posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 03:18 AM
Yep, just listening to bbc radio 4 and I could not believe my damn ears. The BBC played a very shrewd game, they were saying "isnt it time we just got
rid of our politicians like in Greece and Italy". Then they started to put people forward for the job to get the public on board, such as Alan Sugar
and Richard Branson. They were heavily in favour on the BBC for a "benevolent dictator", actually using those words. The sheeple are so brainwashed
and have no idea what this truly means.
We used to have a dictatorship and people were burnt at the stake. This is why we went to a democracy in the damn first place, dictatorships do not
work for the people!! I dont want to be a damn slave anymore.
If the public think they will gat an Alan Sugar in power they are gonna be seriously disappointed. People are waking up to the false democracy we
have, and as such TPTB want to remove it altogether as part of thier NWO.
Would jsut like to add that they actually said, "it would be nice to see the Chinese rule over us!", sorry just thought I should add this important
information, because it is important. If people knew what the Chinese people have to go through they would not be so quick to say such terrible
Sorry about ranting this morning but this really got my goat, rant over
edit on 18-11-2011 by TheMindWar because: typo
edit on 18-11-2011 by TheMindWar because: added infor on china