posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 07:23 AM
Life is a tragedy for those who feel, and a comedy for those who think. - Jean De La Bruyere
we get so caught up in living our lives that i think we often forget to give thanks for life itself. i did not give myself breath. i did not create
myself. so why should i not give thanks for being given this opportunity to love? He gave me life...who am i to not give it back to
i remember the moment i realized how interconnected we were: i had this vision of a tiny little ant rejoicing at the top of his lungs...i saw him
standing on what looked like a globe and i could see his tiny silhouette standing on the world, arms flailing, him jumping and celebrating. he found
his place. he knew that he was just a part of it all and was so thankful to finally see that. and tool's song parabola was playing
"Twirling round with this familiar
Spinning, weaving round each new
Recognize this as a holy gift and
celebrate this chance to be alive and
breathing, this chance to be alive and
This body holding me reminds me of my
own mortality.
Embrace this moment. Remember. we
are eternal.
all this pain is an illusion."
i think that people spend too much time trying to define themselves outwardly. you are who you are. you are not special. you are not significant. you
do not matter. you are just an ant with a sense of awareness. you still belong to the not fool yourself. but find peace in this. you
don't have to live up to anyone's expectations but your own. embrace your nothingness, it's all you are. stop taking yourselves so seriously. IT
whether i be the mouth of God or His pinky toe, i'm still a part of Him, here to serve a purpose. i was already given a purpose, i don't need to go
and find myself...i just need to listen and my TRUE SELF will show itself. i spent a large portion of my life (i'm only 27 so not long, i know)
thinking that i needed to find my place in this world. little did i know that i was born right in my place and all i had to do was embrace the
divinity that God had created.
i once cared about possessions until i realized that possessions were just as fake as the money i bought them with. this is not to say that i still
don't like my toys, but i don't care about material things anymore. man made money as well as the things that man buys with money.'s
just a fabrication within this "existence". nothing to get carried away with/by. this computer i'm typing on...isn't real. the only things that
are real, were made by Him.
as i grow older, the more and more thankful i become. i have been given life! life! the chance to experience. the opportunity to love. how could i not
be thankful?
through the ups and downs...the joys and sorrows...the prosperity and poverty...the health and the sickness...the good and the bad...the right and the
wrong...the love and the hate...the forest and the desert...the air and the water...the brothers and sisters...the night and the day...the life and
the death...i am so thankful to be given the opportunity to experience this moment...this time...this life...this breath. so thankful that I AM able
to just be. so through it all...i will remain thankful that I AM.