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Violence is the Answer

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posted on Nov, 23 2011 @ 09:19 PM
reply to post by AlreadyGone

Whats happeing know is GMO's are destorying the world. Im afraid TPTB have controll of the forests. idk but i think there in controll of everything if they can controll the weather

posted on Nov, 23 2011 @ 09:21 PM
A wise man once said "If violence does not solve your problem; You're not applying enough of it.".

Not a pleasant thought. But how true is it?

posted on Nov, 23 2011 @ 09:29 PM
reply to post by dankety

You read too much... you can buy all the non GMO seeds you want, and go and live in the wilds in most states... or do as some have and become squatters on the Appalachian Trail. Or go and find a cheap piece of property out in the middle of no where... they are there... and start homesteading... or actually take advantage of some programs that some states offer, which is free land just to move to a state or particular town or area.

In all honesty, down in north Georgia/southwest NC... there are areas where land is dirt cheap and abandoned apple orchards covering acres dot the landscape... all the apples you could want literally for the picking... fresh water... wild game

posted on Nov, 23 2011 @ 09:43 PM
Truth be told...

Yes, Violence is the answer.Let's face REALITY people. Come on, let's all hold hands as we go through the magic tunnel vision of REALITY as it reveals to us why violence IS the answer....

1. At every protest, who is the participant THAT ALWAYS SHOWS UP WITH INSTRUMENTS OF VIOLENCE?

A: Your Government

2. What do governments do when diplomacy fails?

A: They begin hostilities... AKA VIOLENCE

3. When arrested, is it by unforced, peaceable means?

A: NO. A Gun is in your face, and you are forced into uncomfortable, sometimes tortuous positions, to haul you off to the place where you are then caged.

REALITY: The PTB uses violence at every given turn, to force you into submission. Even when such action is ILLEGAL.

Oh, but that will make us just as bad as them.... WOW... what get's the most things done, and quickly? Sitting on your duff peaceably, or when you force it to be done, which includes violently?

Face it people, REALITY is that we exist in a violent universe. Violence makes things happen. If you want things to go your way, you must ACT to make them that way.

"When good men FAIL to act, evil abounds". Peaceful means - yes, but when it fails, which it has, ACTION must follow suit. America didn't come into being by Peaceful Negotiations. Empires and Dictatorships weren't tumbled by a great sermon of words.

The sword is what brings about the will of men. The sword it will be that brings true change to what's before you.

This, is a post, that is spoken in truth.

posted on Nov, 23 2011 @ 10:40 PM

Originally posted by AlreadyGone
The best way to fight back is get out of the system... the system be it political, economic, commercial... is built on growth. Without growth, it can not be sustained.

Think about it... the banks are sitting on all that foreclosed property with no buyers... no money is coming in. Further, most people are not saving hardly at all... so there is no money in the bank to loan and make profit via interests from borrowers... again, they have no money.

I help manage a business, and things have gotten so bad that the bank we dfeal with has come to our store and promoted accounts and benefits to our employees and team members... and the accounts manager and bank vice president came themselves to do so...and they did it again this week... sounds kind of desperate to me.

Move out of the cities... grow your own food... live a healthy, holistic, and active lifestyle. You undercut the commercial food industry, big pharma, undercut the big city tax base... if everybody did this...they all would go broke.

It is hard to do initially, but it is far easier than conducting military and guerilla operations against the US Government.

exactly.. stop feeding the beast .. let it starve itself out.. unfortuneatly to many will continue to blindly follow or try to fight it thus perpetuating the same old mistakes instead of walking away from it and living like human beings..

posted on Nov, 23 2011 @ 10:53 PM
reply to post by Expat888

That's a good way of putting it..." stop feeding the beast."

You want to see commerce and politicians panic...cut off the market and the money. It is sad when people buy all of the terrible fast food everyday... yeah I like a burger as much as anybody... but not everyday....anyway, many people eat only fast food... then they come down with diabetes, high blood pressure... then they have to take meds to control it... which only makes some other ailment arise... and in a vicious cycle, it feeds on itself.

This Xmas... make your own gifts... you starve the beast and save money and the gifts actually mean something... homemade pies or cakes... or bird houses from recycled wood/ pallets/ lumber... or make home made cndles from beef tallow... that is the fat left over from hamburher or a roast... or try making home made soap... or maybe paint or draw a picture... the point is..."stop feeding the beast."

posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 12:47 AM
reply to post by Heyyo_yoyo

so you are for violence with the OWS protests?

2nd line?

posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 01:40 AM
reply to post by dankety
I've been in the military for 3 decades. It's not often I talk about my resume here, but I think that it merits a discussion.

I've seen violence.
I've lived violence.
I've participated in violence.

And you know what? I hate it. With every fiber of my soul. I hate it. I'm in the twilight of my carreer now. Another few months and I'm out. Gonna go civilian. Grow my hair to a 1/4th of an inch. (hippy)

To endorse violence is the epitome of foolishness. And I'm being nice (T&C) here.

I find it somewhat amusing that those who endorse violence are the ones that have never had to live it.

Have a happy Thnksgiving. Eat, pray, love (wasn't that some chick flick?) and have a good day.

But violence?

posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 01:41 AM
There is no need for violence. We still have a system in place, that was created by our founders, to fix this problem. Use the tools available to you before resorting to "burn it all down".

posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 03:59 AM
reply to post by dankety

What the hell this is going on right now and the world does nothing.

And when the world does do something people protest the war over it.

posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 04:09 AM
The problem is this, many people are afraid of what violence will lead to, for it may lead to marshal law and a dictatorship. That said however I do agree to a degree, protesting will never work. But violence in the street by citizens is not the answer IMO, we need reach another level at the state level. States, like texas, need to threaten to become more independant and start drafting thier own state based militia. If violence is to take place it must be very swift and very hard. If texas for example, took a stand and stated we are not having the tsa in oir state any longer, and we will be handling our own security from now on with our own texans, then this is the way to go. And the feds should be thrown out of texas and not allowed any authority in the state.

Thats the real way to go IMO.

posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 04:51 AM
I have been watching OWS (mainly here on ATS and OWS site) and i am amazed how americans deal or try to deal with it, giving stupid solutions or ideeas (like ''non-violence'' or ''move out of the cities'' crap).
The violence, per se, is NOT the answer, but it will probably be the outcome.

You, americans, have little to do with what a revolution means.You had the only one 200+ years ago.And that one was violent.Now, you are living in other times, not those ''barbaric times'' two centuries ago.

But you have to understand that even the HUMANITY had changed...the HUMAN did not.We are still violent, still liar, still egocentristic beigns.

OWS will not acomplish anything worthy until they become a critical mass.Once a critical mass is reached, two things CAN happend :

1.OWS will change the system non-violently
2.OWS will change it violently.

Now, a critical mass, these days, is in MILLIONS , and for USA in TENS of MILLIONS.Egypt revolution succeded after they had over 3 MILLION people in the streets.If OWS wants a change, they neeed MILLIONS on the streets of every main city : New York, Washington, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Houston etc. and not for one day, but for days and weeks.

Only than OWS can ask for a real change of the system.If they can aquired it by just having MILLIONS sitting in the streets and beeing non-violent will be wonderfull.God help for this.

But i am like 99,99% sure that the systems (insert TPTB if you want) will not bow down even to MILLIONS.And then, the inevitable will happend :

Those MILLIONS will realize the simple truth :


Freedom and Liberty are not a given, remember this.
edit on 24-11-2011 by Recollector because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 05:33 AM
reply to post by dankety

Fine OP.

Go right out and martyr yourself by getting killed.
Then come back here and let us know how well it worked out for ya since you're so damned Gung ho for the spilling of blood.

Start with your own...

posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 05:39 AM
My mother used to tell me all the time that violence is NEVER the answer. I proved her wrong when I asked the question, what does V-I-O-L-E-N-C-E spell? I rest my case.

posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 05:54 AM
Have to say I'm beginning to sway in favour of aggressive change. It's becoming ever more evident with the communication made available via the internet that the system is created such to manipulate. Even if you believe in the whole above the individual it must be the right of the individual who makes the sacrifice to ensure the whole is worthy of that sacrifice.

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