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OWS Protester: …in a few days you’re going to see what a Molotov cocktail can do to Macy’s.

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posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 07:55 AM
looking it from the outside, and from a country with a heavy historial of protests and riots, i think the USA needs to experiment what we do. The status quo is something you can't keep right now, because revolution, in good or bad way is sprouting everywhere in the world as we speak. For one time in a very long time, the american dream's bubble is about to burst, and this is going to affect not only the protesters, but everyone at your country!

I think is lovely. Finally americans are starting to see what it is to have a personal opinion and defend it. It's probable that some people die, cause every revolution haves it's martyrs, and that even more people will get hurt. That's something natural when you talk about revolutions and you don't need to be scared about it.

The way the world sees americans is changing now too, in a very good way. If you win this round, be sure that a lot of countries will support your population, even some countries that now don't give a single # about your country, because what is hated outside your frontiers is not the population, but people in charge (politicians, bankers, business people, MSM, etc.).

Best wishes to all of you and please, keep the OWS (and the other Occupy's) going, it's the best thing that had happened to your country in ages.

edit on 17-11-2011 by Caggy because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 08:09 AM
ows protests and civil unrest check !

police burtality protecting their masters check

police state where the feds watch your every move check

body searches on domestic flights check

control of the media check

corporate control and funding of government and election campaigns check

government enforcing imperialistic polocies overseas and waging war in attempt to bring patriotism and national unity through violence and warfare check !

seems like a nazi controlled regime !

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 08:15 AM

Originally posted by xavi1000

Originally posted by Blaine91555
reply to post by RightWingAvenger

The US is the most free country on the planet right now.

Lol ..what a joke and false statement

Ok Mr Canadian, how's that Toronto communist takover going?
Got your Molotav's ready to go?

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 08:26 AM
This is long over due..

It is just a matter of time before this comes to a boil.
They should all arm themselves with tubes of crazy glue and at night just go and fill as many banks and financial buildings door locks as they can with crazy glue. No harm just some busy lock smiths!
If this is going down I can only hope that it goes down in a fashion where the globalist put it all out their and expose themselves by trying to stop the riots. I hope it's soooo bad that they have to call in the national gaurd I know it sounds bad but this is the only way to force these people to show their hands so to it effects the every day lives of normal people and wakes people up.

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 08:34 AM

Originally posted by sapien82
ows protests and civil unrest check !

police burtality protecting their masters check

police state where the feds watch your every move check

body searches on domestic flights check

control of the media check

corporate control and funding of government and election campaigns check

government enforcing imperialistic polocies overseas and waging war in attempt to bring patriotism and national unity through violence and warfare check !

seems like a nazi controlled regime !

It a taboo but the war winner alway make up history , like they are heroes and save the world and so on , but im pretty sure if nazi had won the war , thing would have been the same or maybe even better , look at germany now they are quite organised people and so on.
There is also other genocide made by american , in order to etablish their continent.
Actually a whole lot of nation commited genocide .
Usa even covered japenese gouvernement of unit 731 to get the data of their experiment.

And yet it all taboo , but the fact is there no nation better than another , there are lie only blattant lie and more lie that it. Some are just covering their lie better than other.

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 08:37 AM
In some cases violence is necessary. This is one of those cases. If you want such a big change as the occupiers seem to want, you cant just sit there and throw flowers and stick your peace sign out in the air. "wee waant chaange maaan, peeeace and looove" - it does not work. Its a lovely thought but as we could all witness, the police answered with tear gas and brutal beatings. Not surprising at all though.

Total destruction is the only solution in order to rebuild the system. Sad but true. Its time to use different measurements.

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 08:49 AM
reply to post by sapien82

Find me one Declaration showing that we wish to initiate Hitler-isque tactics?

You can't so defeated!

Hook, line, sinker, SUNK!

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 09:03 AM

Originally posted by Mythfury
These comments make me want to cry.
If you watched the video about burning the city to the ground, it's a black man, slappin his other black friends hand, while the people surrounding him started to leave and look at him like WTF. Seems like your generalization of the whole movement from one angry man.

What difference does it make about his color? What if it were two white men? Why can't people see past skin color?

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 09:08 AM
Oh my god i won't be able to do all of my christmas shopping at Macy's, the horrors these people want to inflict on us.

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 09:16 AM

Originally posted by Unknown Soldier
They start killing well then expect millions more protesters. There a hell of a lot more of us then them... and you!

Keep believing that, you want martyrs here, and are hoping that the majority of Americans will show up to support you and we can all have the violent revolution so many behind the scenes desire.

Problem is, the NYPD, and other police forces confronting the protests aren't going to easily give you those martyrs, They will use everything BUT lethal force when and where necessary, though IF the OWS protesters ramp up the violence with weapons and want a bloody war with the police then there may be some people killed.

In any scenario here, violence will not gain any new support for the movement, in fact OWS is already an extreme minority, and will only be even more isolated by acts of violence.... You don't represent the majority of the people, why should they support you? ... Hell most Americans don't even know what your movement stands for... You have no vocal and public leadership with a clear message.

The truth is.... There a hell of a lot more of us than them... and you.

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 09:39 AM
Attacking a Macys only hurts the $8 an hour worker. The 20yo earning extra money while at college. The single mother trying her best. If these people want a real day of action, then target the people they are protesting against. Go the the FED or the big banks and drag out the CEOs and presidents and hold them accountable for their actions. These people have no real direction or leadership, and television has everyone divided. Ive seen these people some are hippies and spoiled brats. Many are not. Most that i have seen are the people who have been screwed by the elite. The people who do work hard and just want a good life for their family, but are now seeing that the game is rigged and are now fighting back. The rising will come.

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 09:43 AM
How is this surprising? It should have been obvious that this is where it was going. Guess what you get with no real leadership and a mob mentality? A mob. What would burning down a Macy's accomplish? It wouldn't hurt the company; they have insurance. Who would it hurt then? Perhaps, a mother going shopping for Christmas presents with her 4-year-old daughter?

Let me be clear; I don't condone the violence used by the police at all. But the only people the protesters hurt when they occupy public spaces for months at a time is the public. Free speech does not mean turning a public park into a cesspool is OK.

Let's be honest. Yes, the MSM puts a spin on everything. But OWS made it so easy for them to make the movement look ridiculous. The movement destroyed itself.

How about looking at it factually? What's the difference between them, and say, the Ron Paul/libertarian grassroots movement? Hmm, let's see...

Ron Paul Campaign
Organization: Campaign offices everywhere
Leadership: Campaign management, etc.
Commong Goal: Liberty
Violence: Nope

Organization: Nope
Leadership: Nope
Commong Goal: Certainly not
Violence: Despite what you want to think, it exists

But I think the results are really what mater in cases such as these.

What has OWS accomplished? Giving the MSM something to 'report' on for a few months, increasing their revenue, and thus the power of those they are protesting against. Despite the efforts of some core dedicated members who actually understand the problems they're trying to address, they really haven't done much.

What about the Ron Paul campaign? Well, they brought a fringe candidate to the forefront, exposing some of the ore problems with our government to the masses, and are giving him a solid chance at throwing a wrench in this system OWS is so ticked-off at.

What they understand that OWS does not is this: the system is specifically designed to combat those who would oppose it by conventional force. The only way to beat the system is by using it against itself.

My message to OWS: time to put up or shut up. Either become a legitimate movement instead of a disorganized mob, or go away.

edit on 17-11-2011 by CaptainIraq because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 09:59 AM

Originally posted by CaptainIraq
How is this surprising? It should have been obvious that this is where it was going. Guess what you get with no real leadership and a mob mentality? A mob. What would burning down a Macy's accomplish? It wouldn't hurt the company; they have insurance. Who would it hurt then? Perhaps, a mother going shopping for Christmas presents with her 4-year-old daughter?

edit on 17-11-2011 by CaptainIraq because: (no reason given)

Actually is will hurt the insurance , and since everybody know or not insurance = banks

People are naive thinking that destroying a business of a big company will put their employe to unployement, let me tell you it a lie . Insurance are covering for disaster of this kind.

Today people think that destroying material is a violence ,could it be a sign that we are so materialist.
Or could it be that the bank those that insuring our stuff made us think this way.
What will result when insurance will be flooded of request to reimburse belonging ?
Sometime im wondering myself , we are so linked to our stuff , what if i get burgle and the guy take my laptop , what will i do , how many day of my life will be stolen , how many hours of labor ...

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 10:19 AM
They are not protesting, they are being a nuisance. We can petition the government for a redress of grievances.
If you want to fix the economic problem we're in, get rid of the privately owned bank called the Federal Reserve and start over because that cash & coin is all counterfeit. Notes are not money.

According to the United States Constitution no coin can be made that's not gold or silver and no cash can be issued that's not backed by gold or silver. Those in the Federal Reserve need to be arrested and tried in a court of law. The I.R.S are also private and need be prosecuted too.

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 10:31 AM
reply to post by Ferris.Bueller.II

ordo ab chao.

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 10:33 AM
reply to post by bostonsteamer

Attacking a Macys only hurts the $8 an hour worker.

They have to hire people to install new glass, so it evens stuff out. It's all about balance.

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 11:13 AM
reply to post by Ferris.Bueller.II

So what I want to know is why isn't this guy thrown in jail for planning a terrorist attack? I don't care if it's one bad apple in the midst of a thousand people. If something bad happens, and a lot of people get hurt or killed, OWS people better be ready because they will get the blame. You can't just walk away when you hear somebody talk like this and think that you won't be associated. Tell the police if someone says they are going to do something violent. I know a lot of people like to talk the big talk...but what is going to happen when somebody decides to walk the walk? This whole mess is crazy. I really hope that nobody does anything stupid.
By the way, I'm not saying that it would be everyone's fault if one person did something. But do you really think that the world will see it as one bad person. No, they will associate it with the whole movement.

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 11:20 AM
reply to post by stephanies-chase

he was arrested on terrorism charges

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 11:50 AM
So someone interviewed an idiot...big deal.
go to any mass of people and you will find all sorts of personalities. Now, you can focus on the lone voice of insanity, or observe the mass

Has it been rampant violence and chaos? no..not even remotely. so, the point of this thread is...what exactly? oh, right...that humans have in their midst the odd proven by this thread and many posters in here anyhow.

Sure, OWS is a violent mob, and the tea party was little more than a racist facist corporatist plant...if you decide to paint the entire group based on the individual crazy voice of the most extreme, then there is not a single group or organization out there that is sane...

And ATS incidently is home to the criminally insane psychopaths whom believe obama is a literal reptilian alien..not metaphoric..but actual sleestak...after all, all it takes is for one person to say it to paint the whole group by ops logic.

go crawl back in your corporatist lacky hole.
edit on 17-11-2011 by SaturnFX because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 11:52 AM

Originally posted by Crakeur
reply to post by stephanies-chase

he was arrested on terrorism charges

Good call (maybe)...but where does freedom of speech end and threatening assult start. I guess its all in the details.
This city should burn...freedom of speech...lets burn down go.

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