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Norm Roche's Anonymous Online Snark Strains City, County Relations

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posted on Nov, 21 2011 @ 02:41 PM
I tell you just when I think that things cannot get more... lets say strange, a story like this comes forward. This is what the internet is used for, and when those who dont know how to use it get caught.

Roche's derogatory comments about St. Petersburg baffled Mayor Bill Foster.

"He comes from a darker place than I can even imagine,'' Foster said. "And that's kind of a window into the psyche of a county commissioner."

The St. Petersburg Times reported Wednesday that Roche acknowledged writing comments on the Times' website,, as "Reality.''

Here are some of Norm Roche's classic remarks....

After a Times report on fluoride and children's health Oct. 18, Reality's comment included: "Out of all the underprivileged folks they could interview, they picked one that needed an interpreter? Think about it."

"And for God's sake ... Learn how to buy clothes that fit you so you don't walk around looking like an idiot thug trying to hold your pants up. Whitie isn't to blame for your ignorance."

In one comment this year, Reality criticized St. Petersburg City Council member Karl Nurse for "pinheaded comments" in a City Council endorsement.

I'm not sure if he was just losing it a bit, or needed a place to rant... but come on this guy had to know that he was going to get caught eventually. Why cant they just fire him, and move on.

Peace, NRE,

Roche's anonymous comments make the debate more "uphill," Nurse said, and won't help the County Commission. "It's very clear that the internal dynamics by the County Commission are damaged by this," he said.

IMHO what he said, in what he thought was private, is not the problem of the people. Those who now have to deal with him, will take it personal, and this will cause problems in helping people who have nothing to do with it.

Peace, NRE.


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