I believed in God just like I believed in Santa Claus, but then I grew up an learned its all stories and lies.
Just like the tooth fairy they are tools to fool you, excite you, and even make little kids go to bed faster.
All of these idols are tools to minipulate and scare people into thinking someone is always watching.
It ok to believe and have religion thats all fine and fun. I live by some of the golden rules that they offer, the ones that make sense anyway.
Its the fanatics that take the bible or thier teaching so literally. That can make it dangerous to be a believer. Believer or not though any group of
people can be dangerous with the right catalyst. I just wanted to make that clear, I'm not saying if you believe in a religion that your
I wasn't born an athiest but I wasn't really forced into any type of religion either. Although I was born a Roman Chathoic our family didn't really
practice much. From what I know Roman Chathoics are more hardcore then most other Chatholics. Lets just say I wasn't pressured into the said
religion but the info was there to learn about it.
This lead me to learn about other relgions. It brought me to the conclusion that all religions have three things in common.
1. They are all great stories or ideas. Pure and simple great stories made up by man.
2. They all try to minipulate human beings to behave in certain ways by playing on our emotions. Whether by fear, love, anger ....... and so on.
3. They all have a powerful, great, shinny thing or being that usuallly has all this great knowleage and power to do whatever. They can create
something from nothing like the Universe with a snap of a finger as perfect as it seems. Yet all life suffers from being mortal, the feeling of
hunger, famine, murder, sickness and disease, birth defects, and the list can go on I am sure. All this power and knowledge and everyone seems to
suffer but the gods.
Well they are some pretty good stories and some have great values to live by. In the end religion may just be a means for people to get through tough
times. It gives some hope I guess.
In my opinion religions are just a way for certain individuals or groups to control people into doing things that fit thier own agenda or bad things
will happen to you. Then thiers the money but I won't get into that, although it seems all these gods have a hard time keeping some money.
So I stopped believing in invisible, all knowing, all powerful beings a long time ago.