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What is OWS trying to accomplish? What are there ideas?

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posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 04:50 AM

Originally posted by Grimpachi

1 I believe the money they have taken is gone and even if you can find a court to prosecute dammages will never be repaid.
2 I am not sure that they did anything illegal though be it wrong I agree.
3. The money that will be spent on prosecuting if they can be prossecuted will cause only further debt without any one actualy paying for a crime.
4. Even if one of them goes to prison which I doubt it will be a minnumum security and they will have a llight sentence.
5 I believe like you said earlier the fate of our country and future are in the balance and as tempting as retribution is. Retribution will not solve any problems. How will that fix anything or make our future better?

I dont think it is retribution as much as holding those accountable that are responsible for the havoc they have caused.

I am not sure if this was illegal or not, but this is one of the issues i think the banks should be responsible for. I can even offer a solution to this one.

The banks made all these sub prime loans to people who should not have gotten them.
They then bet against the loans that they made to fail, knowing that the people who got them could not afford them, hence them betting against them.
Loans go bad, banks make a bunch of money on the loans they made that they bet against.
Then they took the peoples houses.

I dunno about you, but i really find this messed up.

Solution: give the people back their houses, rewrite the loans at an affordable level. Quit throwing families out of their houses and in to the streets in the name of corporate profits. Also, rewrite or enforce the laws that say this will not happen again.

Just one of the things (to quote peter griffin) that grinds my gears.

I have a list of crap like this that ticks me off, btw =)

edit on 24-11-2011 by Vizzle because: nudity

posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 05:10 AM
reply to post by Vizzle

Thank you for your support.

While I agree with everything you said about holding those accountable to be the right thing I don't believe it is a achievable goal. If it wasn't illegal then there are no grounds to prosecute. The best that can be hoped for are strict regulations and laws to make sure it never happens again.
I don't believe this will happen until there is pressure on congress and senate to do so. The only way to do this is to threatin there way of life better term there way of buisness as usual. You have people protesting to change there term limits, campain contributions, there ability to go make millions with a lobbying firm right out of office and watch how fast they are working for the people again intead of for the banks, corperations, and lobbying firms. ect ect

We need to make the govt work for the country not there own personal interest.
This is my opinion on things.

My hope with this forum that others will post ideas that could be added to a list as you would have it that can be implimented

I may be hoping for to much. I hope not..

posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 05:15 AM
reply to post by Grimpachi

What do they want?

From the US Constitution:

the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances'"

They don't need to have solutions. It seems the best & brightest minds in our government and private sector don't have solutions - why would you expect the protesters to have solutions?

What they want is for their government to finally begin really focusing on the problems so that we can find solutions.

posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 05:25 AM
reply to post by Riffrafter

There are plenty of forums for one liners. But I would like to point out the quote you posted said to redress grievecess. That is the question here. What exact grievencess. It is easy to point a finger and say thats bad but to actualy say what you want changed will accomplish a lot more.

posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 05:46 AM

Originally posted by Grimpachi
reply to post by Riffrafter

There are plenty of forums for one liners. But I would like to point out the quote you posted said to redress grievecess. That is the question here. What exact grievencess. It is easy to point a finger and say thats bad but to actualy say what you want changed will accomplish a lot more.

Did you count my post as one line? You may want to re-read (or re-count).

As far as what their grievances are - I posted a few in another thread. You can read them here...

OWS grievances - ATS post

posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 10:48 AM

Originally posted by Riffrafter

Originally posted by Grimpachi
reply to post by Riffrafter

There are plenty of forums for one liners. But I would like to point out the quote you posted said to redress grievecess. That is the question here. What exact grievencess. It is easy to point a finger and say thats bad but to actualy say what you want changed will accomplish a lot more.

Did you count my post as one line? You may want to re-read (or re-count).

As far as what their grievances are - I posted a few in another thread. You can read them here...

OWS grievances - ATS post

I apologize for calling your post a one liner but I started this thread in hopes that people could come together with some solutions instead of complaints.
It seems two months of complaining and pointing fingers has become counter productive. I was hoping this thread would be a good place for people with ideas to come and be heard. I have had one good conversation so far but I have to say I am dissapointed on the whole. I have looked at several links including yours where you say this will need big solutions, well I am looking for those solutions here. To say that is congresses job is true however that does not seem to be a very effective strategy at the moment.

I am going to format my ideas and send them to OWS and would like any constructive input I can find if others post there ideas on here I will add theres to mine. So far it seems aside from one person the only critisim on here is far from constructive and it makes me wonder if there is any hope for the movement if those supposedly supporting it are only interested in slinging mud or pointing fingers.

posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 10:56 AM
If anyone has a idea of what OWS should be asking or demanding please feel free to post I ask that you don't post links pointing to other lists. Please type here exactly what you think should be done.

I hope this post will really get the conversation started. One of the things I sugested were caps on salarys for CEO's along with 9 other things in my original post that I believe would make a diffferance I would like to have 20 or 30 I could add to a list. It has to start somewhere.

posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 08:18 PM

edit on 24-11-2011 by Grimpachi because: copy

posted on Nov, 25 2011 @ 02:24 PM

Originally posted by Grimpachi

Originally posted by Riffrafter

Originally posted by Grimpachi
reply to post by Riffrafter

There are plenty of forums for one liners. But I would like to point out the quote you posted said to redress grievecess. That is the question here. What exact grievencess. It is easy to point a finger and say thats bad but to actualy say what you want changed will accomplish a lot more.

Did you count my post as one line? You may want to re-read (or re-count).

As far as what their grievances are - I posted a few in another thread. You can read them here...

OWS grievances - ATS post

I apologize for calling your post a one liner but I started this thread in hopes that people could come together with some solutions instead of complaints.
It seems two months of complaining and pointing fingers has become counter productive. I was hoping this thread would be a good place for people with ideas to come and be heard. I have had one good conversation so far but I have to say I am dissapointed on the whole. I have looked at several links including yours where you say this will need big solutions, well I am looking for those solutions here. To say that is congresses job is true however that does not seem to be a very effective strategy at the moment.

I am going to format my ideas and send them to OWS and would like any constructive input I can find if others post there ideas on here I will add theres to mine. So far it seems aside from one person the only critisim on here is far from constructive and it makes me wonder if there is any hope for the movement if those supposedly supporting it are only interested in slinging mud or pointing fingers.

Great post my friend.

Star for the post and a late flag for your thread....

You give a sh*t...

That counts...believe me ....that counts.

posted on Nov, 26 2011 @ 02:47 PM
Thank you RiffRafter.

Here is a idea that has been Emailed to me. I welcome any imput on if this is a doable solution or if there is a better way please speak up.

Full audit of the fed, full audit of the banks. Citizen review board maybe? I really dont like the idea of expanding government, but in this case, an independent review board for both could be a good idea. Either way, the banks and the fed have proven that they can not be trusted to regulate themselves, or operate with out some sort of oversite.

This was sent to me in private so I will not disclose the source. As for myself, this is a subject I am not very versed on so if there are no arguments against it I will be adding this to the list.

posted on Dec, 19 2011 @ 02:26 PM
My concern with the government is that the many facets of it are almost unable to navigate.

Now im not talking about the government we see and can walk into.

Im talking about the facet of the government that congress gives retarded amounts of money, and cannot ask the 5 W's. Yep above the security clearance of even congressional members.

Ohhhh the onion peel!

What i want is a presidant that will comb through these onion peels with a fine tooth comb with magnifier glass in hand.

There in i see another issue! Finding investigators that will not be corrupted into fudging there findings.

Now, i know the DOD and inteligance agencies have there secrets and some must remain so.

Who is watching these shadow agencies?

And why cant a president get to them.

Most importantly how is congress able to give funding to something they arent allowed to ask questions about?

Tisk tisk.


posted on Dec, 24 2011 @ 04:57 AM
reply to post by PLASIFISK

you raise some very good questions. How do you control something that in many cases it is government policy that they do not exist. Shadow programs for top-secret weapons systems and so forth and so forth yada yada. I think we can take care of a lot of it though by scaling back the nuclear program. I read somewhere that each nuclear missile costs somewhere around 50 million a year to maintain and $1 billion to replace because they do degrade. Can someone tell me why we need over 3000 ballistic nuclear missiles we're not even talking about tactical nuclear missiles or ones we can drop out of airplanes. The sad thing about this is that this isn't even part of part of its budget. At least not for the most part they have segregated those funds into a separate spending budget. I say we start by getting rid of half of them. That right there would take care of the entire national debt within a few years.

The two biggest exports from our country do you know what they are? Trash/recyclables and military equipment you know that we sold F-15 Eagles Saudi Arabia which means now we need the F-22 Raptors because other countries have the F-15 now.

Please nobody on here mistake means anti-military because I am not. I am a former soldier and I'm proud of it but I know there's plenty of waste and the military. I fully support programs that take soldiers of the field drone platforms such. It doesn't matter how smart you make the equipment they will never be able to get rid of the soldier on the ground but they can make support systems that will make that soldier survivability much higher.

It seems for every time I read an article about one of these support systems the government is canceling them in favor of some stupid. Hell I'm going to bed I could rant about this all night.

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