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I want to keep this short and simple...the topic is Unity

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posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 03:30 PM
Hello there,

I dont post here very often because frankly: I don't like to argue.

I see so much potential go to waste in this forum because of arguing and pettiness.

Its more about who is right, who can type better and more clearly, who is the deepest thinker..etc

rather than

People from all over the world coming together...solving problems and sharing opinions with humility and open minds.

Just for a second try to imagine what these forums could be if everyone had respect for eachothers opinions no matter how ridiculous they might sound to you. Imagine if everyone:

Took their time to really think before responding


Respected others opinions and chose to agree or disagree in a friendly manner

If someone attacked you, imagine how fast you could prevent further nonsense by either choosing not to respond or by responding in a calm way without trying to cause ANY HARM WHATSOEVER, knowing you are being the bigger man/women by doing so.

I would also like you to imagine:

What if ATS was deemed a threat to TPTB, what if they saw that this forum has great potential to be a cataclyst for awakening many many people, what if they are afraid that this very forum could, dare I say, CHANGE THE WORLD, due to so many like minds coming together and discovering the truth by exposing the lies...

What if the solution was to create disharmony by creating accounts on this site who's sole purpose are to create disharmony through arguing and personal attacks. What kind of effect that would have on this site? Im sure you can...........................................

Im just saying its something to think about. This site CAN change the world...and it already has but to what extent should we allow it to change the world?

edit on 14-11-2011 by ZacharyW because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 03:36 PM
What , like this?


posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 03:37 PM

Originally posted by ZacharyW
Just for a second try to imagine what these forums could be if everyone had respect for each others opinions no matter how ridiculous they might sound to you.

Okay. I'm imagining it. Here's the flaw in your argument.

If your opinions are ridiculous, I refuse to respect them. Simple as that. Are you going to somehow make me respect your stupid opinions? That'll be the day.

posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 03:37 PM

Originally posted by ZacharyW
What if ATS was deemed a threat to TPTB, what if they saw that this forum has great potential to be a cataclyst for awakening many many people, what if they are afraid that this vcery could, dare I say CHANGE THE WORLD, due to so many like minds coming together and discovering the truth by exposing the lies...

If it was an threat it wouldn't be here, it is more likely that ATS is ran by the TPTB or allowed to with TPTB employee over watch for example - "mods" "trolls" "disinfo agents"

posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 03:39 PM
ATS, like Coast to Coast AM, is a good place to coral most of the "threats" to the powers that be and keep an eye on them. The arguing is the battle of egos that can't accept information that's not their own and doesn't have the pretty wrapping on it like the TV gives to it.

I don't get caught up in the 25 pages arguments in here which are anti-productive and usually derail the topic being discussed until eventually it's forgotten about.

And we are united here, but we're not all on the same pages. I try to embrace the diversity here instead of arguing about it.

posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 03:59 PM

Originally posted by 12voltz
What , like this?


And where did that get us?
Michael Jackson on trial for child molestation.
Diana Ross lookin like a treasure troll.
Kenny Rogers made those unbearable "Gambler" movies for Hallmark
Willie Nelson constantly in trouble with weed.
Dionne Warwick doing crazy psychic commercials.
Poor John Oates. Always stuck in the background while Darryl Hall hogs up all the camera time.

Never again....

What exactly did that do for Africa again?

posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 04:03 PM
reply to post by ZacharyW

The realization is that not everything is as it appears and ATS being one of them.

What if the solution was to create disharmony by creating accounts on this site who's sole purpose are to create disharmony through arguing and personal attacks. What kind of effect that would have on this site? Im sure you can........................................... Im just saying its something to think about. This site CAN change the world...and it already has but to what extent should we allow it to change the world?

If ATS were a true location to discuss all topics allowing change as in Free Speech (within reason) in contributing to changing the world then we wouldn't have topics so often met with the infamous 404'd.

Just saw a thread posted by an individual who had recently had their thread 404'd and his second thread pointing this out also went into the trash bin.

Could it be due to it referencing another site that had tied this site to the Govt perhaps ?

So we could unite all we would like here on ATS but everything said is scrutinized and if the topics transcend what we are not to discuss as it pertains to the regulatory authorities called moderators then it will not meet the internet airwaves for long if at all.


posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 04:20 PM

Originally posted by Blue Shift

Originally posted by ZacharyW
Just for a second try to imagine what these forums could be if everyone had respect for each others opinions no matter how ridiculous they might sound to you.

Okay. I'm imagining it. Here's the flaw in your argument.

If your opinions are ridiculous, I refuse to respect them. Simple as that. Are you going to somehow make me respect your stupid opinions? That'll be the day.

Okay, I'm keeping an open mind. Here's the flaw in your argument.

You don't know everything, so you might call something stupid that isn't. So its better to just ignore something you don't agree with. Or, you can respectfully offer some form of proof as to why what you are disagreeing with is wrong.

Otherwise, disagreeing with something that you think is stupid that is actually true will leave you being blindly ignorant.

posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 04:37 PM

Originally posted by smithjustinb
Okay, I'm keeping an open mind. Here's the flaw in your argument.

You don't know everything, so you might call something stupid that isn't. So its better to just ignore something you don't agree with. Or, you can respectfully offer some form of proof as to why what you are disagreeing with is wrong.

Otherwise, disagreeing with something that you think is stupid that is actually true will leave you being blindly ignorant.

And my response to that is, "So what?" So what if I'm stupid or ignorant, and I refuse to offer proof as to why I'm disagreeing with somebody? Are you going to automatically claim superiority over me and refuse MY point of view? See, a debate only works if both sides are willing to do it. And where there is no debate, the only thing that settles the issue is power, not happy cooperation.

For instance, what if I said that I believed very strongly in the Bible, and because the Bible says homosexuality is an abomination and homosexuals should be killed, that's what I believe. There's no debate or discussion. You're not going to change my mind with your so-called "logic." The only way you're going to stop me from killing homosexuals is if you have the power of the law on your side.

Of course, ATS is not the general world, and the power and police here are the owners of the site. But short of booting either one of us off the site for violating the Terms and Conditions, there is NO WAY you can get me to agree with you or your point of view if I don't want to. And that includes your naive notions of "unity." To me, Nazis thrive in unity. Otherwise, I think the challenge of conflict, no matter how it manifests itself, is a healthier and more natural way of doing things.

posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 05:31 PM
I know exactly what you mean OP and I completely agree.


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