posted on Sep, 5 2004 @ 02:28 AM
Many in the populaton can read minds. How they do this is not known but I feel threre is a government connecition.
If you want to test this, simply go into a large populated area such as a mall and repetiively think (not speak) "can you read my mind?" In your
mind add the following, "scratch your head and come close to me," or some specific action so you can verify that it is not random when someone
actuallly approaches you.
You may have to do this quite often at different locations to get a result. The fact is that you will get results.
If your expriences are similar to mine, you wiill get many signs and some may be dramatic and frightening to you.
I assume that you, like me, will not understand what is going on. My advice is to keep cool and say nothiing.
You may be able to read this post, but if my hunches are correct, this post will be pulled in short order.
[email protected]