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My Ideal Government:

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posted on Nov, 22 2011 @ 12:19 PM
I was unsure where to post this so if this is wrong please move. This is my ideal government. Who agrees or disagrees? Why?

Military Focused on Technology: I would cut the defense budget by 2/3rds. It's true we don't need to police the world so my budget would include the DOD and DARPA. This will allow increased funds to private military bases/projects. Focus on current threats, cyber terrorism, bio-warfare, and research into project such as AI troops and robotics/mirco-robotics! I would also give all military personnel 3X salary raise perhaps more. They deserve it more than anybody!

Energy: No wars would allow US to invest heavily in oil extraction and Green Tech. I would get rid of political favoritism to Big Oil as well as Energy companies or startups.

Transparency: Government would truly be transparent. Everything, and I mean everything about the government would go on the net. It happens in limited circumstances today all the time, it's time this 24/7 connected world gets to see what goes on behind the scenes.
This includes all Top-Secret programs as well!

Economics: Free Market. Stop trying to promote communism or a cash less society. It doesn't work. Move along! It's been tried and failed too many times. Remember China? I would Audit and eventually scrape the Federal Reserve. Make paper money actually worth something again by letting Gold back it up! I would also push for electronic currency of some type.

Health Care and Medicare: I would legalize Marijuana with extreme sanctions like better security for Doctor's Notes. Even perhaps other drugs. Guns are legal so why not more drugs? Personal responsibility! I would implement a single payer simple health care system with opt-out options and upgradeable options like if you remain healthy for a certain amount of time your health care pay goes down, if not it goes up! Just like car payments. If you choose not to get Government health care, you are responsible for getting your own expensive packages from corporations.

Infrastructure: None but heavy cyber and network security-- The government has no place building buildings. That's for architectures and private corporations to handle We can however, persuade Mr. Donald Trump and others to help fund research and building technologies.

Foreign Policy: Would deal with talking about the issues and finding out who are friends really are, and if there could ever possibly be a an option for world peace. I think Obama along with Clinton has been trying this really well, and it's about all I respect him for doing! I would avoid all wars including drones except in cases to hunt down our last remaining enemies.

Education: I would make it a mission to teach children all about computer science and computers themselves. If this includes using government "incentives" to make it happen, and if this is the only government mandate I have to use then yes, I would not be ashamed to help US get back into the Education Game. Everybody needs to be educated about these new upcoming technologies. We can't allow the same thing that happened to the oil industry happen to tech! Maybe that's why we have oil monopolies today, not enough education in that industry? Plus, it's kinda boring. No kid is ever going to wanna be an oil kingpin.


NO! We're never getting rid of the constitution. Other countries today, are adapting their own constitutions based on American democracy. Every country can be said to have been formed based on a constitution. Or as I like to put it, a set of rules and regulations that dictate how a society is governed and lives. If anything I would like us to go back to those simpler laws. Why would it need to go?

I actually like Herman Cain's overhaul of the tax code. We are going to get rid of it and replace it with an easier transparent version so that people can understand it and what they are paying for. Not 999 but something different that I would hire an economist to do. Cause I don't know that much about taxes. With my tax plan and transparency plan, the public will decide, probably online, where and when the funds go and to what. No more special interests or investing in companies that don't work. The public will have all the information available at their finger tips to decide what programs their tax $$$ go!

I don't think by the time I would think about running for President I would need to worry about SS. It would already be gone from past leaders doing whatever they can to try and save the idea. However, I would help adapt a type of opt-out savings account system with certain levels. If you are 50 and retire 65 and retire and 80 and retiring and if in 50 years or so the age rate for half-human half-machine people are really lengthy than Social Security would have to be rethought. Further if you choose not to go into the new savings system which is totally transparent, than there will be other private options for you out there.

I would limit the government's power in the free market, whoever said a government with a proposed budget needs to make more money? It's called spending within your means. With government transparency and no focus on wars there can be no big, "oops," as Rick Perry likes to say! Everyone will know what the government is doing and if the policy makers aren't in check then the public will be the ones to let them know. With this type of free market it means everyone is aware of what the government is doing and can easily change it. People have lost faith and feel that they are out of touch with their governments.True Transparency is the only way this will work now. It's like when your parents grounded you because you lied to them about sneaking out then they followed and kept track of your every move for the next two weeks. I will ground the government because its been a bad boy!

posted on Nov, 26 2011 @ 04:57 AM

Originally posted by jjf3rd77
I would also give all military personnel 3X salary raise perhaps more. They deserve it more than anybody!

A 3x salar increase for all military personnel on one third of the budget? Interesting.

I would get rid of political favoritism to Big Oil as well as Energy companies or startups.


Government would truly be transparent. Everything, and I mean everything about the government would go on the net. It happens in limited circumstances today all the time, it's time this 24/7 connected world gets to see what goes on behind the scenes.
This includes all Top-Secret programs as well!

A noble aim, but I'm not too sure how practical it is. Some less 'official' parts of government (for example private meetings between individual politicians) would also be very hard to make transparent.

Free Market.

A generally free market is best, yes.

Make paper money actually worth something again by letting Gold back it up!

Gold backed money has value in the same way that fiat money has value - because people believe it to be valuable. Commodity backed currencies are inherently unstable, and have all sorts of other problems. I suggest you do some reading on it.

I would legalize Marijuana with extreme sanctions like better security for Doctor's Notes. Even perhaps other drugs.


I would implement a single payer simple health care system with opt-out options and upgradeable options like if you remain healthy for a certain amount of time your health care pay goes down, if not it goes up! Just like car payments. If you choose not to get Government health care, you are responsible for getting your own expensive packages from corporations.

A step in the right direction, I suppose.

None but heavy cyber and network security-- The government has no place building buildings.

The US has a crumbling infrastructure in many places, and government infrastructure projects could help to provide a very helpful stimulus to the economy.

Would deal with talking about the issues and finding out who are friends really are, and if there could ever possibly be a an option for world peace.

A nice idea in theory. Not too sure how practical it is.

I would make it a mission to teach children all about computer science and computers themselves.

Yes, education about and access to computers is required if you are to have an educated and effective workforce in the future.

We are going to get rid of it and replace it with an easier transparent version so that people can understand it and what they are paying for.

It does need huge simplification.

With my tax plan and transparency plan, the public will decide, probably online, where and when the funds go and to what.

Interesting, but I'm not sure the general public can really be trusted to make these sort of decisions as they won't have looked in depth at the implications of their decisions. That's what representatives are for - to do what most people simply don't have the time or interest to do themselves.

No more special interests or investing in companies that don't work.

Well, there would be if people decided that's where they want their money to go to.

I would limit the government's power in the free market

That's achieved by definition really.

It's called spending within your means.

You know why the US government has been spending way above its means? To keep a public which generally likes all sorts of government programs, but doesn't like the burdens (higher taxation etc.) that should come with them, happy. I'm not sure putting the nation's finances into the hands of the very people that tend to demand higher spending but lower taxes will have a good effect.

posted on Nov, 26 2011 @ 05:48 AM
reply to post by UngoodWatermelon

You know why the US government has been spending way above its means? To keep a public which generally likes all sorts of government programs, but doesn't like the burdens (higher taxation etc.) that should come with them, happy. I'm not sure putting the nation's finances into the hands of the very people that tend to demand higher spending but lower taxes will have a good effect.

Or at least that's what the politicians tell you, as they pilfer your wallets to feed to the MIC and Wall Street.

"Oh, we'd LOVE to have surpluses again... but you see, we need to blow up people in Somewhereistan, to keep YOU safe! We need to give trillions to ensure our campaign donors er uhm that is American businesses stay solvent... for you! If you want surplus, well ,you're just going to have to dick over poor people! That 8% they take up is just killing us!"

posted on Nov, 26 2011 @ 07:27 PM

Originally posted by TheWalkingFox
Or at least that's what the politicians tell you, as they pilfer your wallets to feed to the MIC and Wall Street.

Well not me personally, but yes. They tell the people what they want to hear.

posted on Nov, 26 2011 @ 08:01 PM
The FIRST order of business is to FIRE EVERY SINGLE POLITICIAN ASAP, and in their place, hire some newly graduated college students.

Since the new college students will NOT be professional LIARS and SNAKES yet, this new blood will be a welcome change from the usual and CORRUPT devils that we keep putting in politics.

And as far as 'experience' goes, the newly graduated college students dont need any experience because a politician's job is NOT rocket-science or brain-surgery. Any damned fool can be one. But what we need is DECENT human beings in those positions for a change.

This is the 1st step to turning this country around.
edit on 26-11-2011 by HangTheTraitors because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 26 2011 @ 08:06 PM
reply to post by jjf3rd77

The Ideal government is one that Fears its citizens...

It really is that simple...

edit on 26-11-2011 by facelift because: (no reason given)

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