posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 07:51 PM
You guys...
Pick one:
1) Ron Paul is a fake. The proverbial antichrist. Too good too be true. A Trojan horse.
2) He is the real deal. Everything we need in a president. Unfortunately, one man cannot stand up to the banksters. So, he will get assassinated. Just
like Kennedy.
I'm leaning towards #2, but then there's always the possibility of a miracle happening... Better start praying! Oh but I forgot, religion is for
Guess we're screwed!
Seriously, do you think the banking cabal is gonna just say "Well, we're screwed now guys! The American people VOTED... and THAT MEANS something!"
...Gimme a break.
*Bugs Bunny voice* What a maroon!
They will use their heart attack gun or hypnotized him into committing suicide in a dark alley somewhere...
The only thing that can change anything is an actual uprising of the people. Not this sissy, wussy, occupy crap. I'm talkin torches and pitchforks.
In every state. Simultaneously.
Which brings the question noone will be able to agree on anyway: What then?
Continue the same system so that in a few generations we can start the downward spiral into hell once more? The elites will just go into hiding and
come out again in 50-100 or 500 years, when the time is ripe. There needs to be a law against secret societies. And they must be actively sought out
and disbanded or imprisoned. This means giving up some of your own privacy. But if it eliminates THESE terrorists, its almost worth it. If we had a
global government, we could have true transparency because there would be no fear of "the enemy" learning our secrets and defense strategies, etc.
I dunno... I give up for now as I'm out of ideas at the moment. Someone else take over. We should all work together on this.