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Faster And Faster,More And More,Why Do They Make Us Live The Way We Do?

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posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 09:29 AM
We are being driven apart and are made to struggle and needlessly compete against eachother...

We are forced to endure tptb's mind numbing rat race,posessed by their greed doctrine of perpetually trying to obtain things that dont really mean anything...

Material objects that are actually only illusions,that will wither and fade and return back into the dust from where they came and all the while,throughout our only lives,you and i are withering and fading as well...

We are made to live faster and faster,trying to get ever increasing amounts of nothing,with our force fed get out of my way mentality...

Around a hundred and fifty years ago,a trip to the local store was an all day family event.Now its jump in the car,speed around the corner,fly into the parking lot,run in and out of the store and race back down the street,all within minutes...

One hundred and fifty years ago people thought slower and lived more slowly...

But then came tptb's so called Age Of Progress and with it their cold,heartless,desensitizing and ruthless Industrial Revolution and all the virtual slaves it suddenly turned people into.Some of them young boys and girls,killing themselves inside those mega-rich tycoons sweat shop factories,poisonous coal mines and burning steel mills,earning around a dollar a day or less.That's how those greedy,hell-bent,elite tycoons became so arrogant and sickeningly rich...

This domination and control,this possessed by money mentality,creates totally unnecessary competition and class seperation.Resulting in the escalation of crime and deceit to obtain the illusion of manufactured objects...

That ultimately,only produces more wealth and comfort for the rich elite and more misery and financial desperation for the ordinary masses of people.Who have been blinded and led astray from within,perpetually living on the edge of ruin and made to face its bottomless abyss on a daily basis...

Consumerism and the artificial stimulation of the desire for temporary material goods.Which produces the need for more and more money and less and less time for eachother.As marriage decreases,divorce increases,true love is becoming a thing of the past and our children are raised by strangers...

We have been turned into "expendable commodities", "workers and slaves", "taxed robots" and thousands of people every single day the world over,are drowning in emotional solitude,financial misery and hopeless despair. Becoming drug addicts and alcoholics to numb the pain and committing suicide to escape reality,only to become soon forgotten and quickly ignored statistics,as their memories are trampled upon and torn asunder across the desolated landscape of plastic and steel our world has become...

And from our cradles to our graves,tptb's additude towards us remains the same and those of us who rock their boat,those of us who make too many waves in their ocean of control,those of us who decide to try and resist their iron will and break away from their fabricated world,are left with three choices...

Homelessness...Prison...Death...Sometimes all in very rapid succession...

Theres something that they dont want us to know and i'm not really sure what it is and as they keep us buckled down and locked deep within their money making machine,we are being led far astray from a Truth they dont want revealed.Something that was erased from our collective memories.Something that happened to us long ago that we were made to forget and re-discovering this mystery would open our eyes,release our hearts and minds and set us all free...
edit on 18-11-2011 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 09:48 AM
reply to post by blocula

I love your vague, but insightful threads blocula.

I don't have much to add to this though except that, like you, I think human society is trying to "grow up too fast" if you could say that. It is worrisome that those with influence seem to be trying to just live their lives to the fullest while they can, disregarding any principles of social and economic stability almost as if some people know something catastrophic is going to happen.

But... I digress, that is speculative, though interesting.

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 09:52 AM
reply to post by blocula

blocula, its said some feed off of human sadness or negative emotions. So how do you get the "FARM" to produce the fear associated sad emotions negative feeding energy. And there may be a reason. On ATS I think I read it was called adrenochrome that is seeked by SOME of which you ask about in OP and they get the human body to produce massive amounts with fear exposure so the more scared the more you produce which feeds them..

Megavitamin therapy advocates Abram Hoffer and Humphry Osmond claimed that adrenochrome is a hallucinogenic substance and may be responsible for schizophrenia[2] and other mental illnesses. In what they called the "adrenochrome hypothesis", they speculated that megadoses of vitamin C and niacin could cure schizophrenia by reducing brain adrenochrome.[3] There has been controversy about whether adrenochrome can be classified as a psychotropic drug.[4]

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 09:54 AM
reply to post by blocula

"They" don't make you do anything.

Why don't you go live on a farm co-op?

Why don't you ride the rails from town to town, going door to door to perform handywork in exchange for a meal?

Why don't you head for the hills and live off the land?

If you're going to be upset about your current lifestyle, do something to change it.

If you want that quieter, simpler life then you're going to be the one that makes that decision for you and yours.

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 09:55 AM
THIS IS WHY SECRETS ABOUT TRUE HUMAN ABILITY AND SKILL IS KEPT AWAY. Because humans need to be trapped in 3 dimensional environment suits related to the sphere they are on Earth to fully get the emotional drain process to work. If humans knew they were more then 3 dimensional and didnt have to stay MANY WOULD EVENTUALLY STARVE BECOME WEAK AND BECOME VICTIMS OF SOME AWAITING TO FEED OF OF THEM AS THEY HAVE HUMANS..

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 10:04 AM
Far away from the quiet solitude and tranquility of the countryside,living in harmony with nature and what is really real.We instead exist piled on top of eachother,with not enough time,to look into eachothers hearts and eyes.As millions upon millions endure the claustrophobia inducing,rat race hell of modern city living and how it has the potential to crush any shred of individuality one may still possess...

edit on 18-11-2011 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 10:04 AM

Originally posted by blocula
We are driven apart and are made to struggle and needlessly compete against eachother...

We are forced to endure tptb's mind numbing rat race,posessed by their greed doctrine of perpetually trying to obtain things that dont really mean anything...

Material objects that are actually only illusions,that will wither and fade and return back into the dust from where they came and all the while,throughout our only lives,you and i are withering and fading as well...

We are made to live faster and faster trying to get more and more of nothing...

Around a hundred and fifty years ago,a trip to the local store was an all day family event.Now its jump in the car,speed around the corner,fly into the parking lot,run in and out of the store and race back down the street,all within minutes...

One hundred and fifty years ago people thought slower and lived more slowly...

But then came tptb's so called Age Of Progress and with it their cold,heartless,desensitizing and ruthless Industrial Revolution and all the virtual slaves it suddenly turned people into,some of them young boys and girls,killing themselves inside those mega-rich tycoons sweat shop factories,poisonous coal mines and steel mills,making around a dollar a day or less...That's how those greedy,hell-bent,elite tycoons became so rich...

And from our cradles to our graves tptb's additude towards us remains the same and those of us who rock their boat,those who make too many waves in their ocean of control,those who decide to try and resist their iron will are left with three choices...

Homelessness...Prison...Death...All in rapid succession...

Theres something that they dont want us to know and i'm not really sure what it is and as they keep us buckled down and locked deep within their money making machine,we are being led far astray from a Truth they dont want revealed,something that was erased from our collective memories,something that happened to us long ago that we were made to forget and rediscovering this would open our eyes and minds and set us all free...
edit on 18-11-2011 by blocula because: (no reason given)

Its not about 'they'...but its about the nature of flesh. There is purpose for us experiencing what the illusion of separation causes, like jealousy, pride, lust, greed, ect....this is how we 'discern' our true nature, when we are ready to.

Any answers you need can not really be hidden from you...for the 'word' is in life itself, its within you, its all around you in nature. The things you need to figure out while through a discernment between the flesh and spirit. The greed for power and the competition we see in the many nations on this planet right now...has purpose and has opportunities to offer us. Other people can be a mirror for you and you can be a mirror to other people.

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 10:11 AM
Over the past few years I have been working on disconnecting from the reality we are faced with.

Its been 4 years since I stopped watching television and listening to the radio. Well I still listen to the radio, but AM programming only.

I am also working on quitting the nasty habit of smoking. This will conclude in, me attaining a higher consciousness. I have never been religious (raised catholic but never practiced) but spiritual.

The third eye is the key. I believe humans are capable of so much, forget about space travel when we ourselves are the vessel in which we will traverse the universe or multiverse.

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 10:26 AM
reply to post by blocula

You made it yourself by trading spiritual virtues for comforts. Religions teach money is not important and that pride is bad. University, media, and others teach you to have pride in your worldly knowledge and that you deserve a luxurious life for just being human.

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 10:28 AM
Nobody "makes" you live this way. You can make a choice to simplify and life a life more to your liking.

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 10:46 AM

Originally posted by GeorgiaGirl
Nobody "makes" you live this way. You can make a choice to simplify and life a life more to your liking.

We are all thrown into a system that was created long before we were born and will most likely continue long after we are dead and gone...

Tptb will not release their greedy iron grasp that they have around our only lives very easily...

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 10:58 AM
reply to post by ottobot

It's funny you should say that..

Farms, cost money- otherwise you are eather squatting or tresspasing and in both cases you could end up in prison. It's all fine and well to live off the land, but one person would not be able to do this on their own. Human beings work best as a group. And it doesn't even matter if tshtf, we will still all flock together and appoint a leader. It is like most of us are programmed to follw, and some, to lead.

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 11:21 AM

Originally posted by Tripple_Helix
reply to post by ottobot

It's funny you should say that..

Farms, cost money- otherwise you are eather squatting or tresspasing and in both cases you could end up in prison. It's all fine and well to live off the land, but one person would not be able to do this on their own. Human beings work best as a group. And it doesn't even matter if tshtf, we will still all flock together and appoint a leader. It is like most of us are programmed to follw, and some, to lead.

Yes, this is why I said "farm co-op".

Co-ops, by definition, are places where people work together (as a group) toward their mutual goal. In this case, a sustainable way of life that is not completely centered around money. They sell their excess crops for money which is used to buy supplies and building materials, used by all in their community.

What do you mean one person can't live off the land? Hermits have been living off the land, alone, forever... One of my favorite hermits: Dick Proenneke.

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 11:22 AM

Originally posted by Tripple_Helix
reply to post by ottobot

It's funny you should say that..

Farms, cost money- otherwise you are eather squatting or tresspasing and in both cases you could end up in prison. It's all fine and well to live off the land, but one person would not be able to do this on their own. Human beings work best as a group. And it doesn't even matter if tshtf, we will still all flock together and appoint a leader. It is like most of us are programmed to follw, and some, to lead.

We do indeed work best as a group,especially in groups called armies,who are trained to kill certain people that the tptb tell us are worth killing...

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 12:06 PM
They don't make anyone live this way. Somewhere along the line it became "cool" to got to college and skip classes to protest student loans. And then too many people have clung on to this idea that making money does not entitle you to money but wanting money DOES entitle you to money.
Take control of your own life, the very idea that "they" are controlling your life is a symptom of the problem you are really having.

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 12:12 PM

Originally posted by blocula

Originally posted by GeorgiaGirl
Nobody "makes" you live this way. You can make a choice to simplify and life a life more to your liking.

We are all thrown into a system that was created long before we were born and will most likely continue long after we are dead and gone...

Tptb will not release their greedy iron grasp that they have around our only lives very easily...

If you feel like TPTB are controlling you...they are.

I feel like they are NOT controlling me. So they are not.

I have an idea: watch the movie "Life is Beautiful". One of the best movies I've ever seen. It shows how happiness is possible even in the worst situation. YOU decide how you will approach life and how you will respond to situations.

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 12:22 PM
A debate that will continue till the day we die .

Did we ever stop and think that if there was no intermingling of cultures we all would be better off . That going forth was the root cause of where we are today ? Not that I am one for a segregated planet but looking over the fence at what the neighbors have and their perceived enjoyment with it . What ever ology you want to use to finalize it to it's base element , the speed of the changes within different cultures from outside influences acts like a virus .

Religious beliefs brought to another culture can have the same effect as with political structures from whence they came . Crushing of ones so called enemies by a stronger force , how did they become an enemy in the first place ? From outside influences trying to change that culture to another perceived way of being better . When a Parent/Country has deemed themselves as being able to take care of their own within the confines of their home or borders and cannot . It is easier to punish the parent than it is to punish the country .

Our governments portray themselves as good parents but in reality they have regressed back to the same basic thought processes to when they were being raised from their parents / governments at the time . Although the going forth didn't happen as fast as ours do now , it was going in that direction for a need for more space to adapt to higher population levels . A traveler perhaps who was new to that culture came with visions and stories of how things were done in a far off land .

From the religious view when that traveler returned to where he came from the ( Prodigal son has returned ) stories told from him were exciting because they were new and visionary to them . Yet the leaders of the faith saw it as detrimental to their way of thinking . Has the returning prodigal son brought back with him a virus from the far off land ? If he was sinner within those borders to then leave , where did the sin occur ? It occurred within the confines of that faith taught to him .

Was he taught from a flawed teaching or a flawed teacher who misrepresented what was written ? Forced religion on new cultures is no different than forced governmental changes onto a country that has no or little knowledge of your system . Were they better off with out any contact from outside influences / travelers ? We can place blame on the culture that has tried to change another to their way of thinking and doing . In some respects change can be positive if the change can be adapted to a natural progression of a positive end result .

We all know how to say give me more because it was pleasurable when we first tasted it . and we also know how to say NO when something has left a bad taste in our mouths/minds . It all goes back to who fed us it in the first place , our Parents/Governments . When the leaders will not clean up their mess or sins within their houses this is why they make us live the way we do . They can dress all fancy with the image of success and wave as they drive by their followers but we are never to go into the leaders secret places .

We are not worthy as once they were when they were where we are today . Freedom from repression is a nice thought , but the age of acceptance into those secret places will happen when they have gone as being our parents and governments . Products of our cultures or societies when spoken is seen as an excuse but it really is the reason we are what we are . Comply or die , being cast out of this Garden of Eden . Look but don't touch , not much thought I believe was given to that fact of what our minds would think when seeing something new and tasting it . Why place the apple on the tree if the apple did not have a purpose other than being there to look at .

When the apple falls from the tree and turns back into fertilizer for the foods that we were supposedly meant to eat to survive , are we still not eating that same apple ? Mind bender isn't it and perhaps flawed rational in not eating it in the first place ? One can go further and suspect that when we are ready to eat the apple as a whole then it is okay but for now in a rotted state back in the ground is best . From the mouths of babes , then who taught us to lie , cheat and steal ? Our society and culture did on a global scale .

Throw in a intervention of sorts from someone or something not of this world may or may not be just what the doctor ordered . An apple a day keeps the doctor away , it is perhaps time for that doctor to make a house call and treat the ill on this planet . Currently the apple is MONEY , and we had a glorious taste for that before we ate to many apples ( spent what wasn't on the apple tree ) , Big Apple also know as NY . OWS where the apples/money is supposed to grow , the care takers of that Garden of Eden there made some flawed decisions also when betting on new growth on the Plantation .

That is my take on the topic of the thread , watching it all unravel .

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 12:23 PM
It's a choice. Moderation and balance and the ability to say no. It's all within your power.

I saw and opted out of this idiocy long ago...the first time my manager told me to take my laptop on vacation circa 1995 and it's been all good since then. I don't cell and drive. I don't text through dinner or allow the kids to. I don't stay "connected" 24/7 and avoid those who do. And unless something's a matter of life or death, I don't panic to have anything to anyone by yesterday.

We do this to ourselves. No one does it to us. No one has that much power.
edit on 11/18/2011 by ~Lucidity because: typo

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 08:55 PM
reply to post by watchdog8110
The arrogant and relentless pursuit of imperialism holds a lot of the blame...Japan invading China...England invading India...Spain invading Central America...Europeans invading North America...Germany invading Russia...Italy invading Ethiopia...It goes on and on and on...

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 09:00 PM

Originally posted by Ophiuchus 13
reply to post by blocula

blocula, its said some feed off of human sadness or negative emotions. So how do you get the "FARM" to produce the fear associated sad emotions negative feeding energy. And there may be a reason. On ATS I think I read it was called adrenochrome that is seeked by SOME of which you ask about in OP and they get the human body to produce massive amounts with fear exposure so the more scared the more you produce which feeds them..

Megavitamin therapy advocates Abram Hoffer and Humphry Osmond claimed that adrenochrome is a hallucinogenic substance and may be responsible for schizophrenia[2] and other mental illnesses. In what they called the "adrenochrome hypothesis", they speculated that megadoses of vitamin C and niacin could cure schizophrenia by reducing brain adrenochrome.[3] There has been controversy about whether adrenochrome can be classified as a psychotropic drug.[4]

The name of their game in the USA is fear and consumption.I believe there is a sinister being that feeds off of the collective psychic energies that are focused in the concentrated focal points of the worlds temples,churches and mosques...Those who pray to God worship Satan in disguise


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