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Schoolchildren being indoctrinated into freemasonic lifestyle

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posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 02:23 PM

Originally posted by Enemyc0mbatant
We all know the number thirteen is a symbolic and meaningful number in freemasonry
Actually, the number 13 doesn't appear anywhere in any Masonic ritual I've seen or read. The big numbers for Masons are 3, 5 and 7.

As to the other stuff, it's a fact that in many states in the US public schools were started by the Masons. I know in my state the earliest public school classrooms were on the ground floor of the lodge hall in a given town... Masons think education is an important thing. Making it publicly available is important because it puts everyone on equal footing.

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 02:39 PM

Originally posted by Enemyc0mbatant
Let's take for instance... A child begins school.. From kindergarten till the twelfth grade... We all know the number thirteen is a symbolic and meaningful number in freemasonry,

No it Isn't.

well when a child graduates from high school, notice the square hat and black robe associated with the saturnalian cult,

We don't use that kind of "square."

they go on to the 13th grade or freshman in college to work twords what? An associates or an entered apprentice DEGREE. Correct?

You lost me? How does associates degree = EA degree?

Then comes the next degree or the 2nd degree which is a bachelors or the fellow crafastman. Correct so far?

I have no idea? Totally lost on this part.

Next would be the 3rd degree considered a masters degree... Is that not exactly the same as in freemasonry? Because in free masonry the 3rd degree is known as the masters degree.

Many people never get their associates, or their Masters. For most, the Bachelor's is their 1st degree. Some go on to PhD without necessarily obtaining their Masters along the way.

And none of those things have anything to do with public mandated school?

Your children are being secretly indoctrinated into secret society without them even knowing. Take another example, when a student joins a fraternity, what do fraternities have? Secrets. Sure they are dumb secrets but nonetheless, secrets. Any comments or suggestions?

Here!!! You finally hit upon something good! Yes, most fraternities are fashioned after Freemasonry. We are the first and oldest fraternity, and ours works, so it sets a good examples for all the later ones. And yes, they have the same types of secrets that we have. Dumb ones.
Handshakes, secret words to recognize one another, history that only a member would know, etc., etc.

If you really want to find a Masonic Conspiracy, look at the government or the corporate boardrooms! Just about every meeting is conducted in a Masonic fashion! There is a conspiracy for you. Of course, we had nothing to do with that, except for the fact that our way works pretty well, and is often emulated.

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 07:32 PM
reply to post by JoshNorton

Nope hate to steal your gotcha point was that schools take teach that the founders where racist and focus on their slave holding ignoring that slavery was a thing of the time. Maybe I should have said that the school have to inject understanding into everything. Prejudice doesnt produce positive results but all people have some sort of prejudice. It isnt the schools place to teach values

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 08:48 PM
Is there any connection to Yale Skull and Bones?

many say they have a Masonic link.

what does "322" mean?

posted on Dec, 2 2011 @ 09:09 AM

Originally posted by xuenchen
Is there any connection to Yale Skull and Bones?

many say they have a Masonic link.

what does "322" mean?

322 in the book of genesis means " behold man has become as one of us to know good and evil, lest he put forth his hand and eat from the tree of life and live forever."

posted on Dec, 2 2011 @ 04:59 PM
reply to post by Enemyc0mbatant

does 322 mean the same thing to the Yale club?

or do they have a different view.

posted on Dec, 20 2011 @ 05:32 AM
Let me ask you all a question. What then are you WAKING up from?

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