Big Business is made up of individuals. The real enemy of mankind is mankind.... or at least those within mankind with little in the way of ethics,
morals, scruples, principles, and conscience. We are our own worst enemy. And our system rewards those that lack what some of us see as the bright
side of Man.
Greed is rewarded. Theft on a BIG scale seems to be rewarded as it seems that very few people go to jail as part of a giant scheme, such as the
Wall Street and Banking looting of the U.S. Populace and Treasury.... oh, wait... the Treasury, as run by the FED, is also part of the problem!
Big Business, as Entities, provide protection to the criminals behind them. And of course, as these people fund elections, our so called
Representative government, or at least a fairly large number of people within it, being, basically, crooks.... change the laws that allow behavior we
might think of as criminal, to be now legal. Inside trading for Congress? Surprised? De-regulating the banking industry? Surprised? No more
Anti-Monopoly laws? Surprised?
It's US. Or at least, those of US that the Rest of US let slide. WE are responsible for who is in government. WE can stop dealing with crooked
companies. WE can take back our country! IF we get off our asses and actually do something! Look at Egypt, Tunisia, Yemen, Libya...... at least
they are fighting back and changing their governments! I can't say the results will be good for America as we don't know who will be in charge
there yet, but at least their populaces are DOING something! Protesting on Wall Street? ZZZZZZZzzzzzzz......... Protest at the Voter's Box!
Protest in WASHINGTON! Protest at your "Representative"'s home or office!
Einstein "Blind belief in Authority is the greatest enemy of Truth"
Edmund Burke " The only thing necessary for Evil to Triumph is for Good Men to do Nothing"
You may find some of Burke's other quotes equally relevant....