posted on Dec, 3 2011 @ 11:30 AM
some one started a post about a living earth, so i figure its time i posted this thought ive had on the systems of a livng earth
ive looked at it more, and its gotten more confusing, essentialy all plants and animals are part of the respitory system, because of their ability to
exchange gases, and regulate them. second animals also function as an immune system, a plant or animal will become cancerous to the earth if its
population becomes to high so there are herbivores to keep the plants in control, and carnivores to keep the herbivores in control. plants also serve
a purpose as the starting point for the energy to enter the system, so like a digestive system. they take the input energy(the sun which acts almost
like the planets food source) and convert it to a usable form, by making starches and sugar for the animals, so not quite like a typical digestive
tract in animals, but along an idea that is similar. finaly humans may have become cancerous for the moment, i dont know if we will be differnt, or if
we are actualy just serving another purpose. another thing we do is weve started to merge mopre with the liveing earth almost starting to act like
another brain, or a more advanced defense. if our technology continues to advance and we use it right, we may be able to deflect meteors from hitting
earth, we can geneticaly perserve speices that may go extinct. so we may be on the way to achiving a better relationship with a living earth.