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Strange Symbol I saw during Meditation.

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posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 08:03 PM

Originally posted by 3n19m470
reply to post by The Matrix Traveller

Can you explain more please? What do you think the symbol drawn by the op has to do with the pattern you showed us? What do you think the little weird little open part on the lower left part is? Where did you find the pattern? What does the pattern in your op mean? It seems really interesting, these patterns! :^] I love that kind of stuff. I used spend my extra time in class since 3rd or 4th grade drawing various symmetric geometric shapes and symbols. I was so fascinated by them, it became somewhat of an obsession considered unhealthy by my teachers... :/ Please if you could, share with me any links or info :^D

I have just sent an U2U to you, as it would take some pages, and many many Drawings to answer all your questions here.

I may however give the answers in this thread, if the OP permits... but I don't want to appear to be imposing on their thread.

edit on 29-11-2011 by The Matrix Traveller because: Syntax errors...

posted on Nov, 30 2011 @ 05:37 PM
reply to post by The Matrix Traveller

Feel free to add more to my thread.

I am very interested in that 4 point star.

To me it is almost as if the symbol I saw in meditation is a puzzle piece that is very close to being completed.

It was explicitly shown to me in the exact way I portrayed, as in the symbol had that strange opening in the bottom left, and also that the 3 "mountains" on the top were of different heights.

Anymore interpretations would be great.

posted on Nov, 30 2011 @ 10:31 PM
reply to post by SolarE-Souljah

Thank you but I don't want to impose, but only offer some valid information because I know what you seek...

Regarding what you were shown by your "Outer" Mind regarding the "Dream Program" most refer to as reality i.e, the species & Universe....

The "Glyph" you saw I can guarantee refers to the following. (I state this in full confidence by what you have written in your other thread.)

This "Glyph" is based on this format seen through The Eye Matrix or "Partition Map" involving the workings of the Processing System "Construct". You should know by now what I am referring to. See picture below.

The 4 Points of the "Star" point to the "Running Program" corners (in ancient time referred to the 4 Corners of the World (Not the Earth) See picture below.

These are the "Temporary registers" to this "Running Program" format. See picture below.

Note; The "Inner" Component of the Star points to the "Primary Accumulator", which is in The 9 Gates. (Format used to Import and Load Programs) See picture below.

"The Nine Gates" was known in ancient times as "The City of Nine Gates".

While this format refers to the Main "Temporary Libraries". See picture below.

The Yellow is the Colour Code for "The Present". i.e. the "Gift" of the moment. And the Blue is the Colour Code for "Importing". See picture below.

Now regarding the Glyph you inquire about...
There are billions and billions of different "Glyphs" used in the "Processing System".

The Line work no longer remains as a Loop, thus now having 2 ends...
The "Directory Path" is Bidirectional But in this case we will see what is happening...

One End starts in the "Control" register of the "Data" or "Picture" register at location (b).

And shown here its location again without showing also the "Instruction Glyph" you are inquiring about. See picture below.

The "Geometric Directory Path", then moves onto the Left "Lower" corner of the "Primary Accumulator", and then onto the "Lower" Corner of the "Running Program" register. Red is the Colour Code for the "Control". See Drawing below.

We now follow the line work around till we get to the "Upper" Mid Section involving the "Above" registers of the "Running Program".
The first of these Temporary Library registers, is the "Control" register. See Drawing below.

And again but without showing the "Instruction Glyph". See drawing below.

Next we pass onto the next register which is the "Primary Accumulator" of the "Upper" corner register of the "Running Program". See drawing below.

And now shown without the "Instruction Glyph".

And then onto the next register.
This register is one of the 12 "Outer" registers which access the "Program Books".

And without the "Instruction Glyph"...

And then we pass on thought the "Left" Corner of the "Running Program" register, to the location of the other end of the line work forming the "Instruction Glyph", where the "Program" is loaded in the register containing the "Programming Language" often referred to as "The WORD". See drawing below.

And now shown without the Instruction "Glyph" you have inquired about. See drawing below.

So now you can understand the "Instruction Glyph" you have been shown, by Your "Outer" Mind....

I Hope this helps.....

Another good thread about this, is by Th0r titled.... Pssst! Wake up!

I can give much greater detail about the Full workings if you like.... LOL.

edit on 30-11-2011 by The Matrix Traveller because: Syntax errors...

posted on Dec, 18 2011 @ 12:46 PM
reply to post by The Matrix Traveller

You do realize this is literally mind blowing right.

The symbol actually makes perfect sense in the context of my life now. Thank you very much for your input.

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