have already done many actions (destroying crops).

There were some agricultors who were for the introduction of OGMs, and had the right to plant them, but eventually chose not to, in respect of their clients and consumers who didn't. That choice was partly good business sense, but there is an aspect of cultural solidarity in France that I have posted about before that is at work too. Going against the crowd and being an independant maverick is not valued here, as it is in some countries.

Personally? I watch the people closer than I do the politicians in France, because they have the most power.

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