MODS: Not sure if this is the right thread - please move it if need be.
First of all, I’d like to explain a bit. I’m on 150mg of Bupropion in the morning and 100mg of Teva Trazodone at night. Before anyone starts -
these dreams have occurred started before I began my script. I have only been on them since October 19th for the Trazodone and October 24th for the
I drink one night a week - usually Fridays; I smoke marijuana maybe once a month - and it’s usually one or two hits and I don’t want to smoke
anymore. I smoke cigarettes when I accompany my boyfriend outside, I’ll take like 3-6 drags, and that’s usually once or twice a week.
I attempt to astral project quite often throughout the week. Recently I made it to my boyfriends house, inside, tried to get down to his basement
where his room is located, but I couldn’t make it past the last three steps. I kept trying, felt like I was running a marathon in place but
something kept pushing me back - kind of like a wall. When I woke up after this experience my legs were very tight and in extreme pain - I
couldn’t even walk myself to grab some water to drink.
I’ve always had pretty insane dreams all my life - some of which I can still remember but bits and pieces have gotten lost through-out the years.
This is the first time in my life where I have been having dreams EVERY night. I know what you’re going to say - everyone dreams every night, they
just don’t remember them. But I remember all these dreams, and usually if I get woken up can fall right back into wherever I left off. I’ve
compiled a few that rattled me enough to want to write them down (this was at the beginning, now I write all of them down and I’ve found certain
similarities and recurring symbolism throughout). Some I wrote on my iPod memo pad, random scraps of paper, phone memo pad and an unused
‘journal’ that now I use for my official dream book. I’m going to try to go in order, but sometimes I don’t date them because I’m usually
writing them first thing in the morning, most of the time I’m not even writing on the lines.
Please forgive me I’m just paragraphing the dreams together and my verb tenses are insane- not really looking for the grammar award here.
August 30th - from my iPod notepad
I went on break from work (was not my ‘real’ place of work - in fact the only thing I remember is I worked in a mall setting). Instead of a food
court in a mall to get my lunch - it turned into a 401 or interstate gas station with a few restaurants inside. (you know, like every 100 km/m they
have one on the highway). I chose Wendy’s, I ordered an extreme amount of food. I seen my boyfriend Dave waiting in line at A & W (which,
personally in real life would have chose instead of Wendy’s
). We ended up getting a table together near a television. At this point I
distinctly remember thinking - almost out of the dream - why on Earth did I get so much food? Dave & I talked for a bit and then he turned the
station on the television to a French speaking news channel. The television kept switching to a black man streaming from his webcam. It kept going
back and forth for awhile - I began to get an uneasy feeling. The last shots were of the black man laughing. I wrote, “Apparently God”. I
don’t believe in God - but I had the strong feeling that he was God? I have no idea. Then the dream went to me at my friend Andrew’s house we
were watching television and the black man came on again dressed as Santa and the dream ended.
August 31st - from my iPod notepad
I dreamt that my mother called me to look out our front/side door. I could see two suns in the sky, and what looked like a black hole in between
them. I remember saying, “We’re going to die.” and then I woke up. This dream stuck with me for awhile - really shook me up.
In fact - on October 18th I wrote “Rapture is really just a massive blackhole slowly sucking us in and controlling gravity. All those outside would
rise up to the skies giving the illusion of going to heaven.” Obviously I know it wouldn’t work that way, people wouldn’t be the only things
devoured by the black hole - but that thought just popped up out of nowhere.
October 17th - from my cell phone notepad
I dreamed there was a huge thunderstorm, after the winds and rain subsided there was a voice ‘from the sky’ that said, “Brought to you by Fox
News!” and there was the symbol of Fox news in the sky. (like the bat signal). I somehow ended up in my ‘real life’ house. I remember
looking out onto our deck in our backyard, and seen something in the corner. Again, I got an uneasy feeling, and hid in the corner of our living
room. I could still see the sliding glass doors leading to the deck. All of a sudden, I see this little kids head - go through the sliding glass
doors (almost like a hologram) and I then realized that he was a Black Eyed Kid. After this, I was outside in what seemed to be a war zone - now
that I think of it though it was probably just damage from the storm. I see this cop helping this lady up from the street. The cop asked her, “Why
did you do this?”. She answered “I wanted the forty grand for having the alien baby.” WTF. I got scared and ran to my old grade schools
playground. I could hear more sounds of intense thunder and a vortex appeared in the sky. A ball of light ‘falls from the sky’ but stays and
just hangs in the middle of the sky and begins to vibrate. The ball of light expands into hundreds of little ‘stars’ and then disappears.