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What if the 'Alien Conspiracy', is a way of Disinformation in itself?

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posted on Sep, 6 2004 @ 03:06 PM
I was thinking to myself, what if the Alien Coverup is infact a Coverup of something far worse and unimaginable, what if it were used to lead the public's eye away from far worse things that have never really been touched upon by the public eye, or even imagined.

What if abductions are carried out by our own Governments for use in gentic experiments, or developing cures for our own man made diseases, or maybe we are being used as Human Guinea Pigs for weapions research, Weapons of Mass Destruction get far more lethal and deadly, what better way to distract the Public from there experiments than blaiming it all on 'Alien' contact, and handing the responsibility over to someone else??

Please write back any views, I really do think that this could be a plausable explanation.

posted on Sep, 7 2004 @ 12:19 AM
Reminds me of the motto: UFOs aren't being covered up, UFOs are the cover up.
I bet a lot of dodgy crap has been swept under the UFO carpet. Isn't that how the illusion of Majic works? Mis-direction.
Although I am sure that there have been legit sightings...the U in UFO is Unidentified, which is a large leap away from A for Alien.

[edit on 7-9-2004 by Zero Point]

posted on Sep, 7 2004 @ 04:32 AM

What if abductions are carried out by our own Governments for use in gentic experiments, or developing cures for our own man made diseases, or maybe we are being used as Human Guinea Pigs for weapions research, Weapons of Mass Destruction get far more lethal and deadly, what better way to distract the Public from there experiments than blaiming it all on 'Alien' contact, and handing the responsibility over to someone else??

I don't really think that this is a new idea at all, I think quite a few people
have come up with this idea many times, I'll find something for you and
post it.

posted on Sep, 7 2004 @ 04:45 AM

You could have a read here! Theres only a paragraph or so on it,
but your definitely not the first person to come up with this theory.

posted on Sep, 7 2004 @ 07:31 AM
Actually back in the days of project blue book, it was used basically as a tool of disinformation to shield the people on some of its plane research and keep the Russians guessing. I don't know of any link I saw it on Discovery or something like that a couple of years back.

posted on Sep, 7 2004 @ 09:28 AM
Of course, then this disinfo would have been started in caveman days, and through the Renaissance, etc. as numerous examples of ancient art depict UFOs, many of which are unmistakable as anything else but such flying discs....

posted on Sep, 7 2004 @ 10:48 AM

Originally posted by Gazrok
Of course, then this disinfo would have been started in caveman days, and through the Renaissance, etc. as numerous examples of ancient art depict UFOs, many of which are unmistakable as anything else but such flying discs.... to those that have seen and experienced, they sure did have to go to unbelievable means of realism for the aliens, the ships, the technology, the nursery labs....

posted on Sep, 7 2004 @ 11:06 AM
link to those that have seen and experienced, they sure did have to go to unbelievable means of realism for the aliens, the ships, the technology, the nursery labs....

Yes, but if one can manipulate a persons memory, then how much of a leap in logic is it to plant all that stuff. It's not like a place would be built to fool someone into thinking they were in an alien nursery, words and suggestion should be enough. Not that I entirely believe that ufos are the cover up. Just a thought.

posted on Sep, 7 2004 @ 11:26 AM
I totally agree with this theory. Fantastic stories of aliens visiting from outer space to shield the far less exciting story of NWO. I believe in most of the credible UFO sightings but believe these unidentified craft are from earth.

Still waiting for actual credible footage of intelligent alien life to turn me into a believer, and to be honest with the number of abduction stories around I would have thought it very probable lots of home video footage would be available just by dumb luck, at least of the actual abduction if not the pilots of these craft.

posted on Sep, 7 2004 @ 11:39 AM

Yes, but if one can manipulate a persons memory, then how much of a leap in logic is it to plant all that stuff. It's not like a place would be built to fool someone into thinking they were in an alien nursery, words and suggestion should be enough. Not that I entirely believe that ufos are the cover up. Just a thought.

Personally, I've seen enough for any shadow of a doubt to be vanished from my mind. Since that day, I've got an obsessive hobby on the subject, and strive to read every book, every document, and see every special, no matter how "out there" it is, so that I can compare everything, and come to my own logical conclusions.

Why would someone have manipulated my memory on my sighting? I've never made any effort to go "public" with it, so it seems like a lot of work for nothing. Not to mention, they would have had to do so with about a hundred other kids who had the same sighting at the time....and whom I saw every day before, and after the event, as they lived in the same military compound...
Nope, not buying it....
Not to mention, I wasn't aware such memory techniques were vastly employed on artists during the Renaissance? Perhaps I missed something in my research.....

posted on Sep, 7 2004 @ 11:48 AM
Sorry Gazrok, I meant soley with current abduction scenarios. Sightings are another matter. I really don't believe the gov't ARE the abductors thing. I just threw that out as a concept. Sightings going back to probably prehistory are out there, like the examples you cite. I only meant that the power of suggestion under hypnotic control should not be underestimated.

posted on Sep, 7 2004 @ 12:54 PM

I only meant that the power of suggestion under hypnotic control should not be underestimated.

Very are other ways, psychotropic drugs, sleep deprivation, etc. Same techniques employed by cults. Still, there's simply way too much pointing to alien visitation for years (decades, even centuries) prior to any active coverup program, thus making the idea of it simply being an NWO coverup, extremely unlikely at best....

posted on Sep, 7 2004 @ 01:01 PM

simply way too much pointing to alien visitation for years (decades, even centuries) prior to any active coverup program, thus making the idea of it simply being an NWO coverup, extremely unlikely at best....

I can't argue with the logic. What I think is possible plus suck at the same time: Some poor schmo getting abducted by the EBEs and then the Gov't snatches them up to gain what they can from it. What a mess up shell that would leave a person.

posted on Sep, 7 2004 @ 01:45 PM
Lets not forget the simlarity of these objects in Artwork/Stone Drawings/Tablets n Such.

They Pretty much look the same.

posted on Sep, 7 2004 @ 03:15 PM
yeah, maybe. It is a possibilty. But that is not far worse, and then that still doesn't explain the advanced tech. Anything is possible

posted on Sep, 7 2004 @ 03:52 PM
Thanks for the info madhatter, interesting reading
, cheers.
Im trying to find some legit info in my books and scan it up, dont wait up

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