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Lawyers: Court order will allow Occupy Wall Street protesters to return after police sweep

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posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 01:07 PM

Lawyers: Court order will allow Occupy Wall Street protesters to return after police sweep

NEW YORK, N.Y. - Hundreds of police officers in riot gear before dawn Tuesday raided the New York City park where the Occupy Wall Street protests began, evicting and arresting hundreds of protesters from what has become the epicenter of the worldwide movement protesting corporate greed and economic inequality.
Hours later, the status of the now-empty park remained in limbo as National Lawyers Guild obtained a court order allowing the protesters to return with their tents.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 01:07 PM
I was wondering about this... Would they set up barricades to prevent people from returning? It seems not.

Wouldn't it have been easier and cheaper to provide all citizens with brooms, water tanks and garbage pales? Rather than paying officers overtime to smash, condemn and trash + risk civilian injury and keep people out-of-jail?...

This cycle may continue for years.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 01:11 PM
I think it is funny as hell that the police are now being relegated to cleaning up garbage.


posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 01:13 PM
As I understand it, Oakland is expecting a similar Court ruling this afternoon. If these Judges want to cede public land to a mob, they should be forced to LIVE in the camps with them. Let them smell, feel and experience that which they are forcing on the community by their 'do gooder' intentions and decisions.

Okay, now this just hurts for New York. The community was feeling truly relieved and happy for the first time in weeks that they would have ONE NIGHT without the damn drums and crowds of people just kinda hanging out and making a nuisance of themselves. Poor folks won't even get that 1 night, it seems. If the courts follow through on this...Hell, they might as well rename these parks and plaza's in OWS's honor. They will functionally OWN the land and nothing anyone says or does will be capable of changing it.

So much for law and order.... If one judge decides it isn't law he likes and the order isn't within his sense of fairness, the overall needs of the community and city are just tossed in the trash. Power to the people....even if those people are out of control. I just about give up.

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 01:31 PM
reply to post by CALGARIAN

You guys are joking............ right?

Im pretty sure "police sweep" doesnt mean the police will be made to sweep the park with brooms.

I mean come on, dont you guys play military shooters?
edit on 15-11-2011 by ClydeFrog42 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 01:31 PM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

I know, how dare they disturb the shining beacon of serenity that is New York city.

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 01:44 PM
lawyers and judges worried about they image - its them is the root of all evil they rule this land with rules/laws and they and they alone as BAR association members names "Esquire" = a royal title like knight - the royals and they eunich horns the so called jews who rule and reign those who are not judah they are judice and betray the line of David for few COIN and they are and always have been the = judicial = levites = judges they are the ones that rule (see royal crest coat of arms) and they high council rules the world through the BAR association and banks = temples andbench they sit at = Bench in latin is Bank!!! they are by definition bankers same with the jews who are not the line of judah but are the liner of judice - - - levites and mixed race

They are anti-christ the lot

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 01:45 PM
reply to post by RSF77

I notice your location as St Louis. If you're going by OccupySTL as a comparison, that doesn't help much. They're an example of one I really think was handled well and within what the community was largely willing to tolerate. As I understand it, they are looking for alternate locations which may welcome them or at least be receptive and not simply forcibly claiming public land they've now been evicted from by the city.

NYC, Oakland, Portland and contrast, have a community around them that are about to remove them by citizen action totally OUTSIDE of the law if the noise, chaos and menace to the local population shows no sign of letting up. 99%? No.... Not even remotely CLOSE.

Can the MOVEMENT have large support? Why not? There is little about the movement itself to argue with, if one can get a protester and not an uneducated street urchin to answer the questions on that topic. Therein lies the problem though.

As someone else pointed out in another thread..about 20% are the hardcore, true believer protesters. 30% are similar but not committed enough to even try this without the party/high school atmosphere of the camps running 24/7...and a pretty solid 50% are scumbags out between their regular trips into their state's correctional system. That 50-80% are destroying everything....and the 20% are powerless to stop it anymore. It's sad to watch..and this won't end well.


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