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Violence breaks out at Egypt's Tahrir Square (BREAKING NEWS)

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posted on Nov, 21 2011 @ 10:12 AM
I posted a thread on this. Egypt has been in trouble for days now and this escalated with blood and deaths early yesterday this is not breaking news, all the same i am glad its getting attention the Egyptians need our support.

my thoughts in my OP are too big to quote here,

Extreme violence as Egypt cracks down on protests
edit on 11/21/2011 by -W1LL because: sp

posted on Nov, 21 2011 @ 11:02 AM
reply to post by Mclaneinc

These protests are about the secular Egyptians with the following demands:

1. the Military to hand over political power to the civilian politicians

2. enforce a full Western style democracy

3. a Western style fully democratic election (sonner rather than later)

Note: The Egyptians are NOT going to get it because the Globalists don't want a democracy in any Arab nation; it would harm their plan and long term projections for the Middle East. From what I understand, they are already afew months behind scedule so expect things to heat up even more between Xmas 2011 and 2012.

Watch closely between December 25th 2011 to March 19th 2012 and December 2012 to March 2013. I also suggest keeping a very close eye on the Persian Gulf....."accidents" do happen ! Just my own gut instinct but I think thats where the first missile will fire, either from Iran or to Iran!

Your first sign will come when Ariel Sharon dies; expect anything and everything after that.

Also, don't rule out a biological attack.

edit on 21-11-2011 by bluemirage5 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 21 2011 @ 11:03 AM
reply to post by -W1LL

Egypt has been in trouble for many months, nothing new in the past few days and it was expected.....and there's more to come.

posted on Nov, 21 2011 @ 11:17 AM

Originally posted by smallpeeps
How shall we classify, the executive branch and corporate branches of government, in regards to supporting the following classes of agents?

1: current soldier
2: returning soldier
3: current cop ex-soldier
4: current cop no soldiery
5: current highway trooper ex-soldier
6: ex highway trooper no soldiery

... And so on?

The point I am making is this: You cannot know if there are any good men in these groups above, until they are faced with the shoot-dont-shoot scenario, within the context of their authority.

Here is a further question which applies to all cops/soldiers on Earth:

How do they view their uniform, as compared to their comrade, who wears a different uniform? That is to say, does the brownshirt of the SA in Hitler's time, envy the Hugo Boss-designed SS uniforms, with their bold black and white and death's head motif? You know the uniform-makers and silk traders (same crew really) have discussion about how it doesn't matter. Hmm, whom was that great silk trader who said, "I care not who makes a nations laws, so long as I am allowed to make its uniforms!" ? Who was that who said that?

Anyway, I wonder if the local PD in my town (who have great uniforms, truly inspiring) are in any way envious of the Super-Trooper highway rolling Staties, who have the flat brimmed hat like a USMC drill instructor? The local cops have the cool beat-walking hats, but the troopers get the DI flat brim hat.

But then there's the bikers, who seem to choose the German cross and the Nazi style German helmets... Why is that the style for the biker gangs? Hmm, and could bikers be a police force, and if so, would they have to wear similar helmets? It is a fair question. But if some great US designer is involved, no doubt everyone will be able to buy the new "national uniform" at some local department store like Target or something.

But my point is that none of these uniforms of costumes, has any traction with Rambo. His uniform, is very much like the post-Stalingrad SS soldier. Haggard and unshaven. Yes, for you see, Rambo wasn't at Stalingrad, but he can relate. Also, he is half German, according to the movies, so you can see where I am going with this.

In Egypt, and across the world, it is the uniformed, versus the un-uniformed. The Rambo-type, is the veteran soldier, who is the wildcard. As with Rambo, he wears the uniform. But he wears it in his own way, which is in direct contest with the whole concept of the idea of "uniform-ity", meaning, Rambo makes his GI issue jacket, into an anti-uniformity, statement. And so this class of ex-uniformed folks, is the true wild card in every national struggle. In a way, people like Rambo had to learn the hard way, that BEING uniform, is total BS, but wearing a uniform, to display anti-uniformity, is cool. Get it?

posted on Nov, 21 2011 @ 01:59 PM
They look like a bunch of dirty hippies trying to cop some weed if you ask me. Is Soros behind this?

posted on Nov, 21 2011 @ 01:59 PM

Originally posted by sheepslayer247

It looks like a swarm of really pissed people. I give them credit for standing up for themselves.

"Overthrow the regime!"

Did you notice how some protesters are protecting fallen police and helping them get out of the masses?
edit on 20-11-2011 by sheepslayer247 because: (no reason given)

That's because they're showing they're more civilised than the police who are beating them. Well done I say.

posted on Nov, 21 2011 @ 03:22 PM
Am I the only once applauding these protesters? I stand behind them 100%!! this is what we need in America!

posted on Nov, 21 2011 @ 03:59 PM
I have a feeling this scene will repeat itself in the months to come in those regions that were recently "freed".

posted on Nov, 21 2011 @ 04:01 PM

Originally posted by ConspiraCity
Am I the only once applauding these protesters? I stand behind them 100%!! this is what we need in America!

Yes, and isn't it funny to observe the US talking head dude on Al-that-Jazeera, how he says "it's a tragedy that this has happened". That old fart has no business representing the US people. It is not a tragedy, that people are setting up tents and camping. He's a confused dude, whomever he was. Some State Dept. dude.

No actually, camping, and having tents and peaceful assembly, is the way of Jesus, who was the ancestor of that great Egyptian son, Moses himself.

Remember that the Muslims expect the peaceful man Jesus, to return. In a way, the Koran is the greatest plan for Jesus to come back. But who would have the stomach or appetite for him to do so? But it is the Koran and its followers, who proclaim that Jesus will return. Let us not forget that.

Anyway, there's no Jesus happening inside the US. No leaders acting or living like Jesus. Unless there is some US Senator who is camping out with the OWS protestors? If some Senator is camping out, then I might say he is being "Christlike" because Christ was a camper first, and a revolutionary second and would never have become a Senator.

posted on Nov, 21 2011 @ 04:15 PM
Ugh they still got the same useless State department guy yapping, as if he represents America.

All-that-Jazeera needs to get off this guy. Their network isn't wholly truthful, but at least its better thn any of the US channels which are complete garbage.

posted on Nov, 21 2011 @ 05:17 PM
And please note, that All-that-Jazeera, will not interview the US occupiers.

They could easily speak to the global occupation, but AJ and the US media are united in this: There is no global ANYTHING except global media.

AJ has their focus, it is not on the common people, though it must pay out words to them. The US media has their focus. But they refuse to focus in the same direction. That is key to observe how they refuse to actually show the actual minute to minute events. It's all "processed". It is easier for them to show youtube, and to ignore that its some brave IP user, who must upload to youtube and take that risk. Wot crap all this media is.

AJ is an interesting network, only the IP network can provide it in the US, because it is Osama's channel? Is that it? What US media spew, is giving us the Egyptian feeds? NONE.

How many security cameras around Tahrir? Even AJ, has some pathetic one-camera view, they do not show the side streets. They partition out the newsbytes and de-focus on the details.

Is there any media stream on Earth which is for the people, on whom all the security cameras are focused? We are surrounded by cameras, yet none of the feeds, have actual truths on them. It's actually quite impressive, the seal on this media tupperware. But inside that sealed container, the food and odor grows and evolves.

posted on Nov, 21 2011 @ 05:48 PM
Now, Al-that-Jazzera, has their next US talking head, and its some CFR dweeb.

So the opponent of US media, checks with CFR gen Xers, to find out what america thinks?

Al-that-Jazzeera needs to get some US occupation people as their US talking heads. This is a joke.

Start with the uniformed cop who got handcuffed with the protestors. That dude is a real American.

posted on Nov, 21 2011 @ 06:11 PM
Can we get someone on Al-that-Jazeera, who can speak to the idea that the CFR, does not speak for Americans?

That would be a good place to start.

Any day now.

posted on Nov, 21 2011 @ 06:49 PM
reply to post by IndigoValor

Looks like the US right now.

posted on Nov, 21 2011 @ 07:04 PM
These talking heads on AJ are hilarious.

Let's be clear on this: One more parliament, won't make any difference in this world. These people in power, simply want to be able to vet and pre-screen these legislators. They wouldn't accept a spontaneously street-level parliament.

Therefore, why not elect the parliament this week, from the street folk? Elect the parliament from within the population of Tahrir Square? There's thousands of people, maybe a million tomorrow. I nominate "breadhelmet guy" as one of those members. Where he at?

They could have a true people's parliament before prayers at sundown.

So again, as Fabius explained: "Time, is our weapon."

Yet Fabiius himself admitted that he could not defeat Hannibal. So his is the weaker position, and that is always the side of the Fabians. They are outnumbered as they try to tame the human masses.

But If the weapon of time had been taken from Fabius, then he may have been rushed to do something. But as it went, time, was on the side of Fabius, the delayer. In this case however, the AJ broadcast shows that everyone is being caught flatfooted in power, by this newer and more powerful "Wave", if you will, which is traveling around the world. The right to camp.

posted on Nov, 21 2011 @ 09:54 PM

Originally posted by bluemirage5
reply to post by Gab1159

These revolutions and OCCUPY revolts are a complete farce. Regrime change in Arab nations equates to different people same face. As for OCCUPY those supporters show up in designer wear with their little iPhones in hand (handmade by Asian slavery & exploitation) munching on McDonalds (who pay minimal wage) while their money is still tied up in the major banks (who are screwing them). On top of that they don't know the difference between socialism and capitalism which amounts to the same bull# corrupt system controlling them anyhow.

The only way to deal those in power, as in the case of the Feds is to IMPEACH them and run them right out of the White House and demand the top bankers and Wall Street are arrested and tried in the Supreme Court or High Court. It's THAT simple but already in the too hard basket for most so they whinge hanging out in parks whining like little kids.

And what are YOU doing? Generalizing is bad, and I know what you just said isn't what represent OWS as I myself go very often to OWS.

Lots of people talking about ending the FED, kick the bankers out and etc. In fact, most people agree. You may have a misconception on the movement, just go there for once and see with your own eyes what it's like.

When a protest counts millions of protesters and supporters, it can hardly be called a farce. When's the last time it happened?

posted on Nov, 22 2011 @ 09:43 AM

Originally posted by FlyingSpaghettiMonster

Originally posted by sheepslayer247

It looks like a swarm of really pissed people. I give them credit for standing up for themselves.

"Overthrow the regime!"

Did you notice how some protesters are protecting fallen police and helping them get out of the masses?
edit on 20-11-2011 by sheepslayer247 because: (no reason given)

That's because they're showing they're more civilised than the police who are beating them. Well done I say.

um...those police getting protected are not "police"...they are young men doing their 2 year mandatory national service....some join the army...though some young men join a department in the police...

but they hardly get paid, and are "forced" to carry out orders....people know this...they are not considered the enemy... the people who ordered them are


posted on Nov, 22 2011 @ 10:14 AM

Originally posted by thePharaoh

um...those police getting protected are not "police"...they are young men doing their 2 year mandatory national service....some join the army...though some young men join a department in the police...

but they hardly get paid, and are "forced" to carry out orders....people know this...they are not considered the enemy... the people who ordered them are


What? All Egyptian men have mandatory national service for two years??

posted on Nov, 22 2011 @ 10:17 AM

Originally posted by jburg6

Originally posted by thePharaoh

um...those police getting protected are not "police"...they are young men doing their 2 year mandatory national service....some join the army...though some young men join a department in the police...

but they hardly get paid, and are "forced" to carry out orders....people know this...they are not considered the enemy... the people who ordered them are


What? All Egyptian men have mandatory national service for two years??

yep...19 to 21....between college and university....

depending on what you are studying...national service could be only one year for medical students etc....then three years for bums!

if a family has only one son...or a parent is deceased...dual nationality etc...they are exempt...peace

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