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Ridiculous: "Tank" Rolled Out At Occupy Tampa

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posted on Nov, 21 2011 @ 10:28 AM

The behemoth vehicle is bullet resistant and “virtually unstoppable,” can drive through five feet of water, handle winds up to 130 miles per hour, carry 13 passengers, and reach 60 miles per hour.

The Rescue 2 is billed to be used for “search and rescue during a natural disaster or a terrorist attack.”


Seriously? I don't know whether to cry or laugh my head off. Is this psychological warfare? If so, directed at whom? Is the target the protesters by a show of force, a warning at how serious the response is going to get or is the target the general public, are "they" trying to make the protests seem menacing, are "they" trying to show a police force too scared to face the protesters without armored vehicles thus scaring the general public? Or is this simply driving up the cost of policing the movement so that it can be further maligned? Or is this a sign of something far more serious? Please keep in mind that the protesters that day numbered about a couple of dozen.

I have been saying that Martial Law will never happen in the US because in my opinion it would spark a revolt or an all out civil war. I still believe this to be true. However, reading this article (thanks, Dave) made me wonder if that's because Martial Law will never need to be declared in the US.

A glaring example of this steady march toward de-facto martial law in which police are so militarized there is little to no difference between them and the military itself occurred at Occupy Tampa recently.

It is essentially a way for the government to bypass the Posse Comitatus act of 1878 by simply militarizing the police to the point where they are indistinguishable from the actual armed forces, effectively eliminating the need to even declare martial law.

Do I still live in America?

Related: Norm Stamper, Former Chief Of SPD: Paramilitary Policing From Seattle to Occupy Wall Street

edit on 21-11-2011 by Kali74 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 21 2011 @ 10:34 AM
It's spelled Amerika.

Where's that big marine with the mouth now? I bet that tank has a bad ass pepper spray hose for those violent kids sitting on the ground.

posted on Nov, 21 2011 @ 10:38 AM
reply to post by Kali74

Guess that's so they can pepper spray all the people who are sitting down and not have to subject themselves to the spray.

posted on Nov, 21 2011 @ 10:39 AM
filthy coward scum. I hope it gets blown up.

posted on Nov, 21 2011 @ 10:44 AM
here's a better story about this so called 'tank'

The tank, it turns out, was actually a rescue vehicle. It does not have any weapons on it and the side is clearly labeled "Rescue 2." Its full name is Amphibious Rescue Vehicle -- "Rescue 2" and it goes by the nickname "High-Top Shoe." Despite its somewhat menacing appearance, it is just a vehicle that's built tough for transporting people in extreme conditions and circumstances. According to the city of Tampa's website, "Rescue 2" is a "12-ton Armored Personnel Carrier (APC)… can be used for search and rescue during a natural disaster or terrorist attack." Perhaps the TPD was anticipating a riot and wanted to have the vehicle present in case people needed to be safely transported away from the scene. Another likely reason may be that the police simply wanted to psychologically intimidate protestors to deter the possibility of things getting out of hand.

Quit jumping to conclusiuons

posted on Nov, 21 2011 @ 10:47 AM

Originally posted by JibbyJedi
It's spelled Amerika.

Where's that big marine with the mouth now? I bet that tank has a bad ass pepper spray hose for those violent kids sitting on the ground.

That big marine lives in NY, so unless you're gonna fly him to Tampa, he ain't going "ten inman square" on that tank.....

posted on Nov, 21 2011 @ 10:49 AM
I can see that inserting a few large wrenches in the wheels would bring this vehicle to a halt right quick. I also like how they paint their "rescue" vehicles black, to make it look scary and bad.

A rescue vehicle should be painted a bright color, like red or white. Less threatening, more hopeful.

posted on Nov, 21 2011 @ 10:51 AM

Originally posted by HomerinNC
here's a better story about this so called 'tank'

The tank, it turns out, was actually a rescue vehicle. It does not have any weapons on it and the side is clearly labeled "Rescue 2." Its full name is Amphibious Rescue Vehicle -- "Rescue 2" and it goes by the nickname "High-Top Shoe." Despite its somewhat menacing appearance, it is just a vehicle that's built tough for transporting people in extreme conditions and circumstances. According to the city of Tampa's website, "Rescue 2" is a "12-ton Armored Personnel Carrier (APC)… can be used for search and rescue during a natural disaster or terrorist attack." Perhaps the TPD was anticipating a riot and wanted to have the vehicle present in case people needed to be safely transported away from the scene. Another likely reason may be that the police simply wanted to psychologically intimidate protestors to deter the possibility of things getting out of hand.

Quit jumping to conclusiuons

How can one not jump to conclusions when viewing that tank? Good to hear they aren't arming themselves.

from your quote:

Perhaps the TPD was anticipating a riot and wanted to have the vehicle present in case people needed to be safely transported away from the scene. Another likely reason may be that the police simply wanted to psychologically intimidate protestors to deter the possibility of things getting out of hand.

Looks like the author of that article is also jumping to conclusions. That tank reminds me of the police tank in the movie "Die Hard".
edit on 21-11-2011 by Swills because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 21 2011 @ 10:52 AM
I laughed pretty hard when I saw the OPs picture. That thing looks like a real APC's retarded cousin to me. I have a felling when it turns on the engine goes herp derp.

posted on Nov, 21 2011 @ 10:53 AM

Originally posted by HomerinNC
here's a better story about this so called 'tank'

The tank, it turns out, was actually a rescue vehicle. It does not have any weapons on it and the side is clearly labeled "Rescue 2." Its full name is Amphibious Rescue Vehicle -- "Rescue 2" and it goes by the nickname "High-Top Shoe." Despite its somewhat menacing appearance, it is just a vehicle that's built tough for transporting people in extreme conditions and circumstances. According to the city of Tampa's website, "Rescue 2" is a "12-ton Armored Personnel Carrier (APC)… can be used for search and rescue during a natural disaster or terrorist attack." Perhaps the TPD was anticipating a riot and wanted to have the vehicle present in case people needed to be safely transported away from the scene. Another likely reason may be that the police simply wanted to psychologically intimidate protestors to deter the possibility of things getting out of hand.

Quit jumping to conclusiuons

Why don't you actually read my OP and note the quotation marks ("tank") in my title? Also below the picture I added in the description and intended use for the vehicle. Quit being so reactionary. Can you tell me if you think that the improper use was justified or not?

posted on Nov, 21 2011 @ 10:59 AM
reply to post by HomerinNC

Despite its somewhat menacing appearance

Irregardless of what they want to call it, this is a very threatening statement on behalf of the law. In my mind this is saying to the protesters..We have BIG, MEAN machinery that can roll over you and crush you like the piss ants you don't even think about getting out of line. It's more of subliminal message..masked with benign name

Amphibious Rescue Vehicle

It makes me angry
that in a country that is supposed to be free..they choose to roll out the biggest mind F@%k they have in the is this jumping to conclusions?? of course it's a tank..

edit on 21-11-2011 by itscocobaby because: forgot something

posted on Nov, 21 2011 @ 11:09 AM
reply to post by Kali74

Well they spent all that money on it.
What's the use in having it if you don't whip it out from time to time.

But yeah peaceful protest.
Why do you need a tank?

posted on Nov, 21 2011 @ 11:10 AM
reply to post by Swills

That big marine lives in NY, so unless you're gonna fly him to Tampa, he ain't going "ten inman square" on that tank.....

Someone needs to fly him down to Tampa, or maybe the marines down there need to step up.

What will likely end up happening eventually is some nerd with more heart than the entire group of protesters will step up and sacrifice himself for the greater good...

Sign me up for tank fodder! If we all did this, what would they do? Run us all over? Throw us all in prison? Our strength IS our larger numbers, that's what we need to utilize.

posted on Nov, 21 2011 @ 11:21 AM
reply to post by HomerinNC

I believe you don't need a "tank" for rescuing people, ambulance are the public and private ways to do that with trained personal to do a good job.

The tank was nothing but a show of force by the local police. Plain and simple.

Is nice to see where the citizens of Florida and tax payer hard earned dollars are going for. . .

posted on Nov, 21 2011 @ 11:22 AM

Sign me up for tank fodder! If we all did this, what would they do? Run us all over? Throw us all in prison? Our strength IS our larger numbers, that's what we need to utilize.

JibbyJedi is right..Our strength is in large numbers, at some point..all of the stuff going on is going to trigger the American peoples patience and the S&*t will hit the won't be pretty..and their will be loss and death..Our leaders should be leading right now..the question is..why aren't they??
The tipping point is close..why are we ignored like unworthy peasants?

posted on Nov, 21 2011 @ 11:40 AM
reply to post by itscocobaby

why are we ignored like unworthy peasants?

Because they see us as unworthy peasants.

I use to do part-time security work for large castle parties in Newport, RI. Those millionaires I worked for are the gum stuck under the shoes of the Rockefellers and Rothschilds, and they even think we all deserve to be euthanized, never mind what the top elite must feel about us.

posted on Nov, 21 2011 @ 11:42 AM
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