posted on Sep, 3 2004 @ 06:32 AM
Really new to the subject, but shocked already. Well, it's kinda weird but in the past days I've been reading about OOBE and lucid dreaming and jsut
rememberd that well, I had both experiences... The first time I experienced OOBE I remember I was floating along my room in a non regular pattern, I
was in peace, much more than I've ever been in my entire life, It's as if I was looking without using my eyes, I could see ever so vividly, much
more vivid than I see with my very own eyes. Then, I "fell back into my body" and woke up. Second time OOBE was pretty much the same, I won't bore
you with it. But what really gave me the creeps was "lucid dreaming". Even if I have never had a SERIOUS lucid dream, I have been in the process
that some people undertake to have one. Basically, observing this from a purely scientific way, it seems possible that during the REM phase of sleep
you can have micro-wake ups. during REM fase, your brain sends input to all of the body muscles to stop moving and throws you into a state of
paralysis. Now if you happen to wake up , but not completely during this phase, you get one of the worst experiences in life. Or at least it was so
for me. I remember perfectly, I was 12 back then, I went to sleep and the next thing I remember is that I was perfectly awake, only that I couldn't
move any muscles, and that I obviously was blind, since my eyes were closed and my eyelids weren't working. I also remember perfectly that I felt
there was a presence in the room, I was hearing the most absurd sounds, some were like water dripping mixed with brief very high pitched sounds,
seemed nearly synthesized now that I think of it. And.. I was seeing really weird things, they were of every colour possibly imaginable and looked
like very small pills everywhere... overwhelming the place. And then I remember I felt like somebody was touching my forehead and immediately after I
woke up and started sweating like mad. I remember having the creepy feeling of a presence in the room, but then dismissed it all as a dream and got
back to sleep. One of the worst experiences in my life :S