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CNN on Central Banks

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posted on Nov, 30 2011 @ 10:56 PM
I haven't seen such a load of crap since that Triceratops got sick in Jurassic Park.

Basically this short propaganda video by CNN, is trying to sell the idea that Central Banks are working together to save the world.

Control the world is more like it, they're treating the stock market like it's some rare exotic bird. "Bail it out and it wont fly away again". Like the woman said, the underlying problems are still there, she forgot to mention that the Central Banks are the underlying problem.

Let's not for a second forget that every dollar the FED prints, makes the dollar in your pocket worth less. Recently the 7,000,000,000,000+ bailout, now this "collaborated" event to keep the EU afloat. Pretty soon we'll be using dollar bills as toilet paper, because that's just about what it will be worth.


posted on Nov, 30 2011 @ 11:19 PM
reply to post by goldcoin

That scene from Jurassic park is actually the best analogy for our monetary system..
The banks (triceratops) lies around lie a fat cat eating all the plants and getting sick cause they have so much.
They lay fat turds, bigger then the amount of money in circulation on the earth.
Then the public (lady) have to stick our hands in the turd and try and fix it, although were not actually meant to work out what’s wrong.

Our monetary system is designed to fail and it is going to happen soon enough.
Funny thing is it’s been obvious for so long and most people are gunna get caught so unaware.
Were gunna get enslaved by debt and theres not a thing we can do..

edit on 30-11-2011 by WakeUpRiseUp because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 30 2011 @ 11:27 PM
reply to post by goldcoin

Dear goldcoin,

Yep, it is garbage. Associated Press - Central banks move to stabilize financial system

The linked article which is not as childish as the CNN one lays out some more specifics. I felt the CNN video (not a complaint about your choice, more of a comment about how they are trying to spoon feed the nation) took something incredibly important and ignored all of the possible ramifications. What CNN left out was that they are allowing their commercial banks (not just their central banks) borrow dollars (buy dollars) with their currency. What happens if the exchange rate changes? This action basically makes the dollar a world reserve currency and will blurry the valuation of any countries currency as they will all be intertwined with ours and the Federal Reserve has already proven that we can just print more money with nothing to back it up.

Lets say that the United States "lends" ten billion "dollars" to Greece in exchange for ten billion euros. They agree to pay 5% interest a year for three years. In the meantime the euro drops in value to where 20 billion euros is worth ten billion dollars. The 5% interest will not mean anything when the return has already been cut in half. In other words their payment is worth half of what we lent them. This could also work the other way.

Bottom line, this is a very risky move that could destabilize all currency. It also makes all currency truly global in that each one's valuation is determined by what happens in the other country. This will have dire consequences and lead to a call to set a standard for the valuation of all currencies that uses a common formula, it means regulating how much currency each country can print. It might sound good at first; but, it means that we will constructively have one currency worldwide.

Currencies valuation is currently based on the trust that others have in your country paying your bills. Trust is a funny thing and I don't trust any central banking system. The new system will be based on what we can take from a country to honor it's promises. Hard promises as currencies will have to be backed up by assets that are measurable and capable of being transferred.

This was planned awhile back, there was the recommendation that the International Monetary Fund or the World Bank create a reserve system that was a combination of currencies from certain countries. The reserve would not be in a single currency; but, was to be a collection of currencies from many which makes each currency interdependent.

Through a series of odd events I happened to meet with someone involved in international banking. I asked her if she believed that all currencies would be pegged to specific assets within countries so that the valuation was standard. She stated that the idea was being seriously considered. It had nothing to do with why I was talking to her and we did not follow up on the conversation; but, this person moved around a lot of money internationally.

posted on Nov, 30 2011 @ 11:29 PM

Originally posted by goldcoin
I haven't seen such a load of crap since that Triceratops got sick in Jurassic Park.

Basically this short propaganda video by CNN, is trying to sell the idea that Central Banks are working together to save the world.

Control the world is more like it, they're treating the stock market like it's some rare exotic bird. "Bail it out and it wont fly away again". Like the woman said, the underlying problems are still there, she forgot to mention that the Central Banks are the underlying problem.

Let's not for a second forget that every dollar the FED prints, makes the dollar in your pocket worth less. Recently the 7,000,000,000,000+ bailout, now this "collaborated" event to keep the EU afloat. Pretty soon we'll be using dollar bills as toilet paper, because that's just about what it will be worth.


Did anyone else ACTUALLY laugh out loud while reading that propaganda?
edit on 1-12-2011 by ConspiraCity because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 30 2011 @ 11:31 PM
i hope money becomes worthless in the next month, cus i just signed my apt lease and if money is worthless, then paying my rent will be a cake walk. Just think about all the people that could pay off there morgages if money is worthless.

posted on Nov, 30 2011 @ 11:32 PM
reply to post by goldcoin

The system is sick and eventually the inevitable will happen. When is the question? However, every bit of electronic money printing isnt as inflationary as many would want us to believe; if it was shouldn't we be at 100% inflation based on the increase in the money supply the last few years? One reason it isnt (at least yet) is that the velocity of money hasnt kicked in. The other is that we are experiencing debt deleveraging and deflation in the absence of monetary stimuli. Think of stimulus as +10 and the current monetary ledger at -5....the net would be +5 not +10 like the inflationistas would have you believe. Some day, yes, but the excesss (public and private) debt will have to be liquidated first (the fed is prolonging it and, ultimately, making the future inflation worse if they do not drain excess reserves at the proper time and Congress doesnt get our fiscal house in order as we are teetering on the point of no return).

posted on Nov, 30 2011 @ 11:36 PM
Meaby its now time to declare bankrupcy and start back again on a different

posted on Nov, 30 2011 @ 11:39 PM
The creator of the problem is fixing the problem with another problem.
Debt is the problem and more debt is the answer.
A bright 5 yr. old could figure out that that won't work for long.

These are problems for the people of sovereign nations but these are not problems for the international banksters. Far from it. This is all part of their agenda to eliminate sovereignty and steal all public and private wealth. As, Aquestion shared above, a basket currency, monetizing assets (say good bye to our National Parks and natural resources) are all part of the plan for world government and a one world currency.
edit on 30-11-2011 by robyn because: addition

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 12:23 AM
reply to post by goldcoin

Well there is an exceptional amount of dollars floating around the globe and blocking out the sun.

Maybe if for just one moment the fairness of salaries were tied to the velocity money supply,

there would not be any dissent today. In their own arrogance and oversight, they have created

this really bad witches cauldren of nastiness that stinks to high heaven itself.

Should they be suprised when Metatron Himself kicks the kettle over?

Best Regards, and S&F to your post

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 09:48 AM
this only reinforces what we already's like the wide arm of the central banks just grabbed the earth and placed it on the inside pocket of bankers.

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 09:55 AM
"The regional Federal Reserve banks are not government agencies. ...but are independent, privately owned and locally controlled corporations." — Lewis vs. United States, 680 F. 2d 1239 9th Circuit 1982

"Whoever controls the volume of money in any country is absolute master of all industry and commerce." — James A. Garfield, President of the United States

"In this country, you gotta make(lets pretend he literally meant create) the money first. Then when you get the money, you get the power. Then when you get the power, then you get the women." Scarface


We are so screwed it's not even funny.

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 10:06 AM
Money will still hold value.

That loaf of bread that costs $1 today will cost $4 tomorrow, thanks to the central banks 'saving the world' by printing more money.

Corporations and biz owners will just raise prices to sustain the way of life and profits, but at the same time, moan to you that biz costs had risen, and will have to CUT your salaries and NOT hiring anymore.

If this is deem as saving the world, then humanity is thoroughly screwed BIG TIME.

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