posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 05:41 AM
Hi there folks..
Did anyone else notice in the movie Tower Heist when Ben Stiller goes to evict Matthew Broderick from his room the symbolism...??
At first when the camara panned around the hotel room Broderick was due for eviction from i thought nothing of anything..
Then i noticed lots of childrens toys and paintings and colorings on the the camara moved to one corner of the room i noticed a childs
The pyramid and all seeing eye above it.. I thought maybe just a coincidence but then a few days later it occured to me that there were three kids
tents in the same room...set up in a pyramid style...
It was obvious to me that this symbolism was to do with Egypt, the pyramids and the all seeing eye..
Anyone else catch this?
I havnt thought about the full context of the movie in terms of symbolism just that particular part stood out to me.
By the way newbie here