posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 02:44 PM
If this were anything more than an interesting reaction to thermal stimulus then I would be impressed. But it appears that light is rather less
important to this effect than is heat, and that doesnt interest me nearly as much. We have had materials that bend under heating in a controlled
manner for years, in fire alarms and other gizmos.
I will say this though, the reaction is far faster, and happens at a far lower temperature than I thought, but I doubt very much that this reaction
is purely the work of photons.
If it were , and the idea could be applied to larger items, then it would be a fantastic augmentation to a space craft for in system use. The sails
could fold away when the sun is gone, and fold out when it appears , without having to be instructed to do so, or have programming and memory taken up
with a computer controlled version of that action.