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posted on Nov, 22 2011 @ 10:51 PM
What happened to Tesla’s possessions after his death? I hope I can show a few new clues and maybe point into new directions. It all starts on
January 7, 1943, the night Tesla died in his room at the Hotel New Yorker.
The players are: Sava Kosanovich ,Tesla’s nephew, George Clark, Head of the RCA Laboratorium, Kenneth Sweezey , Science Author, Bloyce Fitzgerald ,
Scientist, John G Trump, Head of Div 14 at the OSRD, George Willis, Naval Intelligence, Abraham Spanel, International Latex Corporation.
Jan 8, 1943 - Sava Kosanovich, George Clark and Kenneth Sweezey entered Tesla’s room with a locksmith and had his safe opened. They later claimed
they only took some personal items such as photographs, but nothing else.
Jan 9, 1943 - FBI NYC notifies Hoover of Tesla’s death and the opening of the safe. On the same day, Spanel, who was well connected, called VP Henry
Wallace and told him that Tesla died and that his effects need to be taken care of. Later that day, Fitzgerald came to the Hotel with Mr. Gorsuch from
the Office of Alien Property and took 2 truck loads of Tesla’s property to a Manhattan warehouse. At the same warehouse, Tesla already had some
thirty barrels of “stuff”. The OAP sealed all containers.
Fitzgerald tells the FBI that he had known Tesla for years and closely worked with him. According to Fitzgerald, Tesla had perfected his work on
wireless power and a radio controlled torpedo (which turned out later to be what we now call “guided missile”)
Jan 11, 1943 – J. Edgar Hoover notes that “L.M.C Smith is handling this with alien property custodian so there appears no need for us to mess
around in it”. Smith was at that time “Chief of the Special War Policies Unit” at the Dept. of Justice and it was him instructing OAP to
seize Tesla’s property.
Jan 26/27 – 6 people show up at the storage facility in Manhattan (on who’s orders is unclear) to examine Tesla’s property. Those are: J.
Newington and C. Hedetniemi from OAP, John G Trump, OSRD, Willis George, ONI and two Chief Yeoman, USNR. The FBI was later told by the floor manager
that a microfilm machine was used to copy Tesla’s material.
John G Trump was a MIT professor and worked with van derGraaf on the van der Graaf generator. In 1938, Tesla humiliated him publicly when he
demonstrated that he could get more energy and efficiency from two small Tesla coils than Trump could get from his giant van derGraaf generator. Trump
also specialized in X-Ray and radiation sciences and Radar, all fields where Tesla laid either the groundwork or made essential contributions. If
there ever was a conflict of interest, this was it.
Trump was the head of division 14 at the OSRD. In 1944, Trump was riding into liberated Paris next to Eisenhower and stayed in Paris to set up a
radiation lab.
What? First, that must have been the ultimate honor to give to a civilian to sit next to Eisenhower driving into Paris, being celebrated as heroes.
And why exactly was there a need for a radiation lab in 1944 Paris? Oh, yes, forgot to mention that the Head of the OSRD was Vannevar Bush of Majestic
12 fame.
Willis George, Naval Intel. George wasn’t a scientist, he wasn’t even what one might call a proper “spy”. Willis George was a master thief.
His job at ONI was to break into homes and embassies to steal or copy papers and open safes. His skill was that he could do all that without leaving
any trace. George later resigned and joined the OSS, doing the same thing. He wrote a book in 1946, titled “Surreptitious Entry”, detailing that
he was the chief ”burglary” instructor for ONI and OSS agents. He wasn’t qualified to judge Tesla’s work. All that I can think of is:
“casing the joint”. If OSRD or ONI would have taken anything from the warehouse, it would have been recorded by the warehouse personnel or even
OAP – but checking out what you want and have Willis George come back at night and get it - no trace, no paper trail - Makes sense?
Trump wrote a report noting that there was absolutely nothing of any scientific value at the warehouse. Now that can believe who will, I certainly
Abraham Spanel was the President of the Int’l Latex Corp. ILC split up in 1944, into what is now known as Playtex (yep, the underwear) and the other
part is now known as ILC Dover. ILC Dover was awarded many Army contracts during the war. ILC Dover was awarded the NASA contract to fabricate space
suits. They still make anything from space suits to the Mars rover landing “bubble”. Spanel knew Tesla through Fitzgerald and the FBI speculated
that he had Tesla material in his possession. Did he trade in whatever he had from Tesla for highly lucrative Army, Navy and NASA contracts? He
certainly had the political connections to negotiate such a trade.
October 26, 1945. Reenter Boyce Fitzgerald. Fitzgerald shows up at the FBI office in NYC. Fitzgerald is now in the Army, with the rank of Private.
He’s accompanied by 3 other soldiers. He presents a letter signed by Brig. General Craigea, Chief Engineering Division at Wright AAF requesting
access to all items of Tesla that the FBI might have. Hoover already knew about Fitzgerald’s new Army job from a memo dated October 17. It stated
that Fitzgerald was a “brilliant 29 year old scientist who knew all of Tesla’s secrets and, despite his low rank of Private, was the Director of a
group of scientists at Wright Field.”
April 20, 1976 – FBI receives a letter, with copy to the CIA, sender’s name is redacted, but it is sent from Raynham, Mass. (which is pretty
close to many Navy installations). The writer asks for any FBI microfilm recordings of Tesla’s papers because of “some experiments now under
way at Hill AFB”. He says that he’s associated with “Project Tesla” for 4 years and “as we have exceeded Tesla’s results and are
familiar with the experiments”. He goes on about “Tesla lightning balls which could destroy aircraft ..I have talked to AF personnel who
had one of the balls inside his plane in flight and AF personnel fear them”… . Foofighters, anyone? Next, he says “the propulsion mode of
the balls involve electro-gravitic interaction by which means air vehicles of revolutionary configuration can be constructed. No presently known laws
of physics can account for the propulsion of 400mph or so when following an airliner”.
Feb 9, 1981 – Lt. Col. McLaren USAF Strategic and Space Systems asks the FBI for Tesla’s papers, because it would be of “considerable value
to certain ongoing research within the DoD”
August 8, 1983 – The Electro Optics Lab of the Avionics Div. and the Particle Beam Weapons Lab of the Foreign Technology Division at Wright
Patterson AFB, request any Tesla papers the FBI might have.They say that “some portions of it had been shipped to the “Equipment Lab” at WPAFB
but they can’t find the material in the classified library at WPAFB”. The “Foreign Technology Division” - known as the proud owners of the
(in)famous “Blue Room” at WPAFB and rumored to reverse engineer i.e. the Roswell craft.
The Military’s interest even some 40 years later and the secret projects based on Tesla’s inventions is not bad at all for a guy of whom Trump
said “left nothing of scientific value”… yeah…sure. I think Tesla had, at the very least, the blue prints for the Laser/Maser, and some form
of revolutionary propulsion system. To me it’s pretty clear that Tesla’s inventions were put to work and perhaps even used to try to understand
and reverse engineer alien technology.