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Russian Mars Probe Fails. Grand total = 18.

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posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 10:06 AM
Wow, did anyone realise just how unsuccessful the Russian space program has been in trying to reach Mars?


Phobos-Grunt is Russia's first attempt at a planetary mission since 1996, when the Mars 96 spacecraft crashed into the Pacific Ocean. If Phobos-Grunt cannot be saved, it would continue Russia's long string of Mars failures. The nation has launched 18 other spacecraft toward the Red Planet since 1960, and not one of them achieved full mission success.

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 10:14 AM
reply to post by dtrock78

They never could do anything and do it right except murder people. Unfortunately the Communists and Socialists who have managed to get control of the US and its Government are just as incompetent. Therefore the US is crashing the same way. It is a concerted effort to set the world back into the stone age. The Globalists have this idea they are going to destroy the planet and move to their beloved Mars.They are so disconnected to reality and what it takes. Guess what NWO boys your going to sit this out with the rest of us. Your not going any where either. I am not a Religious Bible thumper but the book of Revelations that NWO crowd love so well says. They will be cast back to the earth. Looks like its happening.

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 10:19 AM

Originally posted by redrose123
reply to post by dtrock78

They never could do anything and do it right except murder people. Unfortunately the Communists and Socialists who have managed to get control of the US and its Government are just as incompetent. Therefore the US is crashing the same way. It is a concerted effort to set the world back into the stone age. The Globalists have this idea they are going to destroy the planet and move to their beloved Mars.They are so disconnected to reality and what it takes. Guess what NWO boys your going to sit this out with the rest of us. Your not going any where either. I am not a Religious Bible thumper but the book of Revelations that NWO crowd love so well says. They will be cast back to the earth. Looks like its happening.

Unrelated tripe. America is falling to the right wing Corporatocracy not the left wing you utter fool.


On topic. Fascinating - I remember reading about probes just suddenly vanishing without warning, has anyone got any info on that?

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 10:23 AM

Originally posted by redrose123
reply to post by dtrock78

They never could do anything and do it right except murder people. Unfortunately the Communists and Socialists who have managed to get control of the US and its Government are just as incompetent. Therefore the US is crashing the same way. It is a concerted effort to set the world back into the stone age. The Globalists have this idea they are going to destroy the planet and move to their beloved Mars.They are so disconnected to reality and what it takes. Guess what NWO boys your going to sit this out with the rest of us. Your not going any where either. I am not a Religious Bible thumper but the book of Revelations that NWO crowd love so well says. They will be cast back to the earth. Looks like its happening.

Lol whoa , don't forget who was first up in space . Russia has done many things that has paved the way for NASA ...

Yes russians have had alot of mishaps , its only because of tight budgets and lack of foresight like nasa has.

You see the russians don't like to make every safety check , percaution , and wtf fixes like nasa does. Nasa takes the time to evaluate much deeper then the russians do , and these are the types of mishaps and previous mishaps that happen. Usually something very small and over looked .

You can blame this on there ego , and lust of doing the job done fast and getting her done. But in all the rushing and maddness small things get over looked. and costs billions .

Will they learn ? Probably not , its just there nature . g0g0g0g0 beat the americans. lol

Russians needs over sight from NASA on future missions much more then it is now . Nasa could even make a few extra bucks helping them russians .

It sucks for russia but we must keep pushing and learning from our mistakes and not repeating them. Thats the important thing here.

We are no where near space tours for commercial use yet , but people have to learn the hard way for that.

BTW i would say usa is far better at killing people then russians

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 10:23 AM
Keeping up with the boys over seas is getting harder all the time for sure . Just like scientists and their theories , the ones at Nasa are not in the business of proving or disproving other peoples theories that are not on the payroll .
Everybody can make war given their successes in that , space race to another planet is another story .

I think the Russian part is that they have way to many political minds influencing the choices that their federation is in business for . Looking for the glory when there has been failures , who will jump off that sinking ship , we will soon see i suspect .

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 10:33 AM
There is more to these failuers than meets the eye. The Russians were circling the earth when the US was still smelling its finger.

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 10:44 AM
Aw man, kind of feel bad about this one. It was going to bring back samples from Mars in a few years time, and that would have been awesome.

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 10:48 AM

Originally posted by jcord
There is more to these failuers than meets the eye. The Russians were circling the earth when the US was still smelling its finger.

A lot of speculation can be made as to if there are outside or inside influences . One perhaps could be to let the Chinese catch up and let them take the lead while Russia sits back and plays the bouncer as it were since they have agreed on so much together . But playing the middle man with the USA and perhaps the Chinese as well , you know what happens when you burn the candle at both ends .

Back door deals tend to find their way into the public eye sooner or later if there is more going on .

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 10:48 AM
reply to post by dtrock78

What is the coincidence? I mean I have to ask, I'm tired of hollow implications just come out and state it. Preferably with some kind of support.

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 11:26 AM
Knowing one day they might need it they may very well be putting military assets in Deep Space under the guise of "Mars probes"...and when they don't have scientific data or images to back up their launches....."sorry they were all failures".

You just never know.....

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 02:27 PM
I'm not one to usually float out conspiracy theories. I prefer to stick to the facts for the most part.

However, 18 full/partial mission failures in a row to Mars seems out of the ordinary for me.

Especially given Russia's track record with every other space mission type. Hell, they successfully landed a probe on Venus decades ago.

Something doesn't feel right about this, and that's probably the last time you'll hear me state something like that on here.

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 03:06 PM
reply to post by dtrock78

I suppose that our in-house expert will strongly disagree, but I content that the USSR tended to concentrate on finding Venus as the home for the UFOs and the US tended to look to Mars. We won the contest because we had a head start. They tried to play catch-up once they found that Venus was rather more inhospital than Mars. Was there some funny business that helped their ineptness? I think you can count on it. We had good reason. Once we had the Vikings up there and learned some surprising details (officially denied) from the Viking "search for life" experiments and especially details about Phobos that were not quite ready for prime time and still aren't.
(No further response from this quarter.)

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 03:52 PM
reply to post by Aliensun

Are you referring to Oberg or someone else

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 06:52 AM
reply to post by watchdog8110

I believe that the Vatican controls access to space. Just a gut feeling.

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 10:50 AM

Originally posted by jcord
reply to post by watchdog8110

I believe that the Vatican controls access to space. Just a gut feeling.

don't get me started on the Vatican and the things they have and have not done in support of their organization .

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 11:08 AM
reply to post by dtrock78

How about the following, if this is True then what else went wrong

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 02:19 PM
reply to post by steaming

Great post, Steaming!

I had actually caught the episode on Dark Matters last week on this, the audio transcripts are chilling...

You should make a separate post for this

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 02:29 PM
Russia should hire NASA to send their lil probes to Mars. We could trade off some free flights to the space station or something.

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