posted on Dec, 4 2011 @ 03:34 PM
Millions of adults are bullied on a day by day basis by managers and must endure this for years.
My job was outsourced to India over a year ago (thank god) and I still nightmare about the 16 years I worked under various bullies.
Now, in addition to bullying is see when you are picked as "the target" everyone else goes along in order not to get picked
on them self.
Excellent book, highly recommend. "Mobbing: Emotional Abuse in the American Workplace" by Noa Davenport, Ruth D. Schwartz and Gail Pursell Elliott
Humans absolutely baffle me, when any two humans encounter each other they always have to decide who will be the dominant one...............why can't
everyone just play nice?
The concept of enjoying power over another or causing someone or some other entity pain is totally foreign to me.
And little bullies end up growing up to be big bullies and produce more bullies.
I've seen kid bullies and than seen their parents.............the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.