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The Protests Were About More Then Wall Street!!

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posted on Nov, 22 2011 @ 08:37 PM
I find it very funny that though ATS has been going nuts over OWS, and how they cant seem to decide what they are protesting about, it was never just about Wall Street.

There are quite a few theories out there about who started OWS. Pick whichever one you like, but in actuality this was about the War, Lay offs, and the Banksters!!

There are a few posters out there that know that this is huge, and there are grubby little hands at play, someone behind the curtain, and I agree... and this is why!

Media ignores public outrage while protesters camp out in NYC

This was June 16th.

No one was covering this story!! MSM at least. We were all distracted while all of the other stories were all over the place, when they placed their people, and got their story straight it turned into a bunch of hippies, drug addicts, homeless, nonsensical protestors, obstructing the day to day lives of EVERYONE!!

Here are just a few "SUPPORTERS" of the OWS, not the protesters from the above linked video.

‘The Next Big Step’: Occupy Chicago Gives Rousing Welcome to Communist Party U.S.A.

Ayatollah Khamenei, Iran Leader, Says Occupy Wall Street Will Topple Capitalism

Nazis and Communists Throw Their Support Behind Occupy Wall Street Movements (Updated)
Disclaimer: I do NOT support this site, just adding the link to the story!!

David Duke is also using this opportunity to spread hate.

US Border Guard.

And much more.

No one cared about this story, and was a sitting target, TPTB saw an opportunity, and knew that no one would cover this story unless they have some of their people come in and make it news worthy.

I am not saying that some people out there are actually trying to make a difference, but what I am saying is that the same tactics that we discuss everyday here, are being used against us, and we are falling for it ALL over again.

It has become a made for TV movie, something that will later on turn into a 100 million dollar box office hit! We can watch it while we are sitting at home during our 9 pm (for teens), and 12 am (for adults) curfew. And maybe we can discuss it while we are in line for our rations... but not to loud, someone might hear you

Lets see the real picture, I know that many are not interested in the story of the original protesters, and their message, but just the fact that there were original protesters should raise some flags!!!!

Peace, NRE.

posted on Nov, 22 2011 @ 08:44 PM
reply to post by NoRegretsEver

OWS was not, but "IS"...about this as well IMHO...

Not Afraid
Can't Stop
Gansta Rap

If anyone can upload these videos, please do....I don't know how
Sorry for being such a Californian...but my color stream is broad
...I think they fit!
edit on 11/22/11 by ThePublicEnemyNo1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 22 2011 @ 08:52 PM
interesting.. hadnt seen that video..
and yes you're correct ows is being played - and they dont even realise it..
just as those they protest are being played..
In the end the ones pulling the strings will sit back and laugh while setting up the board for the next game..

people fall for the distractions and go after the pawns rather than going after the queen..

many dont take time to look at the bigger picture and how it relates both now and in the long run of history...

Thank you for the additional information..

posted on Nov, 22 2011 @ 09:08 PM
reply to post by NoRegretsEver

Look ate the time line and one can see the manipulation of the entire thing. This was early this summer. It was ignored until plans were put into place and people called in. Al Gore publically called for it 2 weeks before the larger group appeared from all over the country and the world. MSM continued to ignore the protest until given the green light. I was informed that the US government had sent a statement to Egypt that this was occuring as support for Obama. Anyone who has paid attention knows the rest is now playing out. It is sort of like anonymous anyone one can claim the name and claim there is no leader. All of them have no leader but there are definitely leaders among different groups giving orders and calling the shots. What I found interesting is the apparent connection to Egypt. Some of you are much better investigators than I. It may prove quite interesting what exactly that connection is and exactly why?

posted on Nov, 22 2011 @ 09:29 PM

Originally posted by redrose123
reply to post by NoRegretsEver

Look ate the time line and one can see the manipulation of the entire thing. This was early this summer. It was ignored until plans were put into place and people called in. Al Gore publically called for it 2 weeks before the larger group appeared from all over the country and the world. MSM continued to ignore the protest until given the green light. I was informed that the US government had sent a statement to Egypt that this was occuring as support for Obama. Anyone who has paid attention knows the rest is now playing out. It is sort of like anonymous anyone one can claim the name and claim there is no leader. All of them have no leader but there are definitely leaders among different groups giving orders and calling the shots. What I found interesting is the apparent connection to Egypt. Some of you are much better investigators than I. It may prove quite interesting what exactly that connection is and exactly why?

Hmmm...reading your post leads me to believe that you are "somewhat ill-informed". Believe me, I mean no disrespect in my statement. However, to simply think that Americans chose to stand up because it was perfect timing with the Egyptian uprising is simply put....well...unthinkable! As someone who has spent many many times in Egypt, I can tell you undeniably...the Egyptian people are simply put, no different from any other deserving human being on this planet of any NATION and for you to make a feeble attempt to connect the dots is a major failure.

I spent a lot of time in Egypt and the West Bank prior to 9/11 and after...we as Americans were beloved and still to this day are...this uprising does not correlate except for the fact that the masses are tired....tired of being trampled upon and tired of having rights washed out by the Governments of Every Nation. Until you set your feet upon another land and experience life in said have no recital of experience....just stop now. You are politically incorrect and unjust thus far. not make some minor attempt to connect the dots here...the only connection is the HUMAN CONNECTION. Can you connect that? "Hopefully", you can.

WE ARE TIRED!!!!!!!!!!!!!

edit on 11/22/11 by ThePublicEnemyNo1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 22 2011 @ 09:37 PM
reply to post by ThePublicEnemyNo1

What I was trying to point out is that there were people that had a message, and they were ignored and replaced with what we see as the OWS today. I would in no way downplay what is going on any where in the world.

When there was a message, but a smaller group that had questions, and wanted answers no one listened, we are now faced with a game with players that were never invited, but now fill our minds and hearts with despair, and abuse.

Peace, NRE.

posted on Nov, 23 2011 @ 07:48 PM
I will say this that I am not surprised in the least that the fact that OWS started this way, and not the way that everyone wants to believe.

Its easier to fight about the man behind the curtain, instead of revealing that the man, his cohorts, and the false message.

Peace, NRE.


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