posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 11:36 PM
to use a tired and worn out phrase, "little steps".
"see how we are protecting people from the evil counterfitters". as if buying a counterfit jersy will cause anyone other than big business problems.
just shows further proof on just who the government protects. but hey if companies would charge a FAIR price to begin with then there would not be
such a big market for cheaper merchandise. lets see i want a team jersy do i pay $25 or $100 (or more) for practicaly the same item. the main
differance being that the team it's self dosn't get to rake in megga bucks for nothing. which would you choose when liveing on a budget? they don't
need to police it, the companies themselves can solve the problem by not finantualy rapeing their custumers at every turn.
but we will see people saying how great and wonderfull it is that the crooks (counterfitters) are being nailed. next they will likely move on to stuff
like porn, yet again people will congradulate them for the protection. this will happen over and over till people wake up one day to find out that all
we have on the net is government supported (dis)information. but when looking back won't be able to figure out how it happened, after all everything
they did was to protect us. all they did was remove harmfull material from the net after all.
interesting i was half watching the news in detroit tonight, when my attention was caught by someone going off on how deadly it is for people not to
have propper imunization, and how people will die because of it. how it was the internet's fault for giveing people the wrong information and how it
needs to be stopped, as it is dangerous for society at large. that right there was a blatant call for censoring the net ,for our own protection of
course. how many would cheer for that? i bet useing that reasoning most would agree that censoring that would be a good thing as it would help "save
lives". see how easy it is to manipulate people into thinking that censorship is good.
as for the counterfitting it's self. let them be, if people want cheap stuff let them have it, if that bothers big business then let them compeate
with them. i gurentee you that a good product for the right price will out sell a cheap nockoff any day. as far as i'm concerned copy rights should
only last a couple years, not FOREVER. seriously why do we pay a company to be alowed to cut 2 slots in the top of a screw (thus forming a philips
head). and why have we been doing it since it was patented? yes for every philips head scew and screw driver made money goes to a company just because
it is pattented. why does this company deserve this? heck the inventer is long dead, but people still get rich off of his little idea. why? how much
would the average consumer save if we didn't have to pay blackmail to make things?