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Sitchin, Atlantis, and gold mines??

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posted on Sep, 6 2004 @ 01:59 AM
According to Sitchin, the Annunaki created humans as slaves to work in there gold mines (anyone know where these might be located or a site that has info on them?). But that also, some of them breed with the human slaves, making a (and I'm assuming) slightly more intelligent and higher held version of human kind. But what I'd like to know is how Atlantis/Mu/Hyperboria fit in to all this. From what I've found, those civilizations were more advanced than the original slave ones (the sumerians). So were these civilizations comprised of the hybrid humans that were more intelligent or do they not fit in at all?

[edit on 6-9-2004 by mdcclxxvi]

posted on Sep, 6 2004 @ 05:14 AM

Good luck chapo

posted on Sep, 6 2004 @ 05:37 AM
Based on the only texts that are non-fiction about Atlantis, there's not much to denote a society any more advanced than that of Ancient Greece. The nonsense about lasers, death rays, etc. is the work of modern writers, not based on historical evidence.....

EDIT: Never really deciphered the name before...1776, neat...

[edit on 6-9-2004 by Gazrok]

posted on Sep, 6 2004 @ 10:01 AM

Originally posted by mdcclxxvi
According to Sitchin, the Annunaki created humans as slaves to work in there gold mines (anyone know where these might be located or a site that has info on them?).

I did some digging around Google, and came up with these, all of which mention Ancient Gold mines through Africa:

Ancient Ghana

Most of our knowledge of Ghana comes from Arab writers. Al-Hamdani, for example, describes Ghana as having the richest gold mines on earth. These were situated at Bambuk, on the upper Senegal River.

South Africa

Gold has long been the basis for South Africa's relative prosperity. At least half a million South Africans, including dependents and suppliers, rely on the industry. From ancient times to 1989, the South African mines produced more than 40% of all the gold that had ever been mined.

Zimbabwe (Rhodesia)

(This is quite interesting it regards the Phoenicians mining gold in Africa).

The largest stone ruins in all of Africa, south of the Sahara Desert, are those of Great Zimbabwe. These magnificent ruins are located on the plains between the Limpopo and Zambezi Rivers of present-day Zimbabwe. Curiously enough, Great Zimbabwe was not built on any river's shores. It is believed to have been built in closer proximity to a substantial gold mine, but there were far more compelling reasons for the chosen site of Great Zimbabwe. The plains were plentiful enough to support cattle and their seasonal grazing at lowland and upland locations. There was an ample supply of timber and fertile soil for cultivation, and a seemingly endless supply of game, especially elephants for their ivory. The most noteworthy reason for Great Zimbabwe's location was the strategic positioning for trade. The city stood at the head of a river valley and were positioned in just the right spot to exploit the trade between the coast and the goldfields of the interior.


Also relevant to the dating question are references to the ancient gold mines (which were quite sophisticated, incorporating horizontal tunnels as well as vertical shafts). In the 10th century AD, Masudi and Ibn Al Wardy wrote of gold being exported through the Arab trading post at Sofala � which lies on the coast just east of Great Zimbabwe. Earlier, the Alexandrian merchant Cosmas Indicopleustes (in his Topographia Christiana, 6th century AD) mentioned regular expeditions from Ethiopia to obtain gold from a country where winter occurred during Northern Hemisphere summer. Thus, even though the stone temple had probably not yet been constructed, it is quite possible that Zimbabwe was the ultimate source of the Sabaean gold wealth cited by Pliny the Elder (c. 70 AD) and by I Kings chapter 10. The East African coast was certainly part of the Sabaean empire, and expeditions even further south were well within the ability of the ship-builders and mariners of that era.

Nubia (Egypt & Sudan)


I hope at least some of that was helpful!

posted on Sep, 6 2004 @ 11:16 AM
Those articles did have some interesting information in them. Bascially I'm looking to see if there's any geographic evidence of Sitchin's claims. If the Annunaki were here, then there must be more than sumerian pre-cuneiform writing to show it. The whole debate about him is that he mistranslated all of the writing and is thus a fake, so there must be other forms of evidence of the Annunakis existence. I thought if we found gold mines that pre-dated any known civilazation, that would be a very large clue to support Sitchin's claims, since a gold mine woulnd't be to easy to hide unless it colapsed.

posted on Sep, 6 2004 @ 06:05 PM

Pardon the obvious trouble this website has with English. It's not about a gold mine, and the information is unreliable at best. (it talks about Carbon dating of stone tools, and doesn't cite sources for the dating of these mines at 40,000 BC.
They aren't goldmines either- it's an iron mine that contains a shiney iron compound of some sort which is used as a cosmetic. It caught my eye because I've heard it claimed that "serpents" in the book of genesis could more accurately be translated "shining ones". Can't back that up at the moment though.

I looked, but i couldn't find anything that seemed reliable with search engines about the world's oldest gold mines.

posted on Sep, 7 2004 @ 10:41 AM

Originally posted by mdcclxxvi
According to Sitchin, the Annunaki created humans as slaves to work in there gold mines (anyone know where these might be located or a site that has info on them?). But that also, some of them breed with the human slaves, making a (and I'm assuming) slightly more intelligent and higher held version of human kind. But what I'd like to know is how Atlantis/Mu/Hyperboria fit in to all this. From what I've found, those civilizations were more advanced than the original slave ones (the sumerians). So were these civilizations comprised of the hybrid humans that were more intelligent or do they not fit in at all?

[edit on 6-9-2004 by mdcclxxvi]

The gold donh't have any industrial/matalurgique valour---- is good

just for jewelry ...Why...BECAUSE the color.

The EBE don't need gold but CRYSRAL

regards chapo

PS The theory of Mr. HORBIGER is exactly like VELIKOVSKI theory

but now VELIKOVSKI is OK (mouvements of tectonic plaques ) ,

Mr. HORBIGER was a cosmographe and hes theory will be on the

table...10---20 years from now. YOU don't believe... go to CHILI

and PERU ! Very long for me to explain ALL...

regards chapo

posted on Sep, 7 2004 @ 11:30 PM

[edit on 12-9-2004 by Tamahu]

posted on Sep, 8 2004 @ 04:52 AM

Originally posted by Tamahu

Originally posted by Gazrok
Based on the only texts that are non-fiction about Atlantis, there's not much to denote a society any more advanced than that of Ancient Greece.

I'm confused.

You're not saying that there were no societies before Greece, that were were more advanced than Greece, are you???

I think Gazrok was specifically referring to Atlantis, in as much that there is no evidence to suggest that Atlantis was any more advanced than Greece was at the time.

posted on Sep, 8 2004 @ 08:12 AM

In oz, you find gold normally in quartz veins...

Maybe the EBE were after the quartz as well...cause where there is quartz, you'll always find crystals...



posted on Dec, 17 2008 @ 11:20 PM
The ancient gold mines that Sitchin speaks of are in fact in south-east Africa. Several have been located and explored; one of those mines yielded ancient, 100,000 year old boot prints. Many of those mines have since collapsed creating dangerous "sinkholes".
The Atlantian, Lemurian, etc. civilizations, are an interesting enigma worthy of investigation. According to Sitchin, the Annunaki created the hybrid race approx. 220,000 years ago, and actively mixed with them throughout their history on this planet, resulting in many veriations of MIXED-ONES. It is then conceivable that in many parts of the planet the descendants of those early people could have set up cities, where they developed further (with the help of the Annunaki), long before recorded histopry as we know it. Consider our own history and relative development in such a short time span!

posted on Dec, 18 2008 @ 09:46 AM
The main reality against Sitchin's idea is that 450,000 years of gold mining would have left an impressive amount of debris. Their were gold mines operating in South Africa for thousands of years but they were small affairs, using the technology of the time.

It is hoped that 'Annunaki' would have technology better than stone tools.

There is also no evidence of large number of humans at these sites, again 450,000 years of occupation would leave an enormous amount of evidence.

Some of the best sites for Gold were left untouched and for some odd reason. Sitchin tried to convince people that these aliens, who were after gold, would set up a human civilization in an area were there is little gold. (Mesopotamia) instead of near the more productive gold mining areas.

Sitchin's ideas died in a glare of counter-evidence decades ago.

posted on Dec, 18 2008 @ 09:56 AM
reply to post by mdcclxxvi

Those Hybreds, Are said to be the beggining of kingHold or Holy rule and is where the Phrase "Blue Bloods", Orginated

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