even if it has video " evidence "
this clip is my poster child for this advise
for those who cannot watch vid stream or find the host site on thier internet filter list , a synopsis :
the clip allegedly " documents " 2 men infiltrating the russian cruiser
Aurora and firing its
forpeak gun , the ship is permanantly berthed in st petersburg , and the gun in question famous for its use as a signal to start of boshevik
operations in the october revolution
here is a pic
and more detailed info , via
lastly - an RT vid with some analysis is availiable
while the vid footage SEEMS compeling , the utter lack of any external supporting evidence is damming
the vessel is still on the russian naval list [ on a par with the USS constitution anf HMS victory ] and is used for training and cremonial duties -
there is an active crew , commaned by a 1st rate captain
at certain times the vessel is open for public tours as a museum ship
now - did they really fire the gun ? while the gun seems to be maintained to a nominaly serviceable degree
evidence there is no evidence that it has been fired in recent history - that the primer mech.
actually works or that any charges are stored / availiable
while it is technically posible to simulate a discharge using a self fused firework , inserted in the breech or muzzle - evidence indicates that the
tampion [ the protective plug in the muzzle bell is fixed in place - which would preclude any firing - real or imagined
further - the vid - on analysis - shows everything except any evidence that the gun was actually fired - the vid is a composite of several clips that
are incohesive and ommit any indication that various vital operations actually happened
in short - all style and no substance
the concluson - yes , there is a vid , but with CGI - vid , unsupported by any external evidence is no longer compelling
and that is the case here - so dunt believe eveything you see on the net
PS - one liners alleging the irony of this thread are not witty