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'Real' vampire community launching an offensive through media

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posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 12:22 PM
After all the recent negative attention from the news outlets and Twilight fans, it looks like the 'real vampire community' launched a one day attack on the opening day of Breaking Dawn -- the fourth movie in the Twilight franchise.

In the span of only 24 hours they flooded the globe with interviews as they tried to distinguish themselves from fictional and crazy nutbag vampires. The 'real' vampires have a dark agenda and operate at the highest levels of the Illuminati..... you've been warned! They're in my hometown for Pete's sake!!

This was taken from an email I received this morning.....

Ask A Vampire: Merticus Guest Reviews The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1
By Julie Miller of Movieline - November 18, 2011
Real vampire reviews Breaking Dawn - Part 1 on Movieline

Twilight Debunked: A Vampire Expert On The Truth About Vampire Lore
Yahoo Lifestyle UK - By Tamara Hinson - November 17, 2011 (Live Link - November 18, 2011)
Twilight debunked by real vampire

Beyond Twilight: Self-Proclaimed Vampires Lurk In Colorado
By Aimee Heckel - Daily Camera Staff Writer - November 18, 2011
Real vampires lurking in Colorado
edit on 19-11-2011 by Clifford1972 because: forgot to add a www link

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 12:31 PM
reply to post by Clifford1972

edit on 19-11-2011 by Veritas1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 12:31 PM
I'm sure the PR people behind the Twilight Series are thanking them for the free publicity.

As a non-vampire person, I find it offensive that these "real" vampires are misrepresenting human beings.

...but seriously, the more we ignore the Twilight movies, the faster they will fade away. Bringing them publicity only delays the inevitable.

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 12:34 PM
reply to post by Clifford1972

I don't care if they are the iluminati, if they are against the Twilight series than I like them. I just really hate Twilight because of what it did to the vampire genre and all of the retarded girls trying to be "goth" or whatever it is they think they are being. These idiots think that they are "alt" or whatever simply because they like something that is about vampires when it really doesn't even give any kind of proper depiction of vampires...

Edit: I guess the dude above me has a point but I just really hate all this Twilight crap, it grinds on my nerves so very much...
edit on 19-11-2011 by doomedtoday because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 12:44 PM
Both of you have valid points so maybe I'll cut them some slack. The enemy of my enemy is my friend bit.

The Movieline interview is the most entertaining review of these movies I've read so there's a silver lining -- no pun intended.

Movieline interview of real vampire poking fun of Twilight

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 12:49 PM
twilight have ruined the vampire gene. vampires are meant to be scary and nasty. thanks to twilight films they have ruined vampires. one of the best vampire films ive seen is "30 days of night" thats what vampires are meant to be to me.... scary, nasty, vile.... now we have stupid girls and some boys thinking its cool to be into vampire films and the like. i bet if you asked them about "salams lot" they wouldnt have a clue... THANKS HOLLYWOOD for f##king it all up

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 12:49 PM
reply to post by Clifford1972

This was the funniest thread i have read in a while.The idea that people think there real vampires is so funn to me. And those twilight movies are horrible! They are the cause of the flood of new short crap books in the market.

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 12:56 PM
reply to post by Clifford1972

If Hollywood started representing my demographic with teen-pop pasty glitter-bags actors with $200 haircuts, I'd be pretty pissed too. I haven't watched the interviews but I imagine that, when I do, it will be something along those lines.

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 04:41 PM
No, no, no. It's not the vampires that control everything, it's the wolfmen. Or was it the creature from the black lagoon, or the reptilians? It's a science-fiction double feature.

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 05:09 PM
This reminds me of a few years back there were witches protesting the secular depiction of witches on Halloween.....

It just never ends really. I am a Wiccan which is very akin to a witch, but I do not mind witches being portrayed as ugly, warty beings in pointy hats......all I do is laugh because most kids are so removed from that image being real, it is ridiculous to protest over it.

So is this current vampire thing, I mean most people know that real vampires are not to be confused with Meyers vampires, and Meyers vampires are just a safe way for good little girls to learn about sexual awakening without actually engaging in it. The Meyer type of vampire is sexy but safe.....that is what girls in the throes of puberty need.

My issue is what the heck is going on with twilight moms? I am in my 30's and I have meet plenty of these women and I am baffled. I have read the books, mediocre love story, a little melodramatic for me, Meyer rips off Romeo and Juliet, wuthering heights and several other stories but that is pretty much it.

So if someone cares to explain the over 30 crowd obsession with this stuff let's start another thread or pm me, I know I am going wildly off track.

Bottom line, there is no need for real vampires to protest anything, they are better off remaining in the shadows where they belong. I am sure if any twilight fan spent one night with a real vampire she would realize the difference real quick.

****when I use the term real vampire I am referring to those who see themselves as real vampires, those involved in that subculture****

posted on Jan, 7 2012 @ 09:25 PM
link [And in that, she says, before you get all freaked out and squeamish realizing that people among us consume human blood (note: 64 percent of vamps are women, 66 percent don't consider themselves Goth and some even practice Christianity), Schultz emphasizes that the sang vampires she knows didn't come to the realization lightly.

"They have done a lot of internal searching, soul searching; they've reflected a great deal on this," she says. "A lot have attempted to take steps to examine if it's real. They've tried to rule everything out. They've wanted to."]

I'm wondering if any of the psi vamp stuff is real. I believe in psychic ability, but I'm not sure about the vamp stuff.

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