posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 04:19 PM
Do any of you guys have this? Or heared of It? Well you have, or haven't heared of It, I suggest getting It right now If you are a FPS fan!
The game Is online only, there are 3 very big and very well designed maps.
The gameplay Is amazing and very easy to pick up, everything just runs smoothly and shooting people feels great with realistic re-coil, Bullet drop
There are 3 classes. Rifleman, Machine-gun, Sniper, all 3 are equally.balanced and each has advantages and diss-advantages over the others and
depending on what situation your'e In, I.e, as a Rifleman you will have an advantage over a Machine-gunner mid-long range but close range the other
way round.
Its 1200 MS In Arcade, but deffo worth It.
If you have surround sound or Turtle beach's you will be blown away, It really sounds like war, with Tank shells fireing and Planes whizzing past.
I strongly recommend: -)