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Tea Party Steps Forward With A New Plan - Leadership Has Arrived

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posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 09:33 PM

Originally posted by Eurisko2012
Both the GOP and the Dems have already agreed that there will be major changes with the
current tax code. Herman Cain showed us the way.
- Actually, so did Steve Forbes a long time ago.- Remember?
edit on 19-11-2011 by Eurisko2012 because: (no reason given)

Every President has said they were going to do that....... it just ain't going to happen. I don't know why people keep thinking that someday it will.

There really isn't the political willpower in this country to do it. If you did it, almost everyone would pay more taxes, hardly a good re-election slogan to run on.........."I raised taxes on the poor, the middle class, the rich and businesses, vote for me!".

posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 10:17 AM

Originally posted by Eurisko2012

- Actually, so did Steve Forbes a long time ago.- Remember?
edit on 19-11-2011 by Eurisko2012 because: (no reason given)

Right. I totally forgot how Forbes passed a flat tax and things have been awesome ever since. As long as I understand what plane of reality you are operating in now.

posted on Nov, 21 2011 @ 06:36 AM

Originally posted by tothetenthpower

The following is my opinion as a member participating in this discussion.

You mis understand. The long term is what I was talking about. Freezing spending is a band aid, and will not work. You can't freeze the money of a nation or how the government spends money. Monetary and spending policy should be in full motion all year round, with significant changes happening all the time.

You also can't just cut spending, you have to raise revenue. There's no plan on the table for that, the GOP would like to REDUCE revenue by means of tax cuts. Which truly is a tax spending, as now they have to find that much more money in order to balance the budget.

See where the problem is?

Any economist worth his weight in gold will tell you that drastic change is required in the World Financial System in order to make things ok. And by drastic they don't mean just changing the way we legislate the system, we need to change the system.

And stop believing what politicians tell you. They are all lying. Their interests lie with others, not you.

According to the way the CBO (Congressional Budget Office) runs the numbers, simply freezing the budget will be quoted as something like a 9 trillion dollar cut in spending over the next ten years. You should research base line budgeting. Every year there is a built-in increase in the federal budget of 6 to 10 percent. Any time politicians are discussing budget cuts, they are talking about cutting the increase. There hasn't actually been a net cut in federal spending since before the great depression. If they actually freeze the budget, it will be scored as one of the biggest budget cuts ever seen in the federal government.

And about increasing revenue: any economist worth his weight in tin would know about the Laffer curve, which in economics illustrates that increasing revenue can be done by cutting taxes. It's not that hard to understand if you apply your brain. If the federal government made a significant tax rate reduction across the board, all of that money would be left in the hands of the people who have the ability to generate it in the first place. Those producers and entrepreneurs would see greater opportunity to make more money, and thus produce more. There would be businesses investing and expanding, and new businesses being created everywhere, which means job creation, which means more tax payers. So the rates are lower, but there are far more incomes to be taxed. This is the theory that government stimulus is based on--give the money to those that can do something productive with it. Well, tax cuts are the real way to stimulate an economy, but they don't involve graft and greater power for politicians, so naturally they don't happen often. extra DIV

posted on Nov, 21 2011 @ 10:02 AM
reply to post by LockeSmith

Yes, kill the base line increases for the next 5 years.

They better do something. The stock market is already crashing.
edit on 21-11-2011 by Eurisko2012 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 21 2011 @ 10:06 AM

Originally posted by pavil

Originally posted by Eurisko2012
Both the GOP and the Dems have already agreed that there will be major changes with the
current tax code. Herman Cain showed us the way.
- Actually, so did Steve Forbes a long time ago.- Remember?
edit on 19-11-2011 by Eurisko2012 because: (no reason given)

Every President has said they were going to do that....... it just ain't going to happen. I don't know why people keep thinking that someday it will.

There really isn't the political willpower in this country to do it. If you did it, almost everyone would pay more taxes, hardly a good re-election slogan to run on.........."I raised taxes on the poor, the middle class, the rich and businesses, vote for me!".

The Tea Party has decided not to hide behind victims.

Instead of playing political games the Tea Party will introduce fiscal responsibility,

posted on Nov, 21 2011 @ 11:24 AM
Federal Inheritance Tax of 100%.

There are +70 million Baby Boomers kicking the bucket and if ALL THEY OWNED was taxed 100% to the heirs of the property......

There would be $600 Trillion+ in Federal Revenue within 5 years. Those old coots can't take it with them when they die. If their kids want it, pay for it....or it's going to auction.

posted on Nov, 21 2011 @ 11:36 AM

Originally posted by Pervius
Federal Inheritance Tax of 100%.

There are +70 million Baby Boomers kicking the bucket and if ALL THEY OWNED was taxed 100% to the heirs of the property......

There would be $600 Trillion+ in Federal Revenue within 5 years. Those old coots can't take it with them when they die. If their kids want it, pay for it....or it's going to auction.

The Federal Government is too big already. We need to throw - less - money at them.

We can pay down the $15 Trillion debt by growing the economy and getting rid of some
useless departments like the department of education and the EPA.

Let the baby boomers give their money to their families. It's their money. Let them keep it.
Reward success. Don't punish it.

posted on Nov, 21 2011 @ 11:38 AM
reply to post by Eurisko2012

It's so simple. Before the debt limit extension passed, Ron Paul said the same thing. Just freeze spending at 2010 levels and you would immediately cut $1 trillion off the debt.

What these butt wipes in Congress don't (they probably do actually) understand is that the issue is and always will be with spending more than you take in. They have to, absolutely must, without reservation cut cut cut spending.

The problem with a lot of these politicians is that the spending is on programs that aid large blocks of voters who favor a certain political party. No one wants to appear to be the bad guy as it would mean they're out.

But who are we kidding, once you're elected to Congress, you're set for life. Pension, health care for your family, etc.. even if you only served one year.

All I see are a bunch a buffoons in a room trying to look intelligent when, in fact, they're nothing more than puppets in a game of 'let's make the elite rich!'

You have to ask yourself why our so-called leaders are hell bent on driving this economy into the ground while taking huge sums of taxpayer dollars and putting them in the pockets of banks, now-defunct energy corporations, etc..

I get the impression that the elite started this rape fest of the population about 10 years ago, but for what nefarious purpose. What reason would they have for concentrating the wealth? Do they know of an impending disaster or global catastrophe and they need to survive while the rest of us die?

posted on Nov, 21 2011 @ 11:51 AM
reply to post by Freenrgy2

They are just playing political games.

The November 2012 election is less than a year away.

Obama is AWOL.

John Kerry may come out with something reasonable at the last minute. We will have to wait and see.

The baseline budgeting scam was discovered a long time ago.
- Baseline Budgeting Deception -
edit on 21-11-2011 by Eurisko2012 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 21 2011 @ 05:49 PM
reply to post by Eurisko2012

And it would have crashed much harder and sooner if the Fed hadn't been propping it up with quantitative easing. But, that was the politically expedient thing to do in this circumstance. They had to save face after they raped us for two trillion dollars with the TARP bailouts and stimulus.

I agree that something must be done. Why is it that whenever anybody comes up with a solution that involves less government, everyone waves it off as stupid, ineffective, or extreme?

posted on Nov, 21 2011 @ 06:01 PM

Originally posted by Eurisko2012

John Kerry may come out with something reasonable at the last minute. We will have to wait and see.

Really??? I haven't heard one good idea come out of Kerry's mouth. I think John Kerry would have been a far worse President then President Obama has been, so that's saying a lot.. It still amazes me that he was the Democratic Candidate for President.

posted on Nov, 21 2011 @ 06:05 PM
reply to post by Pervius

So when my dad passes away, the government takes the house that he and my brother and I built with our own hands because politicians can't keep from spending all of our money? Screw that, and screw giving any more to the federal government.

posted on Nov, 21 2011 @ 06:37 PM

Originally posted by Pervius
Federal Inheritance Tax of 100%.

There are +70 million Baby Boomers kicking the bucket and if ALL THEY OWNED was taxed 100% to the heirs of the property......

There would be $600 Trillion+ in Federal Revenue within 5 years. Those old coots can't take it with them when they die. If their kids want it, pay for it....or it's going to auction.

Aside from the fact that the government has been taking too much out of the private sector for years...aside from the fact that ownership of businesses and/or controlling stock are often part of inheritances and giving them to the government every time the owner dies would effectively throw a million more wrenches in our already struggling economic system...

...aside from those little problems, where did you get the "$600 Trillion+" number? As far as I can find, the estimated net worth of all Americans is around $56 to $60 trillion....and falling. Do you have sources for that "$600 Trillion+" number, just for the aging "baby-boomers?" Please provide links, etc.

Here's one of mine.
Total Net Worth of Americans

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