posted on Apr, 10 2003 @ 11:48 PM
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Now, however, our nation is in a quandary. It has more or less seized Iraq, which possesses 110 billion barrels of oil and a membership in OPEC that
is surely transferable to its new owner. Although the American plan is to establish self-rule as soon as possible, that will take a little time. It
almost certainly won't happen before June 11; even the war we're still waging to oust Iraq's previous rulers may not be done by then. If it is,
American troops will still be out in force tracking down Baath Party loyalists and other troublemakers, rendering the United States Iraq's de facto
There's been talk of handing Iraq over to the United Nations, which sounds sensible to Chatterbox. But the Bushies hate the idea, so it probably
won't happen. It isn't even clear whether the White House will recognize the United Nations' claim to being legal guardian of Iraq's oil. (Vice
President Cheney blew off a question about this today.)