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OWS Protester: …in a few days you’re going to see what a Molotov cocktail can do to Macy’s.

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posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 03:36 PM

Originally posted by DerekJR321
I love you people. You crack me up.

I see constant bitching and complaining on here about our government. About corporations and everything else. I see complaints about bail outs, complaints about gas prices, wall street, etc etc etc.

But people go out and actually protest??? HA! Stupid hippies with no jobs. I hope they get shot in the face. I hope their kids lose their parents. How dare they stand up to a corrupt government.

To everyone who is against OWS... and who thinks this country is screwed up. What do you propose we do? Honestly. And please for the love of everything that is good, don't say "Oh go and vote them out". We know for a fact voting doesn't work. Our candidates are picked and chosen for us. And the end result is more of the same. You voted for Obama because you though he would change things? How's that workin' out for ya?

I don't get it. So you are all OK with your hard earned money being collected in taxes? And that tax going to big banks and mortgage companies, who in turn hand over multi-million dollar bonuses to their CEOS? And that's cool with you? It's cool that in Georgia, murder suspects are getting to walk free because the courts don't have enough money to send them to trial, but Goldman Sacks gets a few hundred billion?

I swear its like the people of this country are so brain washed that they think this is all ok. What if our founding fathers just said "eh.. lets not make trouble against the Brits... let's just do what they say. After all we don't want to cause problems for those Brits who are just trying to make a living."???

How about storming the WH, Congress, and Federal Reserve where the source is at? Don’t you think that would make more sense? The largest majority of OWS is the liberal left, and they won’t protest the WH because their buddy Obama-jad is residing there! One more thing, violence is NEVER the answer! As soon as that happens, the military is going to step in and put OWS in its place.” Violence begets violence”! If a protester throws a rock at an officer and gets shot back at and killed, don’t go crying to the media saying you got the raw end of the deal! You know very well that will be the case. It’s been a one sided story from OWSers! They will never talk about the positive things the police are doing. Only the bad!

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 04:25 PM

Originally posted by TheWalkingFox
reply to post by Ferris.Bueller.II

So we have one protestor threatening molotov cocktails.


Then this means that all the tea party posters we have on this thread are murderers, since once of their own gunned down a nine year old girl - and five other people - in an attempt to murder a Democratic senator?

Are you really upid? Do your research before you make such claims...!

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 06:36 PM

Originally posted by Wolfenz

Originally posted by ThirdEyeofHorus
reply to post by Wolfenz

ok That's a nice history lesson. OWS is Socialists, communists, Neo-Nazis, homeless, anarchist, radicals, Estonian communist anti corporation, anti Capitalist, and angry students who feel the govt should pay for their college education(see Socialists).

What's the percentage what is the Degree show me the Actual Pie chart ! from a Legit Source ! of what you mentioned ! !

Red Scare == CommIE ComiE Comie as you mention in a sense Twice !

Yet the Products you buy at you Local Big Box Stores at least 70% are Made In those Communist Places
( China ) mostly and another is Vietnam those Jobs are taken away from us ! by those American Company's and sending it (Product & Materials ) to a cheap Labor Force in China and American Owned Company's (1%) pocketing the Profit from Selling Their Made In China Products at the Same Cost .. Well Labor Paid Countries For a Example !

Vizio TV = China ! Labor for One 10 bucks a Day !
Samsung = Korea Labor for One 10 bucks an Hour !

the Cost of Purchase of Either One of those TV's is about the Same!

The Company's are Pocketing for Profit !

All American Owned Job's should be Here in the State's Not overseas

we (America ) made what china is and were in debt to them ? ! a Communist Country !

McCarthyism of the 50s and 60s Would not even allow this to Happen !

Trading Dealing with Commies!

The Cold War the South Asian Wars Korea Vietnam

yesterday I went to a Store called Dollar General Ive Seen a Baseball Cap Hat with a American Flag on it and i looked at the tag where it was made and it said China that sickened me !

Thanks Ill be hearing you!

I Apologize for my Piss Poor Grammar I must be going Senial with all that Fluoride that My Home Town has Been feeding ME !

So I Slightly Corrected My Self

NOW to Continue.... where i left Off as I was interrupted and had to Bounce Off ATS

Now we are Economically Weakened Loosing Jobs to Cheap Labor in Foreign Lands from Communist Counties and 3 World Countries Our Government is Growing 3rd World and Overpopulated Countries ( China India ) and For Some Reason Building up a Few Communist Countries ! and The U.S. s Forgetting Their Own People Here in the Economic Sling !

At the Mean Time we are Letting in Foreigners and illegals in this Country with Free Ticket Of Good Standing Credit !

Ive Seen Fresh of the Boat Plane Foreigners Taking Over this Country
I see them Eating Up Buying Business with that good Credit !

From From Small Stores to Hotels leading up to Commercial Industries !

They the Foreigners have nothing to loose ! Nothing ! If they Fail Miserably from a Business
they just allow themselves to be sent back where they came from !

Ive seen this and you People that live in big cities have seen this too !

I did Not Bealive it ,,, seeing I come from a Land of Agriculture in Upstate NY

I came to realize when I went to Chattanooga Tennessee
when I Had a Family Member Died and had to claim His Body

The Whole City was Scattered with Pakistani and Indian ( INDIA ) Ownership of Gas Stations Hotels Restaurants
to Store in the Mall to Selling Cell Phones Arcades to clothing Etc..
I thought this was the Deep South what the hell is going on here ! then it Hit ME! Real Hard!! Chattanooga
is a Fricken Transportation Travel Hub connected to at least 3 States on the Main Highways!

He have Foreigners Slowly coming taking our Land & Business

I should say that the Stature of liberty needs to close her Book and put down Here Torch For a Little While ..
and Stand Guard in a Suit of Armor as a Guard! saying Sorry People we need to take care of Our Own for a While and Try to get those One Percenters by Force to get The Jobs back here ..

Ohh by the Way you also Mention Nazi and Socialism ! they are basically Forms of Fascism!!

America Has Already been there for a Long Time ! and Now Even More its getting to be like that Nationalist Socialist Party back in the 30s to mid 40s in Germany

A Picture Worth a Thousand Words!

Fascist symbolism

Why The Outrage Now? Nobody Cares About Fascist Symbols In The House Of Representatives

Paul Joseph Watson | January 14 2005

edit on 19-11-2011 by Wolfenz because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 12:36 AM
reply to post by Wolfenz

This is the problem with both prison planet and icke: People with absolutely zero knowledge of semiotics or symbology think they see something, and jump to conclusions.

Until 1922, The fasces meant "working class democracy in action."

They were a symbol from the ancient Roman Republic. The lowest social class of freedmen, the plebs, elected their own leaders for every 100 voters, whose symbol was a birch rod, used to administer justice. The chief justice of the plebs, the "Lictor" alone had the power to condemn a man to death, but only when acting in concert with the other elders in the district.

The fasces was the symbol of a Lictor, acting in concert with his elected assistants, to mete out justice. The fasces is merely the lictor's axe, bound together and protected by the elders of the plebs; being bound together represents the unanimous decision needed to mete out punishment or make new law.

THAT's why the symbol is seen in the Senate, where orders of impeachment are originated......

But in Italy in 1922, Mussolini's blackshirts had staged a coup against the aristocrats and the beourgeoisie. He needed a symbol that showed that his revolution was against the upper class (even though leading Italians industrialists had financed him.)

Mussolini took that ancient symbol of democracy, the "fasces" and took it as the name and symbol for his entire movement.

Just like Hitler, in the same year, took an ancient symbol of harmony and peace, and reversed it (so he could make it uniquely his) and made it the symbol for his movement. Originally, the swastika was a world-wide symbol of balance, but it went in a counterclockwise direction.

In both cases, very ancient symbols of order were taken and perverted--probably permanently, since post-modern man is completely ignorant of both history and semiotics.

Not that any of this matters to the naybobs that post on ATS
edit on 20-11-2011 by tovenar because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 01:41 AM
they have molotov cocktails. I have a Bushmaster and...and.....and a LIGHTSABER!!
Silly violent protestor (notice it's singular) lost their weed somewhere in NY and needs help finding it.

posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 05:19 PM

Originally posted by tovenar
reply to post by Wolfenz

This is the problem with both prison planet and icke: People with absolutely zero knowledge of semiotics or symbology think they see something, and jump to conclusions.

Until 1922, The fasces meant "working class democracy in action."

They were a symbol from the ancient Roman Republic. The lowest social class of freedmen, the plebs, elected their own leaders for every 100 voters, whose symbol was a birch rod, used to administer justice. The chief justice of the plebs, the "Lictor" alone had the power to condemn a man to death, but only when acting in concert with the other elders in the district.

The fasces was the symbol of a Lictor, acting in concert with his elected assistants, to mete out justice. The fasces is merely the lictor's axe, bound together and protected by the elders of the plebs; being bound together represents the unanimous decision needed to mete out punishment or make new law.

THAT's why the symbol is seen in the Senate, where orders of impeachment are originated......

But in Italy in 1922, Mussolini's blackshirts had staged a coup against the aristocrats and the beourgeoisie. He needed a symbol that showed that his revolution was against the upper class (even though leading Italians industrialists had financed him.)

Mussolini took that ancient symbol of democracy, the "fasces" and took it as the name and symbol for his entire movement.

Just like Hitler, in the same year, took an ancient symbol of harmony and peace, and reversed it (so he could make it uniquely his) and made it the symbol for his movement. Originally, the swastika was a world-wide symbol of balance, but it went in a counterclockwise direction.

In both cases, very ancient symbols of order were taken and perverted--probably permanently, since post-modern man is completely ignorant of both history and semiotics.

Not that any of this matters to the naybobs that post on ATS
edit on 20-11-2011 by tovenar because: (no reason given)

For one for a Long Time I know the History of what the Facsit Symbol stands..

I have Used The site of Prison Plant for the PICTURES!!! was the Main focus Jumping Conclusions !

Some Refer The Symbol as Such ...

The Axe=== also represents The Lead Control of dissension !
and of what to Use and Not to use the Axe of Control that Surrounds Them !

The center=== Core Rod (the Handle ) Represents the Leading State,Country Etc..

The Bound Rods=== Represents the The Surrounding States or Minor Country's
Like the Commonwealth is towards The UK
or Countries that are Either Allied, or Owed a Debt to!!

Nazi Symbolism in today's American Senate - Jordan Maxwell


Hey isnt that Mel Brooks Signing in this Video! ?

"Political tags - such as royalist, communist, democrat, populist, fascist, liberal, conservative, and so forth - are never basic criteria. The human race divides politically into those who want people to be controlled and those who have no such desire." - Robert A. Heinlein

Its all in a Degree of the View of what the Fascism Symbol represents

Past Famed to Infamed Leaders had their Own Version of Vision about the Symbol and like Hitler with his Swastika that is Worldly known in other modern to Ancient Cultures From India China to North America

Im not Sure when the House of representatives put up those Fascist Symbols behind the Podium of what year !

Before Mussolini Before Hitler America Used the Symbol Also

The American (USA) Mercury Dime Came Out in 1916! with the Same Symbol

America Used ( Adopted ) Allot of Roman Influence Derived From the Brits as they Once Were Part of the Roman Empire for about 400 years .... Long Ago using that logic ! Half the World is As the Brits Reigned Power of the World by Influencing Others To Join them ! The countries they had a Hold of Started to rebel

Germany Tried their Attempt using Both Roman and Germanic Norse Ways Of Power and Failed Using Not Influence but Force Like the Ideology of the Huns! as Allied Countries Called them Huns !

20th century use in reference to Germans

America is all about getting to the Top and The Corporates Control the Land as they Control the Business
that Runs the Country !..... and Their Banks (Fed Reserve ) That Hold the Money For their Control

Hence I said F.E.D Meaning === F**cing Economic Development

The Occupy Movement is 84 Years To LATE!! Yet Some have Hope Others will Follow

( How Stuff Works )

What exactly is fascism?

Signs of a Fascist State

1 Absolute power of the State
2 Survival of the fittest
3 Strict social order
4 Authoritarian leadership

Strict social order: Social classes are strictly maintained in order to avoid "mob rule" or any hint of chaos. Chaos is a threat to the State. The State's absolute power and greatness depends on the maintenance of a class system in which every individual has a specific place, and that place cannot be altered.

Class system True The Ants & Bees and the Man

edit on 20-11-2011 by Wolfenz because: (no reason given)

edit on 20-11-2011 by Wolfenz because: Add how stuff works

edit on 20-11-2011 by Wolfenz because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 11:04 PM

Originally posted by Wolfenz

Nazi Symbolism in today's American Senate - Jordan Maxwell

A perfect example of what I was saying. The bailiff's mace, in the form of a fasces, show in your picture, has been used in the House of Representatives since 1789. The current one was constructed in 1846--more than 40 years before Benito Mussolini was even born!!!!

But don't let history get in your way.

And other thing. That's the house, not the senate in the footage. Bush was addressing the Congress in the House, because the Senate isn't big enough---it only has room for a hundred and one senators on the floor. And he's mispronouncing the item in question. It's a fasces, not a "fash-eye".

If he cannot get the basics right, do you really expect him to tell you anything of consequence about esoterica?

Again with the facts.
edit on 20-11-2011 by tovenar because: silliness abounds

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