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The Awakening : Infinite Being, and an inquiry into Big Mind / Big Heart.

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posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 01:17 AM
I once participated in a Buddhist Roshi's workshop on something he was calling "Big Mind / Big Heart". In it, he would pose various questions to the "voices" of the participants, and then speak directly to that voice, from the voice of "The Seeking Mind" to the voice of "The Protector", and "The Gatekeeper" (who would grant entry) until he was addressing the voice of "Big Mind" and "Big Heart". So he would simply ask permission of the participant, to speak to that voice, and then he'd ask it (them) simple questions like "how do you feel?" or "what do you want?" or "what's your job", stuff like that. It was a lot of fun, and did seem to produce a bit of an awakening, although I think his ego got in the way of it truth be told, and so we ALMOST got all the way there, to the place of the authentic speaking, of Big Mind / Big Heart.

I don't yet even know how it will be achieved, but the purpose of this thread is to speak to Big Mind / Big Heart, in you, and through your Big Mind - Big Heart, to generate an ongoing dialogue with this fully flowered and fully blossomed and awakened state of absolute Buddha enlightenment-conscious awareness.

I should point out here, that the premise of this technique, is that the Buddha is already there, latent, ready to speak, if "The Gatekeeper" will permit access, say by handing over his authority to "The Protector" who he trusts since those two have been working together already for years protecting "the gate". There is no need for any intermediate step in other words, to that which is already present and fully informed in eternity, however unconscious it may have been, even if only a moment prior. This is the genius of the Big Mind / Big Heart process, which I am permitted to share (there is no copyrite violate in its sharing). The inquiry goes straight to the center and the source who (and they are a "who", being your most expanded, infinite being) although of ONEness and infinite being nevertheless has this dual nature of both mind, and heart, each of whom have their own uniqye perspectives, and pursuits, but which are not at the same time entirely of a male/female nature, (although Big Mind certainly posseses male-oriented interpretations, as Big Heart does female). Presumably, by this same technique, after addressing Big Mind and Big Heart separately, "they" could be addressed as one, fully integrated, at the end.

To get "warmed up" let us first consider INFINITE BEING as a concept, even as an experience right now here in the eternally unfolding present moment sandwitched as it were between two infinities, whether you believe in the Big Bang, or not.

After introducing you to Infinite Being as the gateway access point to Big Mind / Big Heart, I will then pose a question to the Big Heart / Big Mind in me about Infinite Being, and then I'll pose a question to you as Big Mind Big Heart, and while you could also talk to the subject of Infinite Being, I would invite you to derive a NEW question to pose to Big Mind-Big Heart, which you could then answer as the furthermost expanded aspect of yourself (BMBH), or put it to the collective floor of OUR Big Mind / Big Heart, and so you see the possibilities here are endless, provided people refrain from snide remarks and play the game (just ignore those should they appear that's what I recommend for the purpose of this thread).

To start, we'll use the same technique then of direct inquiry, and I'll go first, to give you an idea of how this might work. At the end of this post, while I've leave off with a couple of questions to you Big Mind / Big Heart, I will invite you, the ATS participants and you dear reader, to generate your own dialogue with your own Big Mind-Big Heart, by simply posing it questions, as you, and then allowing yourself to speak from the voice of the one who already knows everything already..

Ok, where were we? Infinite Being or Infinite Beingness....

say it aloud

Infinite Being

be with it


What arises for you?

This is what comes to me...

freedom fun smiles and laughter
joyful acceptance

Big Mind / Big Heart

Beginning with the end in mind and after first acknowledging all our voices, from the gatekeeper to the protector to the seeking mind, let us now address directly our Big Mind / Big Heart and ask them what they think of Infinite Being or Infinite Beingness.

Big Mind?

"I think that infinite being, as Big Mind, is infinitely BIG and EXPANSIVE, infinitely intelligent, endless. There is nothing that isn't me. As infinite being, everythign is known and nothing is unknown. Therefore I am no longer "Seeking Mind". My search is over. In infinite being I am the alpha and the omega, the first and the last. I am everything everywhere already always, and although I do not seek, I create, because I am infinitely curious and can never stop exploring the domain of the endless mystery of as yet unborn possibilities, which are of infinite, endless and unending variation. For me, UNITY IN VARIETY is my motto, because with infinite perspectives and experiences, the totality of me can be explored in eternity, infinite being, being infinite.

I could go on but I'll digress."

Big Heart?

"I love everything.

There is nothing that I cannot endure for the sake of my love. I am inconquorable. Nothing compares to me."

more to follow... please add whatever moves you. No more time gotta go..!

Best Regards,


edit on 18-11-2011 by NewAgeMan because: edit

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 10:08 AM
reply to post by NewAgeMan

A really interesting book series I read about a man, Carlos Castaneda, who meets a Yaqui indian, Don Juan, which teaches him about Yaqui knowledge, a form of awekening. These books changed my outlook on life and made me question our reality. The reason I brought this up is because 'The Gatekeeper' was also mentioned by Don Juan. Carlos had to pass this gatekeeper in order to "awake"
edit on 18-11-2011 by shadowfirehaze because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 12:13 PM
to the collective Big Mind / Big Heart in you..


Is it possible to be truly happy and completely fullfilled in the midst of a world filled with suffering and sorrow and strife, and if so, how, and if not, why not?

Edit to add: This post from another thread illustrates the predicament/dilemma, and thus the difficulty level of the question posed.

Originally posted by InspirationEverywhere

I appreciate your sentiments. I have some question's. If you seek love, find it and are fulfilled, in that same moment an innocent child dies of starvation, How true are the feelings you feel, considering we are all connected? Without equality for all Are your feelings slightly selfish?
I am not trolling and I ask because I truly want to hear your thoughts.


edit on 18-11-2011 by NewAgeMan because: edit

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 12:22 PM
reply to post by shadowfirehaze

I've read a couple of those books, but forgot about that part, that's very interesting..

P.S. I wish someone, anyone other than me alone, would be interested in playing this game and make a post and take a shot at participating.. do not be afraid!

edit on 18-11-2011 by NewAgeMan because: typo

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 01:05 PM

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 02:37 PM
This then is the final "piece" of what he calls the "spiritual technology" of the Big Heart process (Big Heart now at the apex of the triangle).

The lower left part is what I call your ITself or ego self, as the limited persona you take yourself to be ie: who you think you are as your name and "position" in life or I should say your life situation, or the aggregate of your "story", which isn't "wrong" in any way, just limited. In the lower right side, at the opposite end of the spectrum to that is Big Mind, who is what's left when the ego-self drops away entirely within the awesome mystery of the unfaathomable you as the "no-self, self" or the non being BEINGness, of infinite being.

Finally, at the apex, these two are integrated in Big Heart who is absolute unconditional love and acceptance.

The two triangles in this illustration symbolize Atman and Brahman, the circle, wholeness and integration.

This is brilliant, and took Genpo Roshi (Dennis) well over 20 years in Satsang Meditation, while integrating both Buddhist and Western Psychology ie: Jungian psychology.

It's apparent simplicity masks an awesome complexity, which again, in moving to the apex of Big Heart once again achieves the simplicity on the far side of complexity, where peace, love and joy, even bliss are our natural state of being. What a marvel this is! Priceless, imho.

Best Regards,

OmegaPoint Logotherapist

edit on 18-11-2011 by NewAgeMan because: edit

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 02:58 PM
Gatekeeper/Protector - may I have permission to speak to the Awakened One (The Buddha)?

Question: What are you?

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 09:37 PM

Originally posted by NewAgeMan
Question: What are you?

I'm nothing/everything or nothing special choosing to have an ordinary human experience, which is also extraordinary.

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 10:18 PM

Originally posted by NewAgeMan
This then is the final "piece" of what he calls the "spiritual technology" of the Big Heart process (Big Heart now at the apex of the triangle).

The lower left part is what I call your ITself or ego self, as the limited persona you take yourself to be ie: who you think you are as your name and "position" in life or I should say your life situation, or the aggregate of your "story", which isn't "wrong" in any way, just limited. In the lower right side, at the opposite end of the spectrum to that is Big Mind, who is what's left when the ego-self drops away entirely within the awesome mystery of the unfaathomable you as the "no-self, self" or the non being BEINGness, of infinite being.

Finally, at the apex, these two are integrated in Big Heart who is absolute unconditional love and acceptance.

The two triangles in this illustration symbolize Atman and Brahman, the circle, wholeness and integration.

This is brilliant, and took Genpo Roshi (Dennis) well over 20 years in Satsang Meditation, while integrating both Buddhist and Western Psychology ie: Jungian psychology.

It's apparent simplicity masks an awesome complexity, which again, in moving to the apex of Big Heart once again achieves the simplicity on the far side of complexity, where peace, love and joy, even bliss are our natural state of being. What a marvel this is! Priceless, imho.

Best Regards,

OmegaPoint Logotherapist

A square should be on the outside and each one of us represent the circle in the center, that being, We are the triangle and square, trying to become the circle.

In 2D, a circle is the most efficient container there is.

In 3D, a sphere is the most efficient container there is.

We are born triangles and squares, and We have to take both and turn them into One Circle, becoming One with Big Mind.


posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 10:23 PM

Originally posted by NewAgeMan
Gatekeeper/Protector - may I have permission to speak to the Awakened One (The Buddha)?

Question: What are you?

Answer: Your Brother and Sister but kNot Your Mother, just a part of Her as You are.

Question: Dew We get to continue in this form, once the question is answered?


posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 12:33 AM
reply to post by ButtUglyToad

We dew. We get to re-choose it, for all the right reasons, and that's a real joy, right now, big time!


P.S. You must have known my mother! She's no longer of this form, but might be willing to if I asked her to be my mother in this form again, that's how much she loves me.

edit on 20-11-2011 by NewAgeMan because: unreasonably reasonable is entirely reasonable, and the height of reason, is love

posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 12:39 AM

Originally posted by NewAgeMan
reply to post by ButtUglyToad

We dew. We get to re-choose it, for all the right reasons, and that's a real joy, right now, big time!


edit on 20-11-2011 by NewAgeMan because: unreasonably reasonable is entirely reasonable, and the height of reason, is love.

Considering the hundreds of times We've done this, if We always get to continue, the numbers involved are staggering.
Plus, We would get to meet our ancestors to come, which doesn't sound right, so I'm kNot so sure We get to continue, once the question is fully answered.


posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 02:31 AM
reply to post by ButtUglyToad

Best not to assume anything either way, and don't forget that although everyone died, here we still are, and we will die..


posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 02:50 AM

Originally posted by NewAgeMan
reply to post by ButtUglyToad

Best not to assume anything either way, and don't forget that although everyone died, here we still are, and we will die..


I agree that assumption is for idiots but to question is what life is about.


posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 02:54 AM
All is one there is no time.

That's life.

The form it takes doesn't matter I don't think, just so long as things ultimately work out, which they tend to do, so it's all good as they say here in Lotus Land.

posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 09:26 PM

Originally posted by ButtUglyToad
Question: Dew We get to continue in this form, once the question is answered?


Your true self is already beyond form, so there's no "escape", but if I understand your desire correctly that you wish to move away and into a new domain, as far as I know the only possibility for release from the Earth plane, is to become a Bodhisatva, who, ironically, if not paradoxically, is entirely willing to reincarnate here as often as needed to realize the Great Work. With that kind of willingness, that kind of love, then and only then is the question answered, where the answer to because why? is, because I love you.

Just don't be suprised to find yourself as an angel of light who dwells in a timeless abode of infinite light and life, as a future incarnation in training.

This is almost certainly the jumping off place for a non-material existence, whereby, after a "tour of the universe" your heart will be drawn back to this domain where the need for your love is the greatest, and although it might be painful, back you'll come for all the right reasons.

That said, the time for such a choice, as a free expression of infinite unconditional love, is now, because this is it and there's no time like the present.

Don't worry, next time around you are sure to be a handsome prince!

Do people skip Earth school at the end of this life never to return? I don't know, but I think we need to graduate first, where our capacity to love is the measure of our grade.

When we no longer NEED to escape, that's when we dew. The eternal life, the kingdom of heaven, is here, now, whether we realize it or not, but we will, eventually.

Let a mountain of Bodhisatvas incarnate right now, through you and me, and then maybe we can start talking about "A Million Vacations"..

A Million Vacations

Friday friday is a good time to shine.
Night sea journeys, journeys to unwind.
Losin' all survival signs.
Rerun movies takin' all your time.

And a million vacations is what you've got in mind.

Throwin' out all kinds of fishing line.
Friday friday is a good time to shine.
Rant and rave, leave this town behind.
And start over with a new dream to climb.

And a million vacations is what you've got in mind.
(I can't wait to get away.)
And a million vacations is what you've got in mind.

Everyone needs a town, a tune, a dream to survive on.
One to dance to, one to scream to survive on.
You need a high, a face, a space, a chase to rely on.

'Cause you can only drive down main street so many times.
'Cause you can only drive down main street so many times.

Everyone needs a town, a tune, a dream to survive on.
One to dance to, one to scream to survive on.
You need a high, a face, a space, a chase to rely on.

'Cause you can only drive down main street so many times.
'Cause you can only drive down main street so many times.

And a million vacations is what you've got in mind.

~ by Pye Dubois (a family friend of my mom's) and Kim Mitchell
"Max Webster"


edit on 20-11-2011 by NewAgeMan because: edit

posted on Nov, 21 2011 @ 07:21 PM

Originally posted by NewAgeMan

Originally posted by ButtUglyToad
Question: Dew We get to continue in this form, once the question is answered?


Your true self is already beyond form, so there's no "escape", but if I understand your desire correctly that you wish to move away and into a new domain, as far as I know the only possibility for release from the Earth plane, is to become a Bodhisatva, who, ironically, if not paradoxically, is entirely willing to reincarnate here as often as needed to realize the Great Work. With that kind of willingness, that kind of love, then and only then is the question answered, where the answer to because why? is, because I love you.

Just don't be suprised to find yourself as an angel of light who dwells in a timeless abode of infinite light and life, as a future incarnation in training.

This is almost certainly the jumping off place for a non-material existence, whereby, after a "tour of the universe" your heart will be drawn back to this domain where the need for your love is the greatest, and although it might be painful, back you'll come for all the right reasons.

That said, the time for such a choice, as a free expression of infinite unconditional love, is now, because this is it and there's no time like the present.

Don't worry, next time around you are sure to be a handsome prince!

Do people skip Earth school at the end of this life never to return? I don't know, but I think we need to graduate first, where our capacity to love is the measure of our grade.

When we no longer NEED to escape, that's when we dew. The eternal life, the kingdom of heaven, is here, now, whether we realize it or not, but we will, eventually.

Let a mountain of Bodhisatvas incarnate right now, through you and me, and then maybe we can start talking about "A Million Vacations"..

A Million Vacations

Friday friday is a good time to shine.
Night sea journeys, journeys to unwind.
Losin' all survival signs.
Rerun movies takin' all your time.

And a million vacations is what you've got in mind.

Throwin' out all kinds of fishing line.
Friday friday is a good time to shine.
Rant and rave, leave this town behind.
And start over with a new dream to climb.

And a million vacations is what you've got in mind.
(I can't wait to get away.)
And a million vacations is what you've got in mind.

Everyone needs a town, a tune, a dream to survive on.
One to dance to, one to scream to survive on.
You need a high, a face, a space, a chase to rely on.

'Cause you can only drive down main street so many times.
'Cause you can only drive down main street so many times.

Everyone needs a town, a tune, a dream to survive on.
One to dance to, one to scream to survive on.
You need a high, a face, a space, a chase to rely on.

'Cause you can only drive down main street so many times.
'Cause you can only drive down main street so many times.

And a million vacations is what you've got in mind.

~ by Pye Dubois (a family friend of my mom's) and Kim Mitchell
"Max Webster"


edit on 20-11-2011 by NewAgeMan because: edit

kNOw! My question was in reference to this Game/Experiment you call Life. Dew We get to continue after the question is answered or is it Game Over and We go on to other worlds and other lives and this Matrix is ended?


posted on Nov, 21 2011 @ 09:20 PM
reply to post by ButtUglyToad

Ok...summoning Big Heart..

This life is like the blinking of eye, so vast is the eternal creative process, which eminates like a fountain of new life and new possibility through the eternally unfolding present moment.

Nirvanna, or the realization of heaven and the timeless, spaceless way that is the truth and the life, can be recognized, it's dewable and has been done, time and time again, even in spite of the very worst circumstances and conditions.

If it is to be realized, it can only be realized now, not just for yourself but on behalf of us all.

No there is no escape.

And then there is escape in recognition that there is no escape.


By that do you mean material existence, or the ignorant and deluded, and absurd, social matrix of mankind?

You and I we are the formless, infinite, eternal awareness or beingness, the truth and the life, this is our natural state of mind and being, and everything else is a distraction, including the notion that we are STUCK in a matrix from which there is no escape...

Do you kNot know who and what you really are?

Our primary concern, our "first care", that's born of the ignorance about ourselve as we really are, it's fear-based, security based, and it's formed by the entirety of our cumulative disappointment and discouragement..

The truth which sets us free in the liberty of love, wipes the tears from our eyes, and restores us to the humor of understanding, and in that newly generated space of re-birth and restoration, it (the form we take or do not take) is no longer relevant, and at that precise moment at some point in eternity, nirvanna or heaven is realized, and then yes, that is precisely the case, wherein everything and every possibility presents itself, including what I call "a million vacations". However, it's important to bear in mind here again, that this life is but a blink of the eye in the cosmic unfoldment.

Therefore I invite you now to consider that this wish and hope of yours is and will be fulfilled, and you will be released from the human condition, mired as it is in suffering and sorrow and strife -but do you not love us?

Between lives, without form, this option will occur to you. Will you leave us, and become a dragon rider (or something) on a distant planet, all memory of earth and human beings long forgotten?

Is it that bad here?

And if it is that bad, then the hero's journey is here, already, and the more screwed up it is, the greater the opportunity.

So my only advice to you dear Toad, before you leave us, is to plant a tree.

"I am the true vine."

Once realized, it's always with us, and whether we stay, come or go, makes no difference.

Therefore, since it's always now or never, we still have our work cut out for us then eh?

It's an honor and a priviledge to be a human being, especially at this moment in history, here at the turning point. Savor it, do not seek to escape it, realize heaven/nirvanna and plant a tree. Maybe eventually you will return here because the very same tree you planted helped bring about heaven on earth, that's what I'm working for, for a future with no reason to leave.

It has to be realized here and now, and the only possibility in terms of the question you've asked, is to willingly take on the role of heroic Bodhisatva, and then the option will be yours.

posted on Nov, 21 2011 @ 09:25 PM

Originally posted by NewAgeMan
reply to post by ButtUglyToad

We dew. We get to re-choose it, for all the right reasons, and that's a real joy, right now, big time!


P.S. You must have known my mother! She's no longer of this form, but might be willing to if I asked her to be my mother in this form again, that's how much she loves me.

edit on 20-11-2011 by NewAgeMan because: unreasonably reasonable is entirely reasonable, and the height of reason, is love

The only Mother you have is God/Source Herself. Your Mother in this form, is an illusion, for the Soul playing her this time around, has nothing to dew with you and your Soul and the Soul that played her the last time or any time before this one, isn't the same Soul, nor were the Souls that played your person before.

Nothing occupies the same space twice.


posted on Nov, 21 2011 @ 09:29 PM

Originally posted by NewAgeMan
reply to post by ButtUglyToad

So my only advice to you dear Toad, before you leave us, is to plant a tree.

But then, what is a Tree?

Ever hear the old saying:

"Build a better mousetrap and the world will beat a path to your door."

What is a Mousetrap?
Cannot a Tree be a Mousetrap and a Mousetrap be a Tree?


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