posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 10:36 PM
Thank you for posting this
It's something I never thought of before and I think its interesting. Exactly what this site is all about for me,
I also find much amusement how people take their ats membership just a little too seriously. Apparently some people think there
aren't enough mods and that the mods we have are too busy to read their complaints, so they decided the best course of action was to pretend like
they are mods and as if their opinion as to what should and should not be on this site and what forum it should be in actually means something. So
rather than an actual contribution to a discussion, we have a bunch of wannabe ats cops clogging up the thread. We have people who can't wrap their
head around Adam and Eve clicking on thread titles that would reveal a little bit of a clue to even a child as to the content of the thread which is
about Adam and Eve, because they have to be an internet forum hero and save the day by investigating further even though they already know its not
something they believe in, not something they are interested in, not something they should be sticking their nose into. Yes you are right, people have
waaay too much time on their hands. I barely have time to go through the threads that interest me, like this one. I can't even imagine having so much
time that, after going through all the threads I AM interested in, sitting around and clicking on threads I KNOW won't resonate with me just so I can
bicker and pick at people that are different than me... This leads one to believe that, not only do they have too much time on their hands, but they
really must hate their lives if they feel the need to take it out on someone who has done nothing more than offer to share something they found to be
interesting. Wow, I wonder how they treat people who really do something to irritate them... Just be glad your not married to some of these abusive
people. I kinda feel sorry for their kids, though, if they have any. *says a silent prayer for the safety of those forced to be in an environment with
such individuals*