posted on Apr, 11 2003 @ 12:17 PM
The UN would be discussing US contracts. But it would also discuss contracts for these countries too. Don't forget that they are also part of the UN
apparatus and that if they can get the UN involved they will make a financial gain. Also don't forget that these countries have lost huge amounts of
money. France has lost arms deals and oil deals. Russia is owed billions and on top of that, if Iraq oil starts flowing, Russian oil is going to be
harder to sell.
If they're not interested in the money why else would they want UN involvement? The UN has already proved it's inadequacies in dealing with the
rebuilding of countries - just take a look at Rwanda, Bosnia, Kosovo and countless others. The US on the other hand, has had some success in
They don't give a flying about the Iraqi people. They already proved that by opposing this war.
Money makes the world go round dude. These guys want a peice of the pie.